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Monday Meeting ~~ October 5, 2015

Hello, people! Let’s get this meeting started….

Monday Meeting


Before I get going on anything else in this meeting, I want to say a big, huge THANK YOU to all of you who are sending my mom a birthday card and/or recipes. You guys are the greatest! She is going to be so surprised and so delighted that so many people would take time out of their busy lives to think of her and wish her a special birthday. She is also going to love having new recipes to try. 🙂

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please read my post…A Request and a Little Fun. I would love it if you could participate!

Now on to something, well, a bit strange. Every once in a great while I check out the search terms used to find my little corner of the blogging universe. I did so the other day. Now normally the search terms used to find me are really pretty boring. Until I came across this one……

Screenshot 2015-10-05 12


Click on the pic to enlarge…but…what it says in case you don’t want to enlarge and read it is this…”they want to eat my sweat”. Whoaaaa! What kind of sickies does this person hang with? Weird zombies with kinky issues? I mean really, how in the heck did they land on MY blog with this? I don’t remember ever writing about sweat or anyone wanting to eat my sweat. That’s just all sorts of wrong! Yewwwwww. I know some of you (Fishy!) get some strange things from your search terms. I think this is the strangest I have ever had so I just had to tell you about it.

Ok, let’s move on to less, um, weird things. 😉

Book news; everything seems to be on schedule as far as edits on A Case of Deceit are concerned. I might even be able to have it ready for publishing before October 30th! Even if you were with me as I wrote a lot of it on my blog earlier this year it might read a bit new for you. I’ve changed a few things as I went along. I’ve taken out a few thousand words and added probably twice that many. I’ve changed a few things in the plots too. I believe you all will approve. I think it flows better and it answers some questions that were left hanging about a few things.

A bit of a side note on the book business. I did this book for the April A-Z challenge on my blog. So for the books sake I have made most of the challenge posts private. I am going to make all of them private, probably by the end of this week. Just thought I’d let you know in case you notice the April A-Z challenge category missing or empty later.

In other news around here. We had our first cold front come through Friday night. We had rain and high winds. The winds got so strong they woke me up in the middle of the night. They were rocking this place so hard it felt like someone shaking the bed to get me up! I kid you not. It was not a good night. I was scared for this place! I could hear the wind howling and blowing things off the patio. I so hoped it would leave the roof intact. Then Saturday we had cold rain all day with wind. Poor Sam didn’t want to go out and do his business. I didn’t blame him as I had to go out once to pick the garbage can and bags of garbage off the lawn. I was soaked and freezing after just those short minutes! Brrrrr….

Last night we had our first hard frost. The tomato plants are done for. It was pretty frosty this morning. Not a good sign so early.

I’m going to have a busy week as I’m going to try to finish the final edits on the book. The husband has a colonoscopy scheduled for Thursday morning, so my day that day is pretty well going to be taken up with that, at least in the morning. I’m taking my e-reader with me to catch up on some much-needed reading. It’s going to be a long morning. Of course, the husband’s morning will seem longer. 😉

That’s about it for me for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


How’s the weather by you? I love fall! Which season is your favorite?



21 thoughts on “Monday Meeting ~~ October 5, 2015

  1. Fall is my favorite season for sure. Im still fighting this cold so I am very far behind on reading, writing and responding to comments.

    I am kinda jealous that you get comic search terms, most of mine are depression related.


  2. I wish you could send that cold and wind our way. We still have summer temps and the bugs are running the place. We can’t even go out to get to the car after 10 am. until dark. It’s a Hitchcock movie around here. If my plants were to freeze, so be it. The bugs own them now. Good to hear things are coming along with the book. I do feel for Sam. Have a good week.


  3. It’s gotten cooler here, too. And that’s a very good thing considering I found out this morning when the tech was applying all the allergy patch things that I’m not supposed to sweat for the next 3 days. Hopefully the weather stays cool and reasonable for both of us. 🙂


  4. I love listening to the wind even strong ones like you had, except for when I lived in a mobile home. The rocking scared me too. There are ways to tie down your home, is yours tied down, mine wasn’t and I wasn’t about to put out the kind of money that would have taken.

    So you now attract the freakier readers? 🙂 You are free to keep them.


    1. I usually don’t mind the wind, but not when it’s rocking the house. 😉 We are strapped down I believe. It’s usually pretty windy here so I would hope we are. I got the one freaky reader, I think that’s enough. ha!


  5. Weather has been off and on…cold, windy, rainy…and then today, bright sunshine and hovering around 70 degrees.
    I’ve had some odd search terms myself, but nothing about eating sweat. :O


  6. Happy your book is progressing on schedule! And that you can have little fun at the weirdness of the internet world 😀 I hope your week warms up! Hugs to you, my friend.


  7. I have a weird thing with my stats in the ‘referrers’ area. Wikihow – “How to Write a Blog Post That’s Funny and Interesting”. I don’t know who wrote the Wiki several years ago, but they put a link to my blog and I get a load of traffic from it. Whoever it was, I’d love to say ‘Thank You!”

    Have a great week, Jackie xxx


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