Blogging · Flash Back Friday · postaday · writing

Flashback Friday

Hello, people!

Hope this will be the start of a wonderful weekend! I’d also like to take this opportunity to say how happy I am with SCOTUS for passing the same-sex marriage law.

I thought I would bring back a little bitty story I did some time ago. It was for the WordPress Weekly Writing Challenge. It’s always been one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy my flash of the past.

For that week’s WordPress weekly writing challenge, we were to write a fifty-word story. Not five thousand, not five hundred, but precisely fifty words. Here’s mine…





My palm is sweaty where I  grasp you, my hand against your firmness.  My breath quickens when I think of what is to come. A long-term affair continues. My eyes close, lips purse. First your smell hits my nose. Ah, so seductive, you are.  Coffee, how I love thee.



22 thoughts on “Flashback Friday

    1. One I can always rely on too. It’s always hot for me, makes me feel wonderful, and is there for me whenever I need it. 😉
      Thank you Kim. How are things with you lately?

      Liked by 1 person

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