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NaPoWriMo Day 15 Poem ~~~ Two Kittens

Today’s poem I have tried to follow the NaPoWriMo website’s prompt. As I have no idea what I am doing half the time, I sure hope this works.

Today, I challenge you to write a poem in Terza Rima. This form was invented by Dante, and used in The Divine Comedy. It consists of three-line stanzas, with a “chained” rhyme scheme. The first stanza is ABA, the second is BCB, the third is CDC, and so on. No particular meter is necessary, but English poets have tended to default to iambic pentameter (iambic pentameter is like the Microsoft Windows of English poetry). One common way of ending a Terza rima poem is with a single line standing on its own, rhyming with the middle line of the preceding three-line stanza.


(c) JLPhillips 2013, Pouncer and Notwen, innocent looking right?
(c) JLPhillips 2013, Pouncer and Notwen, innocent looking right?

Two Kittens

Once in a barn, in a pile of hay, sat two kittens
Brother and sister, twins I was sure
I knew I had to have them, I was truly smitten

I’ll take them both I said to mother cat
And give them lots of love and care
She stared at me,  flicked her tail and sat

I bought them treats and a place to climb
Then took them home with me
Two little furry bundles, kitty love is so sublime

A few days later I gave them names
To fit their different kitty natures
As they slept and played their kitten games

The male was Notwen, the female Pouncer
So much alike,  so different in ways
Playing and tumbling, he could never trounce her

They are years older now, still together
They don’t play as much, but still
Where one is the other, always in fetter

So glad I got those two kittens whom I fell for against my will

13 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo Day 15 Poem ~~~ Two Kittens

  1. Gorgeous cats. Enjoyed the poem and hearing how they came into your life. Hugs for you and nose kisses for them.


  2. As you know by now, I know absolutely zero about poetry but I liked this. Interesting names you came up with but I guess that was another post I missed. Nice they have each other.


    1. I don’t know much about poetry either lol, but I’m learning. Ah there is a story on how they were named. One day I will have to tell it, I haven’t yet, so you didn’t miss it.


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