Blog challenge · Humor · poetry · postaday

An Ode to Spring

Hello people!

Erin over at Mental in the Midwest issued a challenge about the middle of the month. She wants us to do a post about Spring. It can be anything, a story, pictures, even a dirty limerick. 😉

So here is my poem about Spring.


Spring is in the Air!

Spring is in the air!
Birds are nesting everywhere
Trees are budding, flowers blooming
Look it’s a robin redbreast!
What’s this wheezing in my chest?

Spring is in the air!
Bees are buzzing, sun is shining
white fluffy clouds
against a clear sky of blue
Hang on a sec, I need to….achoo!

Spring is in the air!
No more coats and mittens
Put away those shovels
It’s time to be free!
Why are my eyes so itchy?

Spring is in the air!
Open the windows, sweet breeze blowing
grass is getting green
people are smiling with goodwill
Where did I put my Benadryl?

19 thoughts on “An Ode to Spring

  1. We just discussed allergies here at work yesterday…today I wake up with a sore throat. I just jinxed myself, I know.


  2. That was perfect, Jackie, and it made me smile! Our son called home at lunch and said he had a bit of a sore throat and thought it was allergies. We shall see soon enough! 🙂


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