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Friday Fictioneers ~ Jan 25


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going over or under the word count.)


Make every word count.

Thank you Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for hosting. Everyone is welcome to join us in the fun by either writing a short story or by reading and commenting. Enjoy!

This week’s picture:

Copyright-Renee Homan Heath
Copyright-Renee Homan Heath

The warm sand felt good beneath her feet. Pushing up her glasses with one finger she stared off into the distance. Her dream vacation. Sunshine and adventure. Two days in, plenty of sunshine. No adventure.

She shrugged her shoulders and continued walking.  Books were how she usually got her excitement so she had decided to go somewhere exotic, out of her comfort zone. Suddenly she felt something hit her back.

Turning she screamed as a large dog  knocked her on her butt as it grabbed a yellow Frisbee. Spread out on the sand with the wind knocked out of her she heard deep masculine laughter as a strong hand reached down and pulled her to her feet.

Her adventure began.

58 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ~ Jan 25

  1. I’ve always meant to mention how much I like the picture at the top of your blog, of the lake. So I’m going to do that right away so that I don’t forget for yet another week.

    Good luck to her. Sounds promising so far! Just wondered whether you want “begins” or “began” at the very end. It may be just me, but I find the tense change jolting after your lovely story.



    1. Is there a tense difference? I have a hard time with tense. Sorry if there is. I will re-read and adjust if necessary. thank you. Anytime you see a tense difference please point it out as I am trying to get better with that. Also, thank you for the notice on the header. I like it also. So serene and relaxing. Just where I would like to be.


  2. Yea for her! It was probably Doug in a Disc Golf Tourney… but I don’t think he has a dog… so probably not. The question… was he aiming? Good story.


    1. I’m thinking they fell in love and lived a happy life. I’m a sucker for romance too. Especially when I have control over the ending 🙂


  3. usually – not always – you won’t get the wind knocked out of you if you land on your butt. but i like the scene. well done


    1. Well my girl got the wind knocked out of her. I suppose I could have said back instead of butt. Eh, thanks for commenting.


  4. Well, I don’t wanna brag, but that frisbee and dog belong to me! Her adventure is about to be how to believably feign a severe headache before I can feign that bogus masculine laughter and strong hand even one more minute …


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