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Fun With Words ~~~ Palindromes

Hello, People!

Today I thought we would have some fun with words. Words have always fascinated me, thrilled me, confused me, and made me either laugh or grimace. Words are great to play with too.

101310 Frankd & Earnest Palindrome

Like palindromes. I used to try to do them when I was a kid. Nerdy, right? For those who don’t know what palindromes are, here is the definition:

A palindrome is a word, phrase, verse or sentence that reads the same backward or forward.

They have to make sense, though! You can’t just throw a bunch of letters together. It has to be a real sentence or word to count as a palindrome. Here are some to give you an example.

  • Madam, I’m Adam.
  • Was it a bat I saw?
  • Otto
  • Hannah
  • Bob
  • A Santa at Nasa
  • Ma has a ham
  • Olson is in Oslo
  • Todd erases a red dot
  • refer
  • Harpo: Not on Oprah
  • Rise to vote sir
  • civic
  • a nut for a jar of tuna




Wasn’t that fun? How many can you come up with?








16 thoughts on “Fun With Words ~~~ Palindromes

  1. I also didn’t know what they were called, but it was fun! I’ll need to leave the trying until tomorrow…head’s too tired now šŸ™‚


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