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Sam and Me Comic ~~ First Day of Spring

Good day people!

Well, today is the first day of Spring here in my neck of Canada. You sure wouldn’t know it though.

It’s only 0c (32F) and snowing!!! Yes, it’s snowing here on the first day of Spring and I just want to say I am not happy about it! I want sunshine, warmth, flowers, green stuff growing!

And so does Sam. Β So Sam and I decided to do a comic today showing our dislike. It was Sam’s idea, not mine, but he was insistent. You know how demanding little dogs can be. Ha-ha!

Hope you enjoy Sam’s little comic.


(c) JLPhillips 2014
(c) JLPhillips 2014


30 thoughts on “Sam and Me Comic ~~ First Day of Spring

  1. I just happened to look at my email and saw you had a new comic up. I had to dash over to see. πŸ™‚ Very cute, and it’s so unfair that you have snow today. We’ll get up to 44F today, but the forecast is for snow over the weekend. Enough is enough! Stay warm. Drink more coffee!


    1. I want it to warm up Maddie!!! I know, I’m a bit of a whiner today LOL. But I am sooo tired of winter. And I am drinking another cup of coffee, because you said I can! πŸ™‚


  2. Snow on the first day of Spring – oh dear! We still have some on the ground but at least it’s melting. Perhaps you can build a snow flower? Adorable comic!


  3. So cute. It’s spring! It’s spring!
    (You today are kinda like we are around fall holidays …flipflops and tired-of-summer clothes when everyone else is chirpy about crisp cool winds and sweaters for Thanksgiving)


  4. You poor things in all that cold. I once lived in a place where it snowed in spring. Snow on all the blossoms looked spectacular. But I think you guys over there have had enough so you can send some down to us. I could do with a little cooling down. Good one Jackie I understand how you feel.


  5. The snow today was absolutely wonderful but the slush it created was not so wonderful. But I’m probably just saying that because I love winter and I’m not quite ready for it to leave yet. πŸ™‚

    Also, I love the new theme and I’ve been browsing your site just to look at it on various pages. πŸ™‚


    1. Ugh, you can have it πŸ™‚ All though most of ours is not sticking, so like you said it’s pretty slushy.

      Thanks about the new theme, I really like it. πŸ™‚


  6. So cute! Bumble says to tell Sam that he saw spring hurrying northward! It’s coming, it’s just a little bit of a journey πŸ™‚


  7. Awww the cuteness! πŸ˜€ It’s quite cold and windy here as well. Yesterday it was very warm and everyone was “naked”…I don’t get it haha.

    My post with “21 irrational things” will be up later today! Got distracted about my book hehe.

    *waves* xox


  8. More snow indeed! I might have to start a Blogroll of fellow Canuck Bloggers!
    I do find it amusing that we have become such slaves to clocks and calendars that us modern folks seem to think Spring happens by a change of date! The reality Spring is fickle – and she shows up when she is good and ready and not a second sooner. And this year her style is fashionably late. I just hope that Summer doesn’t follow up by giving us the cold shoulder πŸ™‚


    1. Shhhh, maybe Summer didn’t hear you! πŸ˜‰ Spring is usually late, I shouldn’t complain really, it could be worse. But lets not tell Summer that ok? And thanks for the follow!


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