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Happy That Last Year is Over With!

Happy New Year, People!

As my post title says…I am so glad 2015 is over with and gone. Whew, that was a damn hard year. Not to be repeated, please. A good friend of mine did a post yesterday, not about resolutions, but about leaving things behind in the new year. As I don’t do resolutions either, I thought it was such a good idea that I stole it. Yes, I did. I’m not sorry either.

She’ll forgive me I’m sure.

So I’m going to make a list of things I’m going to leave behind in 2015. Good riddance and hello 2016!


only one way to go....let's leave the crap behind us



  1. Bad health. Mine and the husbands. Mostly his, I hope. Yes, I want to leave behind the bad health issues we faced in 2015. We have a good chance of doing this. First, I need to get my butt in gear and exercise. I already eat decently. I’m a diabetic, I have to. My problem is I sit too much. When I’m not doing housework, dishes, running to the store, giving the husband his pills, making stuff to eat. Yeah, other than all that I sit in my comfy, old office chair in front of my computer and type, or read. I need to get up and move more.

2. I need to leave behind procrastination. I’m an expert at it. Getting better every day. I really need to stop that and just get stuff done. There is so much I want to do. Like, write more books. A big highlight last year was publishing my two books. (You can buy them from Amazon, just click on the books on my sidebar!) I have been working on a third book in the series but it’s been slow going. I also have an idea about another book, something different I want to try. I’m hoping to do that too this new year.

3. Financial issues. Yeah, like that is going to happen. I’m nothing if not optimistic. Last year really sucked as far as the finances were concerned. I need to work on a better budget and work on generating more income for us. This is always a worry. I want to worry less and produce more. Just not too sure how I’m going to do that.

4. I want to leave behind my insecurities about my writing. I received a wonderful email from someone a few days ago. They had just finished reading The Canine Caper and loved it. They told me they hoped I kept on writing. That was a wonderful email to receive from someone I didn’t know. Obviously, some people enjoy my writing, so I need to quit doubting myself and just write!

5. Thinking my siblings are going to change their attitude toward me. Yeah, I really need to give that up as they aren’t going to change. It’s been too many years of me wishing things were different and things staying the same, or getting worse. I have no idea why I’m considered the black sheep of the family, but hey, I’ll take it. I always did like being different. I have my friends. Even if some are faraway, they are more like family than my family. Just goes to show, blood does not always make a difference.

6. I need to leave behind any heartache. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of heartache the past year. Not going into details, but lets just say family is not the only reason I hurt inside sometimes. I get foolish dreams once in a while. Expectations that can’t be met….of myself and others. Through no fault of theirs. I let my guard down and then expect things to happen that don’t and wham! Hurt feelings. I’m letting that go.

7. Adulting. Yes, you read that right! I’m leaving adulting behind. Frick it. I hate being an adult sometimes. Just kidding! Well, maybe I won’t leave it ALL behind. Just some of it. I need to have more fun. Really, I do. I’m way too serious most times. I need some fun and frolicking in my life. Anyone want to frolic with me?

I’m leaving it at seven. I like the number seven. You know what I won’t be leaving behind? YOU!

Yes, I promise not to leave you behind. So come join me this year. Let’s have some fun! Let’s party! Let’s be friends……You guys are great and thank you for sticking with me this past year. Thank you for helping me when it was so very difficult for me to ask for help. Thank you for being readers, commentors, big-hearted people and most of all, thank you for being who you are.

There were some of you that truly were friends. You let me whine to you, cry on your shoulder, share my worries, help me buy a mattress so I could get some much-needed sleep, bought my books and helped me make those same books a reality. I love you guys. Now let’s get going on 2016!!




25 thoughts on “Happy That Last Year is Over With!

  1. I can relate to almost everything you want to leave behind, and I would like to leave those things behind as well!!! Here’s to both of us having a much better year to come than the year past! Happy New Year!


  2. I am currently marinating in hot pink hair dye, so I can totally get you on #7 😀

    Here’s to a good year for both of us! ❤


  3. The things you are leaving behind are just as well left there. We get no brownie points for hitting our heads on the same rocks year after year. Good choices! I’m with you.


  4. I had a comment and then the internet failed me. It’s taken hours to get back here so all I can say is I agree with you. I’m glad the last year is over. I sure don’t want a replay. Have a good one.


  5. Glad to leave 2015 behind – I’ve heard so much of that, never noticed that before. It must have been a very hard year for many, know it was for many of my friends, and there was enough of the hard stuff in it for me too.
    2016 has started out very dark here in my corner of Switzerland (fog to the ground), but we took in a concert last night that was so full of joy, beauty, and fun – that’s what I want to remember for the start of this year.
    Happy New Year to you, and may it truly be a happy one for you!


    1. Thank you and Happy New Year to you also. Dark weather I can handle. It’s the darkness in life that is hard. Yes, many have had way too much in 2015. The weather here since the new year has been very sunny and bright. I’m hoping that’s a sign of better times.


  6. Hi Jackie, I hope you will have more of the good things that happened last year, and less of the bad things!

    Re your number 1 about exercise – I’m sure you’ve thought of this already, but if not, on YouTube there are thousands of exercise videos you can do at home, ranging from really short two minute ones right up to full workouts, many need barely any space and they cater to all different levels of fitness. It’s a really good way to gradually start exercising again, for free, and without getting bored because you can just keep trying different ones.

    Re your number 5 about siblings, and possibly your number 6 about people letting you down (without knowing what that’s about) – I heard some really wise words a while back that have helped me a lot in coming to terms with other people’s actions and behaviours: Trust people to be who they are, not who you want them to be.

    And re your number 7 about fun and frolics, I usually avoid self-promotion on other people’s blogs, but if you didn’t see my last blog post, have a look if you get a chance, you’ll see we’re thinking alike! –


    1. I somehow missed your last blog, Vanessa. I will have to go take a look as your posts are usually so cheerful I try and read each one. 🙂 Thank you for your wisdom. I never thought about youtube for exercise. So thanks for that! I will have a look at that too very soon. Wise words about people. And so true. Thanks again Vanessa. Hope your coming year is as wonderful as you are. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes, goodbye 2015…I really hope that 2016 is better for us both, my friend. (Please, no more stays in the nuthouse!)
    I love you too, Jackie. I got your Christmas card. 🙂 It was lovely and I also appreciate your friendship.
    A classy poor broad 😉


  8. That is a great concept, to leave behind the not-so-good parts of the old year and then to truly look forward to a better year. I wish you a healthier and financially more secure year for 2016. 🙂


  9. Those sound like good things to leave behind. I can relate to most of . . . no hell almost all of that that you’re leaving behind. Health, procrastinating and income are the biggies. Well all I can do is hope for the best for you in 2016.


  10. This is a great post, my friend! You have all the reason to be confident in your writing. You are really gifted. So just get on with it! As to procrastination, that is something I know about. I was the queen. Everything could be done later. Then I decided to let go of that crown and trained my self to notice when I wanted to push something for later. Once I started noticing what I was doing, I just had to tell myself to do it now. Not that I always listen, but slowly but surely it’s getting better. And just to let you know that I will not leave you behind either! Cheers to 2016 and a BIG hug ❤


    1. Thank you tiny! And thank you for the compliments. I appreciate your vote of confidence. Ah, procrastination is hard to get rid of! But, I am trying. Cheers to the new year! Big hugs and lots of love!

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