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Share Your World – 2014 Week 10

This week is a special share your world at Cee’s photography,  as it is also Chris’s first Club Introvert Social Gathering.

Yes, I am an introvert. There I admitted it. I may not seem like an introvert on here, but I am. So now I am asked to do a little socializing. I’m sure I can handle it, after I answer this week’s questions.


Describe yourself in a word that starts with the first letter of your name.

As my first name is Jackie, I could use jolly, but I’d be lying. Judicious is more me. The meaning of judicious is; showing good judgment; wise. If you are considered judicious, people usually come to you for advice. Yeah, that’s me as people always ask my advice and I’m more than willing to give it. I also like to think I have a good judgement of situations and people. As for wise, well, that’s probably debatable. Hahaha.

If 100 people your age were chosen at random, how many do you think you’d find leading a more satisfying life than yours?

I’d say 101. Truth! Well, ok, maybe not the truth so much anymore, as my life seems to be getting so much better lately. But I would say…..95 then. Now come back in say a year and ask me that and I’m hoping the answer would change to 0!

If you were a tree, would you become a book or furniture? Please describe.

Well, I would rather not kill a tree to become anything. As I would rather hug a tree instead.  If I must then a book. One that will be read with pleasure through out time.

You are trapped in an elevator, who would you want to be trapped with?

My best friend, I would have so much fun with them! We would swap stories and laugh and cut up. Might as well have fun if I’m going to be trapped.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for living another week. Good friends. And tree hugging. Yes, I am grateful for that too.  I am looking forward to more of the same.  But if some surprises come my way I’ll be happy. As long as they are good ones. Ha-ha!

25 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2014 Week 10

  1. In my family, I’m the most extroverted of the introverts. 🙂 Very interesting post. I’m wondering now, what could make your life more satisfying in a year???? I think most writers are introverts. Maybe most people. It’s those extroverts that get all the notice. I see you as judicious. Good word.


    1. My family is mostly made of extroverts. So you know what family get togethers were like. lol
      As for my life being more satisfying, I’ll tell you in a year! LOL
      Thanks Marlene! 🙂


  2. Hi Jackie, I’m so glad you participated this week through Club Introvert. This is a great group of people who participate in SYW. Hope to see you again.


      1. This is reminding me, driving through Philly (I think) we saw the cell towers disguised as trees. They stick out more pretending to be trees than if they were just towers. Those things definitely were in need of a hug; I just wish I got a picture LOL


        1. cell towers disguised as trees??? How the hell do they think that was going to work? LOL Oh I would have loved to see a picture of that.


          1. It literally looked like a pipe cleaner tree. The towers would have been much less distracting.


          2. I was trying to upload one to Facebook but it’s being ornery.

            There are good examples and bad. These were really bad.


  3. I’d say (from experience) that you’re generously judicious. Tree hugging is undeniably better than cutting it, but then everyone would need to have a Kindle 🙂 I hope you’ll get good surprises next week!


    1. Ah, thank you my friend! Tree hugging is a grand thing! Well, if they cut one tree down they should always replace it double don’t you think? 🙂 Oh I have sent you an email. And I hope the surprises will be there next week too! big hugs!


  4. Great post Jackie and so revealing about you. Yes judicious is a good word for you I would say for me mellifluous, would suit me, as i like to be smooth and mellow. Out of 100 people oh say 60, I have a pretty good life, though I am curious as are other commentators about a year from now with you, maybe you know something we don’t? Tree hugging is a good thing and it interesting that in my retirement I intend to do a lot more bush walking. I too would prefer to be a book the idea of someone sitting on me and then gathering dust isn’t all that appealing. In an elevator my best friend as well. In this past week I have to be grateful for the friendship I find and the love that permeates my life daily. You have a great day.


    1. Maybe people are beginning to know me too well, where’s the mystery in that?? hahaha!
      When it’s a year from now I will let people know. Until then it’s my secret. 🙂
      In your neck of the woods Michael, bush walking is taken seriously isn’t it? Bush walking is good excercise too!
      Well see elevators can be a great place to be stuck in. You have a great day also.


    1. One would never guess we are introverts lady. But it’s easy to be an extrovert on here, hard in real life. I too have a gold membership.


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