Blog challenge · NaPoWriMo · nonfiction · poetry · postaday

NaPoWriMo Poem Day 27 ~~~ Haiku




Sun peeking over

Horizon sees beauty in

What darkness has hid


Silhouette of tree

Reaching to the skies, begging

For Heaven’s moisture


Clouds in purple sky

Natural beauty at dawn

Sun plays peek-a-boo




The NaPoWriMo’s website prompt today was to write a poem based from a picture prompt. They gave four pictures, but I decided to use one I found myself. I also decided to do a few Haiku, as I haven’t done any this month yet. Japanese haiku traditionally consist of 17 on, or sounds, divided into three phrases: 5 sounds, 7 sounds, and 5 sounds. English poets interpreted on as syllables. That’s the easy definition. It can get rather complex, but I will leave that to the experts. 








9 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo Poem Day 27 ~~~ Haiku

    1. Thank you David, I loved the pic and just had to use it. And since I hadn’t used Haiku yet this month, I thought I would. Or I was lazy, hmmm not sure on that one LOL


      1. You’re welcome Jackie 🙂 Plus you’re allowed at least one in my opinion or lots of them in a bunch 🙂 I’ve done it twice this month, so I think I will try to refrain from doing any more for the time being. I prefer to do haikus on Twitter now for the @tweetku prompts – check it out if you have time and use Twitter. Here is their WordPress page too where they post the best ones that get the most retweets/favourites –


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