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A New Kind of Flash Fiction ~~ Chain Writing Game

So Kerrie Ann Salsac has started a new kind of flash fiction game called Chain Writing Game. I have been asked to contribute, so here I am. It’s an ongoing story, Kerrie starts us off with her 100 word story and we are to add onto it with our 100 word story, in a chain like effect. Each person gets a turn to add-on to the story. It’s going to get interesting.  Go on over to Kerrie’s blog and see what it’s all about. Please. Thank you. (just click on picture below)




Cindy stopped struggling to move and a calm came over her. She had to think fast. Who knew what this Charles had in store for her?

Cindy always prided herself on her ability to take care of herself in any situation. She just had to stay calm.

“Why are doing this?” She asked a grim Charles.

“Because I can.”

Charles glanced over at Cindy and saw how beautiful she looked. She was calm now and he was quietly grateful he didn’t have to contend with a hysterical woman. For his plan to work he needed to stay focused and not succumb to her beauty.

8 thoughts on “A New Kind of Flash Fiction ~~ Chain Writing Game

  1. Nicely continued – Charles has the same cold manner on the outside but you have introduced the possibility that on the inside he’s not quite as focussed as he could be – good news for Cindy?


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