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The Nano Poblano Oddly Specific Gratitude Blog Hop!


I have been tagged in another Nano Poblano blog hop by my friend NotAPunkRocker, she was tagged by her blogging friend and fellow pepper, Nerd in the Brain. NAPR goes by many names, Sheena, Punky, etc., but she is always thoughtful and  kind and I’m so glad I ‘met’ her in the blogging community. She has a delightful streak of whimsy in her that I love. Go check her out if you haven’t yet.  Thank you! I needed a new idea for a post and voila! My friend provides. 🙂 (pssst, kiddo, I’m still on the hunt for the perfect Canadian husband for you! Don’t give up hope!)


It’s hard being green sometimes, but I’ll try my best.

Here’s what to do:

1. Add to the list with your own oddly specific bits of gratitude. Add as few or as many things as you’d like. Include a picture or two if you’d likebut you certainly don’t have to.  Put your name at the top of the list to see where yours started and the next blogger’s begins.

2. Tag the post with the usual pepper tags and oddly specific gratitude.

3. Tag another pepper to add to the list by linking to their About page, but there’s a catch! When you tag the next blogger, be sure to include a bit about why you’re grateful to be in the same blogging world with them. 🙂 (Try not to tag anyone who has already been taggedthat way more people get to join in the fun.)

The List of Oddly Specific Gratitude

Nerd in the Brain:

1. the smell of wild onions when I mow the lawn

2. programmable coffee makers (having the coffee already prepared in the mornings is magical)

3. the way my crazy dog barks likes a vicious beast at the horses across the road, but then cowers behind me like a needy wimp whenever a horse actually comes close

4. hearing my husband talk on the phone to the rest of his team at workit reminds me that he’s not just my silly, sweet, awesome husbandhe’s also my competent, responsible, highly skilled husband

5. opening a blank lesson plan book and imagining the possibilities to come

6. sausage balls

7. watching Grace’s enthusiasm for all things musical

8. the way I can hear a smile on Olivia’s face whenever we say hello or goodbye on the phone

9. knitting with really soft, squishy yarn

Not a Punk Rocker

10.  Getting a random text when Matthew is in cell-signal range.  (“Hi”)

11. Awesome stuff in the mail, including Legos and letters from friends, making me smile when I need it the most at the end of a long day.

12.  Cherry chapstick.

13.  Somebody found my blog by searching for “deadpool talks about political social issues” yesterday.

14. Skype and chat for keeping me in touch with friends in “real-time” when one or the other of us needs it the most.

15. Finding new blogs to read and follow through this challenge!

JackieP (tobreatheistowrite)

16. Having friends like I do here in the blogging world. You all make my days brighter.

17. My dog Sam. He loves me unconditionally, wish more people could love like that. Plus, he makes me laugh daily.

18. Coffee. Without it the world would be a much sadder and thirsty place. And I would be a much harder person to deal with.

19. All the bright and cheerful colors around. Something about bright colors makes me happy. The gold of the sun, the cerulean blue of the sky, the wonder of a rainbow, they never cease to make me glad I’m alive.

20. Books…… all know what I mean.

As for me, I’m going to tag…….Fishy, over at FishofGold. I’ve been following Fishy for probably over a year now and I never get tired of reading her posts. She’s honest, upfront and sometimes in your face, but she is brave, strong and a wonderful person. She is also getting to be a great fiction writer. She has strong opinions, but then so do I. I also think she has a heart of gold and a vulnerability about her that wants me to give her a hug and tell her she’s stronger than she thinks. If you aren’t following her, you should. I’m glad she and I are becoming friends.

The List of Oddly Specific Bloggers 😉

Nerd in the Brain

Not a Punk Rocker


37 thoughts on “The Nano Poblano Oddly Specific Gratitude Blog Hop!

  1. Yay, I am glad I helped!

    I need to be an ex-pat by 2016, regardless of who is President. Does that work for you? 😉


      1. I should say “want” and not “need” in my comment above; it’s not like I am a fugitive or anything LOL


  2. Great post Jackie. Gratitude is such a wonderful virtue to know how to express I liked your list. Getting out of bed and being vertical world daily for me. Have a good day.


  3. What fun to read! I loved all of them. I start and end everyday with a gratitude list. Puts things in perspective. I laughed out loud at the books, you all know what I mean comment.:) Yes, we do. I’m down to a single cup coffee maker at my son’s house and have to bring up a second mug of water to make more. Being out of your element gets hard but coffee, well, can’t do without it. I’ll have to keep watching this to see how it ends up. I would be grateful for Sam too.


      1. Not going home soon enough but not really certain. My coffee pot is waiting. I have a return flight for Dec 1. A lot depends on how the sale of the house goes and if my will need my help after or before. I’m hoping it goes through before thanksgiving. One day at a time right now.


        1. Long time to stay away from home, especially when you just moved in! Will keep my fingers crossed for you and send out good vibes for an early sale.


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