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Friday Fictioneers ~~ September 20, 2013

Yes, yes I know it’s not Friday, but I just had to get this written today. A story popped into my head the moment I saw the picture and it won’t let me go till I write it!

So I thought I would do it today instead of waiting till Friday. I’m sure you won’t mind.

Thanks go out once more to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for her mighty hosting abilities. If you would like to participate in this weekly fun or just want to read more stories based on the same picture please just click on Rochelle’s name and read read read!


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and an end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)


Make every word count.

Copyright - John Nixon
Copyright – John Nixon



Genre/General Fiction – 101 words


“See you next week!” Gramps called from the doorway.

I waved him goodbye. I first met Gramps a year ago.  His wife was sick he explained. He wanted to try to entice her appetite with special tidbits that were more than he could afford. I was happy to help him out, after all I benefited too from the wonderful things he brought me. I asked him once where he got all the beautiful items. He told me he had always been a collector.

Gramps got in the car, turned to his nephew and said, “Well boy, let’s go hit the next house.”


44 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ~~ September 20, 2013

    1. Dear Doug,

      Um, it does sound vaguely like, better not mention it. I think the old man means well, sort of. 😉 Thanks for stopping by and reading!


  1. I just watched a TV show where the gal who owned a curio type shop helped to solve a murder mystery… one part of the story was a young group of kids who staked out garage sales where they were allowed inside the homes… partly to ‘case the joints’.

    I hope gramps and his nephew get their due. Thanks for your visit. I keep trying to out wit the ‘Vampire’ but he’s got a one track mind!


    1. I would think Vampires are hard to ‘shake’. 🙂 Glad you liked my story. I’m sure gramps will get his in the end. Maybe.


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