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Flashback Friday

Here it is the last Friday before Christmas. I’m sure most of you good folks are scurrying around trying to finish that last Christmas shopping. Or, maybe getting ready for the annual company Christmas party.

I’m sure you are busy and feeling rushed and worrying if this is ok, or that is all right. RELAX!! It’s not like this time of year doesn’t happen every year.

This is the time of year when you are supposed to enjoy the spirit of the holiday. Enjoy family, friends and strangers alike. It’s not suppose to be a race, or a contest. Relax, take a deep breath, slowly let it out and enjoy everything around you. Even if it’s just the little things, because sometimes, it’s the little things that mean the most.

For your reading pleasure, or not, you decide, I’m taking you back to when I first started writing this blog. This is my very first short story that I wrote here. I didn’t have many followers then, in fact, I might have had 5 or 6. LOL

I’ve done a bit of editing to it. Boy, did it need it! But I enjoyed writing it the first time and enjoyed writing it this time. Hope you all will enjoy it. You can read the original here.


source unknown
source unknown

Handsome is as Handsome Does


As I finished my wonderful meal for one, I noticed the dining room quieted.  I looked up and there in the doorway was a semi-god. Tall, stunning, black hair, blue-gray eyes, a profile of a young Adonis. No smile lit his chiseled face. To me it looked as if he was just accepting his due. Saying wordlessly, “yes, this is my world and I am king!.”

The man stood for a moment in the doorway. It was as if  he was used to the attention, enjoyed quieting the room with his presence. Slowly his eyes looked around the room, perhaps to see if he knew anyone he deemed important. Obviously not seeing anyone worth note, he nodded at the maitre’d to lead him to his table.

Heads turned, eyes followed his slow walk through the restaurant. His long lashed eyes never glanced left or right. It was as if the room was empty of us other lowly diners.  The man was easy to  look at. His confidence a cloak around his shoulders. With effortless grace he took his seat, patiently waits while the waiters flit around him like black winged birds.

I look around the room at the faces of the men and women. Each and every one of them staring at the young man with either envy or lust in their eyes. Me, I felt neither. It was like watching a well rehearsed play. Yes, the actor was handsome, but the play was a bit too well done for my taste, too practiced.

No one left their chairs to approach the man. Some probably were tempted. But there was a ‘no trespassing’ sign, unwritten perhaps, but easily read by all. I watched the reactions of my fellow diners for a few minutes, sipping the last of my wine. Then I could stand it no more. Setting my empty wine glass down, I stood. Moving towards the stranger, I was determined and steady in my course.

As I passed tables I could feel eyes turn to me. Then soft murmurs as I never wavered in my approach. The Adonis slowly looked up from his reading of the menu, watching my approach without blinking. He never gave me a hint of his thoughts as I grew nearer. Stopping at his table, we stared at each other for a few breathless seconds.  I slowly bent towards him, flashing him my deep cleavage.

One hand braced on the table and one hand gripping the back of his chair I lean my head towards his nicely curved ear. My lips almost brushing his skin, I whisper softly……..”Your fly is open!”.


15 thoughts on “Flashback Friday

  1. Ha loved it. What a great idea to go back and introduce us to your earlier writings. I often mean to read through blogs I like to read the older material but it seems I never have enough time.


  2. Oh, Jackie. That made my day so much lighter. I had the best giggle all day. What a delightful ending!!! Your book is coming out next year, right??? 🙂 Hugs my friend. Glad I finally got to read this.


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