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All Of Me ~~~ Week 41 2014

Hello people!

Another fine edition of Share Your World, hosted by the talented Cee from Cee’s Photography is here once again. Why not click on over to Cee’s blog and see what all the fuss is about? Better yet, come join us!

This is where Cee asks us fellow bloggers 4 questions every week and we answer them. Great fun in getting to know your fellow blogger friends a little better.

So here we go!


Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?

A picture of me is a very rare thing, almost extinct. So yes, I would much rather be behind the camera then in front of it.

What did you most enjoy doing this past week?

Taking pictures of my neighbors gorgeous fall colored tree. It’s been beautiful here in my corner of Alberta, Canada. Sunshine, bright blue skies, big fluffy white clouds and this wonderful tree. Sam and I have enjoyed the fresh air and the sun.


(c) JLPhillips 2014
(c) JLPhillips 2014

What is your greatest extravagance?

Besides books or coffee? Well, actually I find books and coffee more necessities than extravagances. So I suppose I am going to have to admit to buying anything arty and colorful. It can be something cheap and easy like notebooks or pads of colored paper, pens, pencils. Pretty much anything I can afford that is bright, colorful and cheerful. I love to have color around me, even in the small things.

Which letter of the alphabet describes you best?

Now this took some thought. I am going to say the letter B. Why B? Glad you asked! I picked B because I’m curvy and have a tendency to run into myself a lot. Let me explain that one. When I try to do something I really want to do, I’m my own worst enemy. So I run into my inner self a lot. I will make excuses why I won’t succeed, or I’ll even find myself sabotaging myself so I fail. I’ve always been this way. I think it stems from being told most of my life, “You can’t do that.” So I tell myself that. Then I have to talk myself into doing what I really want to do in the first place! So I’m always running into myself. Hmm, does that make sense?


Neighbors Tree from my front porch. (c) JLPhillips 2014
Neighbors Tree from my front porch.
(c) JLPhillips 2014


So that’s it for me this week. Thanks for visiting and thanks for reading. You guys are the best!

What’s YOUR greatest extravagance?



20 thoughts on “All Of Me ~~~ Week 41 2014

  1. I love the colors in that picture! Beautiful 🙂

    “Arty and colorful”–Yep, that’s me. I totally get that. I guess the small, cheap things add up eventually but there’s a budget for that too !


  2. I’m like you prefer to be behind the camera. I did laugh at the letter B though, running into yourself, oh to be a fly on the wall!!
    My greatest extravagance – a coke zero on a hot day.


  3. Gorgeous tree. I’m waiting for my tree to shine in all its colors, any day now I think. My extravagance? Fine chocolate, not the cheap stuff from the stores either.


  4. Gorgeous pictures! I would much rather take pictures myself, I have never been photogenic and very much dislike the way I look in pictures. Your letter B was interesting. Hugs


  5. And just when you thought you had nothing left to say about yourself. I too prefer taking than being photographed. But sometimes I want to document my achievements so there you are. I love the fall and all it’s glory. Were I at home, it would be beautiful right now. it even dried out for trick or treaters. The letter B for bounce. As you have bounced back from unimaginable experiences. I think it fits perfect. I automatically thought of the letter K. As in, you want to live in my house how long? K. Y need a few bucks to buy gas? K. I say okay to so many things that I’m looking for another letter.:)


    1. It seems I always have something to say….about myself LOL
      I like your definition of the letter B. Thanks Marlene. Yeah, I think you need to find another letter, hmmmm, how about U? As in you have to turn the K into a U and do for yourself for a while. 😉


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