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A Shoutout For Guest Posts

I’m still looking for a few more guest posts, so I thought I would post this again.

If anyone is interested please contact me! Thank you to all who have already volunteered, you are wonderful! I’ll be in contact with you sometime this week to let you know when your post goes live. 



Hello, People!

Guest Posts

As you can deduce from my post title I am asking for guests posts on my blog. I’ve only done this once before in the three years since I’ve been here.

So, what do you say? Anyone want to do a guest post and help me out?

You are probably wondering why I am asking for people to guest post. It’s really quite simple. I don’t have time right now to post regular, or as regular as I would wish. I’m in the middle of edits for two stories I want to publish within the next few months. I’m also working with a great friend on book covers for these stories.

I’m a little busy. Ah, hell, I’m a lot busy! So come on and help me out! Please?

What am I looking for in a guest post? Anything really. All of you are great bloggers with wonderful ideas. I would be honored if anyone of you did a guest post.

Some of you already have my email. If you want to guest and don’t already have my email, contact me at jlroeder (at) MAIL  (dot) com, (It’s my maiden name, too lazy to change it). Funny, dramatic, personal, fiction, non-fiction, DIY projects, recipes. I’ll take it all!

Come one, come all!


A big, huge, ginormous thank you if you are willing to guest post!

Hit me with your best shot!

Don’t be shy!


27 thoughts on “A Shoutout For Guest Posts

  1. I can, I just need a prompt. EMAIL ME A PROMPT PLEASE!

    Yes, I am that demanding when I offer to guest blog. 😀


  2. Hi Jackie! I’d love to help you out with a guest post, if you could point me in a direction. And I guess I could have emailed this to you as well…I’ll do that too!!


  3. I’d love to but I’m behind myself. I don’t even know how to guest blog. You are welcome to reblog anything I’ve done though. I’m working hard to quell my own anxiety over extreme overwhelm. I think I want to go to sleep and stay that way. But don’t write me off. I’ll keep thinking on it and see if I can come up with something. I barely get one a week as it is. Does that sound like a lame excuse? I wish it was.


    1. You need to just relax Marlene. If something doesn’t get done, so be it. You are one person. Be kind to yourself and take some time to just be….yourself. Big hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great idea. I know how much time getting stories together takes. I just started hanging out again at WP myself. But it sounds like you have a few guest that will keep you busy. Wishing you the best.


    1. Thanks! I’ve looked over your blog and I really enjoyed it. I will be contacting you sometime today. I would love to have a guest post from your Bigger half. 🙂


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