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Share Your World – 2014 Week 14

Another edition of Share Your World this week. Courtesy of Cee’s Photography. Great questions and my answers to them below.

Thanks for reading! Please don’t be shy either, comment!



If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be?

No U-turn! That would be my sign. No going back now! Keep going straight ahead as I am going in the right direction for what I want in life.





Is your hair short (total neck and ear showing), medium (covering ears and neck), long (below shoulders), extra long (at least halfway down your back) or bald?

My hair is long, below the shoulders. I don’t like myself with shorter hair, so I am going to be one of those old lady hippies, with the long silver hair. Ha-ha!

When you are with your friends, do your interactions include much touching—for example, hugging, kissing, rough housing, rubbing backs? Would you like to have more of this? (Note: the answers may vary depending on where you live on this wonderful planet.)

Depends on the type of friendship with me. If I really like someone I will hug them. No rubbing backs, kissing or the likes. I’ll reserve that for someone I love, not a friend, as I think that kind of over steps the bounds of friendship. And who wouldn’t want more love in the world? Maybe if we gave out more hugs, we wouldn’t be interested in fighting. Just an idea.

What do you feel is the most enjoyable way to spend $100? 

Well, my most enjoyable would be spending it in a book store. Ah, heaven. Or spending in on buying a gift for someone I love, just as a surprise, because I love giving surprise gifts for no reason.


Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for best friends, emails, and chats. I’m looking forward to warmer weather as I believe Spring has finally arrived in the Great White North. Maybe…...keeping fingers crossed.




18 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2014 Week 14

  1. Great post Jackie what interesting questions to consider. Traffic sign for me would be GO as i feel my life now is all go, in one direction. Hair, well I’d like to think the first option but more likely the last one.
    With friends I would agree with you, there are some things best kept for the very closest of friends. $100, probably on music or as you say a surprise gift for a friend.
    This week for me the love of my best friend sustains me through every day, i am a very fortunate man.
    Always enjoy this post of yours.


    1. Thank you Michael. I like your answers too.
      Your best friend must be special, lucky man. Mine is too. Always a pleasure to hear from you.


  2. I love your answers to the $100 question, and I am not the least bit surprised either. You are awesome!


  3. I think Spring may finally have arrived here too! It’s been raining for two days and most of the snow is going. Fingers crossed for you too!


  4. Good luck with Spring! It’s pretty much here now – it’s only 5 degrees outside but sunny and no wind so it doesn’t really feel cold – in fact I went out without a coat earlier. Another 10 degrees and it’ll definitely be Spring.


  5. I love the no U turn sign. Perfect. Just keep moving forward. I’m also not a natural toucher. I have to know you quite well to hug. That would be a stretch for me. I would spend my money on books too. That’s why I don’t have any money. Books, I’m floating in. 🙂 Hair is how I can afford it at the time. It gets longer as I get cheaper. When I need to feel pretty, I get a cut and perm so I have curls. They give me much needed energy. Fake it till you make it. 🙂
    I love these posts. you ask questions here I would never think of and quite enlightening.


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