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Friday Fictioneers ~ Nov 23

Another Friday means another fun Friday Fictioneers.  I would like to thank Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting this great story telling event. What is Friday Fictioneers you ask? Well let me explain!

This event happens every Friday, we are given a picture as a prompt. We are to write a 100 word story using that picture prompt. (there are no penalties for going over) We leave a link at our hostess’s blog for all others to click so that they can read, leave comments and enjoy!

I’ve been doing it about a month now  and I really enjoy it. It is great fiction! It always amazes me how many different stories come out of the same photo. Please come and join us! It’s great fun and great practice to your writing. Also, it doesn’t have to be a story, you can do poetry or whatever you want. Just keep as close to 100 words as possible.

Here is this Fridays picture:

Copyright-Joyce Johnson




“We go this way!” Ellen said pointing to the hand on the wall.

“Well let’s go!”  Excited, Tom told Ellen.

They opened the door  and walked through. Once inside the door slammed shut behind them.

“Oh My God! Look Tom!! Look!” cried Ellen.

They both stood staring. What the hell did they get themselves into? In desperation they turned to the door and tried to open it but it was locked tight.

“Damn, I can’t get the  door open again!” Tom pulled at the door.


Then they heard chuckling on the other side of it.

“Have a wonderful day!”

It was the last thing they heard.


27 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ~ Nov 23

  1. That finger is definitely not the right way, I’ve learned by reading all contributions. A very nice story, and I guess we are about the same level of addiction


  2. well done. suggestion – how to save some words – this sentence:

    “Well let’s go!” Excited, Tom told Ellen.

    thanks to the exclamation point, we know tom is excited, so you don’t need to write it. and tom is only talking to ellen, so you only need to write “tom said.”


  3. I enjoyed the story. There are a few repetitive and unnecessary words that could be pruned to give you extra words to play with. I wonder what kind of hall of horrors they were locked in?


  4. Just a few more ideas to save words that you might want to use elsewhere…
    In sentence 1–Just say “Ellen pointed to the hand on the wall.” OK, the form won’t go farther down, so I’ll try again in another post.


    1. Thanks for your help! sometimes I need it. 🙂 I will keep all suggestions in mind next Friday. Thank you.


  5. Hi Jackie,
    First I wanted to say I love your slogan, To breathe is to write. That’s exactly my feeling about writing. Your story was chilling. Behind closed doors, lots of awful things happen. Ron


    1. Hey Ron,

      Thanks for reading. Yes, behind closed doors can be frightening. Thanks about the slogan. It is how I feel, always have.


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