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Friday Fictioneers ~~ Nov 30

Here’s to another Friday Fictioneers post! I just love Fridays! Thank you Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting and for today’s picture! Congrats on your 41st  wedding Anniversary!

This event happens every Friday, we are given a picture as a prompt. We are to write a 100 word story using that picture prompt. (there are no penalties for going over) We leave a link at our hostess’s blog for all others to click so that they can read, leave comments and enjoy!

It always amazes me how many different stories come out of the same photo. Please come and join us! It’s great fun and great practice to your writing. Also, it doesn’t have to be a story, you can do poetry or whatever you want. Just keep as close to 100 words as possible.

Here is this Fridays picture:




He waited patiently for her. He just bought the perfect Christmas present! She was going to love it! He had thought  for days what to get. Every year he tried to get the perfect gift because she was the perfect woman for him!

Hope he got it right this time. Not that she ever complained. He was the one who always said he didn’t get it right. She would just smile that perfect smile and pat his hand.

There she was! Perfectly dressed and always on time. He was so glad when they moved to Stepford last year! It was the perfect place for them.

41 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ~~ Nov 30

    1. Hi Liam! No, I didn’t invent it. Others did, I just joined a month or so ago. It’s great fun and everyone is very nice and welcoming. You should give it a try!


        1. yes there is a link on my story to get the rules and the picture. Just click on it. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is the host and she has the picture and how to play. Good luck!


  1. And everything was just perfect… 😉
    Hi Jackie, I will join in the future posts…It’s a great idea.
    Have a great (and perfect) weekend.


  2. oh! i was wondering what was happening, and Stepford summed it all up. well done. sorry for those of you who don’t know what stepford is.


    1. huh I would think just about everyone knew what Stepford was. But maybe not. Between the movies and book. I apologize to those that don’t.


    1. Thank you! Yeah, being a stepford wife would not be for me. I would probably fry a circuit and hurt someone. 🙂


    1. oh, the time line. Well I thought it takes time to make a ‘Stepford wife’ thats why I put it like that. Does that make sense? I mean it does to me, but maybe not to the reader.


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