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Daily Prompt: Keep Out

Daily Prompt: Keep Out

by michelle w. on July 9, 2013

Who is the one person you hope isn’t reading your blog? Why?


I would have to say the #1 person I hope isn’t and never does read my blog is my ex. If  he reads my blog then he would know where I am. I don’t think he can get into Canada, but I’m not positive. Knowing him he would BS his way to crossing the border. I have no idea if he has a passport. I have no idea if Canada would let him in. Depends on if he was able to talk the officials into deleting any criminal records. Knowing my ex, he would get it done.


Even after years of living in Canada, I still am very vigilant about my surroundings. I scout out parking lots at stores, I glance at any passing vehicle. I find myself still, though I hate it, looking to see if my ex shows up. After being stalked for years, you get into habits. These habits I’m not willing to break. At least not just yet.

The other people I hope not to read my blogs is my family. My mother, my 2 brothers and even my sister. Now most people wouldn’t mind their family reading their blog. They don’t have my family. It’s not that I’m not proud of my blog. I am. Both of them. (My food blog at )

My family is and always has been super critical of me and anything I do. They all disliked my ex. Well after the divorce anyway. My brothers didn’t mind partying at strip joints with him when they lived with me for short periods of time. Now of course they all have selective memories. It’s amazing how that works.

They all for some reason associate me with my ex. They seem to think that they know what went on behind closed doors. They seem to think they know what went on in my marriage, even though they hardly talked to me and lived across country. Now, they still bring up stuff that has more to do with my crazy ex than me. I certainly couldn’t control the man. Amazing they think I was just like him, or worse. But then they have always been quick to judge me, and not for the good.

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Do I sound bitter? Yeah, maybe just a tad. It was just last month my younger brother wrote something bad on one of my blogs. My tribute to my Dad. I trashed it of course. But it hurt like hell. Why attack me when all I did was talk lovingly about my Dad? I don’t understand that at all. I just spoke the truth. I guess after some of what they did to me the truth bothers them. Ah well. Tough to be them I suppose.

Anyway, I don’t like being bitter. So I usually shrug it off. My family is what they are. I leave them alone and hope they leave me alone. Good thing I have good friends who know me and know what happened during my marriage to my ex. They know the truth, my family just guesses.

Maybe they should read my blog. Maybe they should find out some of what was happening to me back then. But they won’t. So I’m now letting it go. Thank you readers for putting up with my little bit of bitterness. I’m flushing it now. Back to smiling again.



12 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Keep Out

  1. I spent 16 years looking over my shoulder for my ex who promised to kill me and my children. When he died, committed suicide, it took awhile to break the habit, but it has been freeing since. I hope you can find that peace one day. As for your tribute to your dad, it was lovely.


    1. I probably in a way will always look over my shoulder till either I’m dead or he is. Eh, such is life. I manage and have grown stronger each year. I have found peace in a way here in Canada, but you know life itself is sometimes trying. 😉 And thank you Lois for always reading.


  2. I was stalked for a period of time after college. It was very frightening. I can’t imagine years of coping with it. I hope you find peace, and your blog(s) are very uplifting to me. Keep on!


    1. Thank you very much Helen. I am on the whole a very positive person. So I will keep on keeping on. 🙂


  3. You wrote this from the heart and it resonates. Thanks for being open and honest. I too, cut myself off from those that only want to strike out and be judgemental. I have no patience for them or need. On to the good stuff of life. Horray for surviving and growing.


  4. I can’t even imagine. I know my family reads my blog and sometimes wonder how they feel about the memoir – so far no one’s disowned me so I guess I’m ok 🙂


    1. thank you Frances. Yes, we all have stories. Most days are peaceful. Some days not so much, but such is life. Thank you for the bloglove. Right back at you!


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