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Sam And Me Comic

Hello, people!

Today’s post is courtesy of Sam! My little buddy is bored with his Mom. He says we don’t play anymore, we don’t go sit outside, we don’t do anything! LOL

I’ve been busy working on the last chapter of ‘The ABC’s of Death’. I should have it posted within the next day or so. Exciting! It’s been two and a half months of me writing almost exclusively for this story. Now it’s nearing the end…of the story, not my characters.

I have a rough outline for the next Dee and Tee adventure! That will be revealed soon. I’m also in the middle of edits on ‘The Man in the Fedora’. I have re-named it for publishing. I am also in the middle of having a new book cover done. Soon to be ready, I hope!

But…I will let you in on the new title to the story! It’s going to be called…are you ready…you sure???? It’s going to be called…‘The Canine Caper’.

What do you think? Let me know!

In the meantime, poor Sam is bored with me hunched over the old keyboard all day, every day. Poor thing. I will have to get him a new toy soon. Maybe he will forgive me. Maybe.






23 thoughts on “Sam And Me Comic

  1. A little playtime will be good for both of you. Frees up those creative juices. I’ve been gone for the weekend so not sure what I missed. I’ll check soon. I like the Canine Caper. 🙂


  2. Haha! Zola would totally relate to this. Sometimes I make it into the house and to my laptop before I even realize I’ve opened her kennel and set her loose. Now I feel bad. I’ll have to play with her soon– once she’s done snoring 😉


  3. Oh, poor Sam…his little chicken on the floor looks bored too 🙂 You’ll need to take a breather with him in the fresh air…then you’ll write faster and better, and he’ll be happy for the whole day. The title sounds great to me!


    1. Sam has a little chicken toy like that too. LOL He’ll be ok. I play with him. Well, I haven’t the past few days and I think I am feeling guilty. LOL


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