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Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie

For this challenge, snap a selfie with your camera phone or camera. Feel free to get creative and clever, and if you don’t want to share a photo of yourself, think of a way to approach this challenge in a different way. This is the new Weekly Photo Challenge from WordPress. Do a selfie.

As the only selfie I have done is the photo on my avatar, I decided to be a little bit more creative with mine. I did mine in comic form. That’s a selfie, right? I have done comics before for my series “Sam and Me” so I thought, that would make a different kind of selfie. Here it is!

It’s been really cold here, like -30C (-15F) and taking Sam out for his potty breaks is a challenge. Poor little guy, sometimes he is just as frozen as the snow. Here are mine and Sam’s selfie.



**Please click on pic to enlarge**





  1. Selfie (Weekly Photo Challenge) | Icezine
  2. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | nancy merrill photography
  3. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Flickr Comments
  4. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Hamburg und Mee(h)r
  5. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | This, that and the other thing
  6. Mara Eastern
  7. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | roastbeefandrakija
  8. Selfie | de Wets Wild
  9. Churchiness Insults My Intelligence | Bumblepuppies
  10. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Hope* the happy hugger
  11. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie: The Devil Made Me Do It. | Rewired and Retired in Nicaragua
  12. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Mara Eastern
  13. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | A mom’s blog
  14. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Lost in Translation
  15. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Create A Beautiful Life
  16. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | 2812 photography
  17. Weekly Photo Challenge ‘selfie’|myselfie | Rainbow Photography – Scotland-
  18. Weekly Photo Challenge – Selfie | Chittle Chattle
  19. WPC : Selfie | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best friends
  20. Weekly Photo Challenge: Me, myself and I | V A S T L Y C U R I O U S
  21. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Pa-BLAM!
  22. Weekly Photo Challenge – Selfie | Just Snaps
  23. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | growinolder
  24. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Under the Monkey Tree
  25. Heaven on Earth « Beach Treasures and Treasure Beaches
  26. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Musings of a Soul Eclectic
  27. Selfie | thoughtsofrkh
  28. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Rooktopia
  29. weekly photo challenge – selfie | myguiltypleasures
  30. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Giulia Bernini photography
  31. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie |
  32. Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Cee’s Photography

40 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie

  1. Jackie … brilliant … yes, can’t be easy to be a dog neither when it’s really cold outside. I wish you a warm weekend indoors … and thanks for the plingback.


        1. Pretty much. I am a artist, as I paint, but I never could draw very well. Such is life. They still turn out cute though as you have to put it all together from scratch.


  2. Great idea. My son doesn’t like for me to put my photos on my blog either because he worries about identity theft. I’m too old to worry anymore. Seeing you and Sam in the cartoon snow makes me wish that’s what we had here. It’s snowing AGAIN for the third day. Most snow Portland has had in 20 years. The kids love it though. The neighborhood dogs will play in it for a bit, then they’ve had enough too.


    1. It snowed here a bit this morning, just enough to make everything newly white again. I just don’t like taking my own pictures, hmmm actually I don’t like anyone taking my picture! haha! Have a great day Marlene!


  3. Cute take on the challenge, Jackie. And perfect selfie! Poor Sam. I understand his plight. Our Pete is having a fit from falling through so much crunchy snow. I finally dug a round space clear down to the dirt so he had a space to sniff and do his business. I’m so glad we don’t have to sniff the ground first. 😉


      1. That is spoiled. 🙂 In the warmer weather I’m sure it’s good for you to get out and away from the computer with Sam, but in this cold….I’d stand at the door where he could see me. 🙂


        1. Oh I do! Most times anyway. haha! When I hear the coyotes behind my place is when I go out with him, because all though we do have a fence, I don’t trust them. Not with my Sam, he would make a tasty tidbit. 🙂


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