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NaNoWriMo Update and other Stuff

Good Sunday to everyone. Hope your weekend was a blast. Monday is coming soon enough, so go enjoy what weekend you have left.

I’m just doing a quick update on my NaNo progress. Did great this past week. Lots and lots of words written. Just hope they make some sort of sense in the end. So far I have a total of 24,636 words. The biggest chunk of that was done this past week. Hoping this coming week is a good one, but I’m definitely slowing down. Wish me luck to keep my pace up.

As I did last week on this blog I’m going to be having some guest posts. I sent out a call for help in things to post and I’ve had some great responses. A big thank you goes out to all who have helped or are going to. Starting tomorrow I’ll have Michelle from Michelle at Play , she’s going to give you a great list for this coming holiday season.

Then later in the week look for another great post by Mandy from Mandyevebarnett’s Blog, and Liz from BigBodyBeautiful will be here with some more of her wonderful poetry. I’m sure you won’t want to miss that!

Also, maybe, I’ll have another snippet from my NaNo project for you this week. So lots of good things to look forward to!

Courtesy of breezybealle
Courtesy of breezybealle

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