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NaPoWriMo Poem Day 28 ~~~ From the News


From the News

Vampire Chazz Darling has a hobby
quixotic in character, he joins in games
he likes to role play, costumes, acting
supernatural powers, it’s all the same

Drinking Poisoned Absinthe makes him crazy
so he leaves explicit messages to his enemy
bloody body parts are left here and there
in his mind’s eye, criticizing, feuds are a pair

Mocked in the community,
his vampire rage knows no bounds
he goes online to message boards,
to let his anger resound

Indignantly his conservative friends are sorry
that this terrible thing made tonight’s news story



This poem came about because I followed the NaPoWriMo’s websites prompt today: 

Today I challenge you to find a news article, and to write a poem using (mostly, if not only) words from the article! You can repeat them, splice them, and rearrange them however you like. Although the vocabulary may be “just the facts,” your poem doesn’t have to be — it doesn’t even have to be about the subject of the news article itself.

Below is the news article I used for the poem. Comments are always welcome. Thank you!


News of the Weird
Weirdnuz.M368, April 27, 2014
Copyright 2014 by Chuck Shepherd 

Lead Story 

First-term U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida is already among the House’s most conservative members, but his Republican primary challenger claims to be even more so–but with a quixotic, long-time hobby as a costumed, role-playing “gamer.” Challenger Jake Rush (in his day job, a lawyer) portrays supernatural characters as a prominent member of the national Mind’s Eye Society and Florida’s Covenant of the Poisoned Absinthe, including a vampire named “Chazz Darling,” who, according to a Yahoo message board once left an explicit, body-parts-bloodying threat to a role-player with whom he had been feuding. (The Florida political report SaintPetersBlog broke the story–and was quickly criticized, less by Rush’s political defenders than by the indignant “cosplay” community, feeling mocked.) [SaintPetersBlog, 4-1-2014] [, 4-1-2014





11 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo Poem Day 28 ~~~ From the News

    1. Just a few more days to go then I can really cheer 🙂
      thank you, I thought this news article was so funny I just had to do a poem about it.


  1. Lol – this is scary! Drinking posioned absinthe makes him crazy – I’m not surprised! Once again, it can be fascinating what comes out of these exercises, so long as the source material provides good inspiration. Funnily I wrote a scary one too 🙂


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