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2015 April A-Z Challenge ~~~ The ABC’s of Death ~ R

If you haven’t read previous chapters, I have a category listing on the side with the title 2015 April A-Z challenge. You can find all the chapters there. Thanks for reading!


ABC'S of Death book cover (4)


Raising Hell


I peek around the corner of the shed and see headlights. I watch as they park next to the SUV. So far so good. The headlights go out and I hear the car doors being opened.

Then a familiar voice reaches me. “Come on, hurry up, let’s get this done.” The thug who left me in the hole to rot. I smile. I actually find myself looking forward to what’s going to happen.

It’s barely daylight so all I see is their shadows, but it’s enough to see Billy’s friend was right. Three big guys with a smaller shadow between them. Must be Angela. The hole that I fell through is just off to my right. I see one has a flashlight.

I pick up Tee and whisper in his ear. It’s a trick we’ve been working on since I got him. I tell him “Howl Tee!”

He looks up and me and perks his ears. I tell him again. “Howl Tee!” He looks up to the sky and lets loose with his howl.


“What the hell is that!” I hear some guy shout.

“Don’t be such a baby, Dom. It’s just some wild dog or coyote.” I hear the main thugs voice.


Tee goes again and I try not to laugh. For a little dog, he has a pretty big howl. I move further away from the shed into some bushes I had scouted out earlier.

The group of guys with Angela moves closer to the hole. The guy with the flashlight is shining the light like he wasn’t sure where the hole is. Good. I was counting on them not knowing the area that well.

I know Fedora is close to the cars. I get Tee to howl once more.


Then I move again to another bush. That third howl is also a signal to Fedora.

“That sounds close, boss! I’m not liking it.” I hear the first man say. Then I see the headlights come on. I was hoping they would leave their keys in the car for Fedora.

“What the hell! Who turned on the headlights?” Someone yells, as they all spin around.

“Gary! Go check it out!” I see one of the guys take out his gun and head for the vehicles. Fedora should be in his second position by now.

A minute later the headlights go out. “Nobody here, boss!”

As I watch them turn back towards the hole, I put Tee down and whisper, “Go find Fedora, Tee! Go!”

Tee goes running across the opening and heads towards some overgrown rose bushes. Just before the bad guys showed up I had taken some talcum powder that had been in my hotel room and covered Tee with it. In the early dawns light, he looks like a ghost dog.

“Look! It’s a damn ghost! What the hell!” I hear the guy named Dom yell. “Boss, don’t that look like that ladies dog? That private eyes dog?”

“Don’t be stupid, man! That dog is dead along with that nosy private detective!”

I watch as Tee races across the opening again toward me. It’s good to have a smart dog that listens. I grab him up as he jumps into my arms and move a little further down the bushes. Thank god for overgrown rose bushes.

“That sure in hell ain’t no coyote! That’s a damn ghost dog!” Dom yells again.

“Shut up, Dom!” I smile as I hear the boss’s voice, he doesn’t sound quite so sure of himself.

That’s my cue. I poured the talcum powder over myself too. Billy thought it was funny, Fedora complained that I was going to get shot. I figure in the low light and with everything happening fast, they wouldn’t get that good a look at me.

I walk out of the bushes. The men are still arguing over the ‘ghost dog’. I motion for Tee to stay. “Come to visit my grave boys?”

Heads whip around toward me. The man with the gun I was happy to notice looked too shocked to use it.


“What the hell?”

I slip back into the bushes, grab Tee and run as quietly as I can back behind the shed. Tee and I step out, “It pisses me off I’m dead. That wasn’t a nice thing you did.”

Heads turn towards me again. I notice the guys are closer to the hole. Now if I can get them even closer. I step back behind the shed as I hear the boss shout. “Go after her!”

Dom yells, “You go after her! I ain’t running after no damn ghost!”

I move towards the house. The shadows are darkest there. I step into the early light. “Maybe you should join me in that dark, dank hole.”

Three guys swivel towards me again. I take a few steps closer and watch with satisfaction as they move back.

“How about it, boys? Want to join me?”

The man called Dom starts walking backward. The boss thug is reaching into his jacket, so I step quickly back and to the left. I really don’t want to get shot. I hear a noise behind the men. That would be Fedora throwing rocks. They turn like they are in a choreographed dance routine. I see they all have guns out by now. Time to make the final move.

“I would like company. It gets lonely when you’re dead.” I say in my best menacing voice.

I hear a swoosh sound and watch as a ghostly sheet whips past the men. Thanks to a sheet I borrowed from the house and a few pieces of rope I found in a shed, we made a ghost figure to swing from one tree to the other. Good thing Billy is good at climbing trees. That took us the longest to set up, but from watching the effect it was having, it was worth it.

It was chaos. I hear Dom scream. They all scramble back. I watch as in all the confusion Billy sneaks in and grabs Angela and pulls her towards the shadows.

I run towards them and as they are grouped close together it was easy to shove them as a whole backward. Just like dominoes tumbling in a row, the three men tumble into the hole. I hear grunts and swearing and shouts. I stand well back of the hole as bullets come flying out. Harmless to me, but I didn’t want to take any chances.

I’m actually hoping they run out of bullets. They have yet to meet the giant rat.




I always enjoy comments and/or constructive criticism. Or, you could just say hi! Thanks!



14 thoughts on “2015 April A-Z Challenge ~~~ The ABC’s of Death ~ R

  1. Oh, Jackie! This was fantastic! 🙂 I should have known! A ghost element! The talcum powder was unexpected and fit right in with the humorous aspect of your story. I smiled from ear to ear on this one, and it was very satisfying when the guys went “down the hole.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I didn’t see any of this coming!! Very clever…and I’m full of admiration for the little doggie. Great team work 🙂


  3. Ok, this was absolutely fantastic but where the heck did Angela go that kept her out of the hole?? I’m a pain in the buns I know. It’s what I wonder when I read a mystery. I’ll read more later.


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