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The Cat People of Kagir Manor – Part 3

Part 3 of the Cat People of Kagir Manor! This is an ongoing story Michael and I wrote. Please give it a read and let us know what you think! Part 4 coming soon! Thank you!



To catch up with the previous parts

With the echoes of Hotel California in his mind Michael turned to see his four friends all looking towards him as if seeking direction and god forbid, guidance.

There was a cat like utterance heard and suddenly there was movement in the room. The guests all went back to what they were doing before the men arrived. Michael and his friends became aware of a new movement in the room.

Around the perimeter of the room was a line of smaller cat like creatures. The men were later to learn that these were the servant class or the ‘Purrs’, which had its own irony, as they didn’t purr at all. They spoke in low squeak tones, a language that was unique to them. They were overseen by the one cat person who most intimidated Michael and his friends.

This was Silkis…

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