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Wednesday Whatever! ~~ Things I Will Never Do



We’ve all seen bucket lists or made our own bucket lists. You know the kind…things we want to do before we die or before we turn 30, 40, 50, etc. I’ve decided to do a different kind of bucket list. Things I will never do while I live or things I will never do again. I try to learn by my mistakes and sometimes doing something once is enough for me.

I always did like being a bit different. So here’s my list…

  1. Never get married….again. Twice is two times too many. I’m getting too damn old to break in another man.
  2. I will never give up coffee. I know plenty people my age that either had to give up coffee or went to caffeine free. Which is giving up coffee, I mean what’s the point of drinking coffee if not for the caffeine? I will likely die with a hot cup of coffee gripped in my cold dead hand.
  3. I will not live with hatred or prejudice in my heart or my home. Period. That is not a way to live. We are all human and we are all brothers and sisters. No matter the color of our skin, the way we love someone, or our beliefs. I won’t force my thoughts on you, you just do the same and we can all live together in peace. Come on people, if we don’t have each other’s back who will? We together are all WE got. So let’s do it in love.
  4. I won’t let go of my dreams. We all have dreams, things we want to accomplish, things we want to create. Once we give those up, we lose ourselves to darkness. No matter how tired I am or how much I hurt, I refuse to give up my dreams.
  5. With number 4 comes this one…I won’t ever stop writing. It’s in my soul, my heart and my very being to write. I’m not saying I will always write good things but I will always write. I could live to be one hundred and I will still write. Of course by then we should be able to write without actually using our hands, technology is awesome. Plus, I need my hands for my coffee. 😉
  6. I will never be ungrateful for the help I receive from family and friends. I will always appreciate my friends for being who they are. 
  7. I will never be rich. Well, unless I win the lottery, which I don’t see happening. And that’s ok. Being rich would bring a whole new set of problems, not to mention, a whole bunch of relatives I didn’t know I had. ha! I might never be rich but I make do with what I have and am just grateful for a roof over my head. There have been a few times in my life when that was pretty doubtful so I’ve come to appreciate where I live, no matter how humble it is.
  8. I won’t give up learning. No matter how old I become I love learning new things, especially new technology things. I’m a nerd. 
  9. I will never stop cussing. An old fashion word for swearing, using curse words, saying things like hell, dammit, shit and f*** (although I rarely use that one). I’m a lady, but a lady with a mouth on her and who isn’t afraid to use it. It’s a part of me.
  10. I won’t jump out of an airplane. Uh, uh, not this girl. No way. 
  11. I won’t ever give up my optimism. Been on the other side before, the dark side. Won’t go there again. They lie you know…..they don’t have cookies!
  12. And for the even dozen….I won’t give up on my friends. They are friends for a reason. I love my friends. You might get depressed, you might hurt, you might even do yourself an injury but I will never give up on you! I will be there with my hand held out to help pull you out of the hole you are in. I will try my best to make you smile and bring a little light and love into your life when you need it. I. Will. Never. Give. You. Up! 

There you have it. Probably a bit cheesy on my end but it’s how I feel today.

by TolmanCotton
by TolmanCotton


What about you? What’s one thing you will never do?

14 thoughts on “Wednesday Whatever! ~~ Things I Will Never Do

  1. Wonderful list. I couldn’t agree with you more than, “what’s the point of drinking coffee if not for the caffeine?” I’ll never understand that. I don’t drink or smoke, so I’m not willing to let go of the one drug I can enjoy,


  2. You already don’t need your hands to write. What’s her name Sari, she’s on windows 10. One of my doctor’s uses it. He makes is seem so easy as he updates my file. He even makes corrections. I don’t think I’m ready for that. The rest of your list is great especially about your friends. By the way I’m family so when you hit the lottery I won’t be long lost. 😉


  3. What a wonderful and amazing list. I especially loved #3. My least favorite was #7. I plan to be open to whatever good the Universe sends my way. Let them come out of the woodwork. They already do so I have a good handle on saying No. That’s a complete sentence. Every other one of those on your list could be on mine. As I go warm my coffee. # 1 is at the top of my list too. Done! Riding a gondola or a hot air balloon is on par with the jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Nope, nope, nope. Loved this post. Made me think and I love learning too. 🙂 Giant hugs.


  4. Great list, Jackie. I too feel things would be so much better in the world if we could just let others live as they choose and not force our opinions on them.

    Funny you mentioned jumping out of a plane. When I turned 18 I decided I wanted to experience a jump and scheduled an appointment. It was one of those things I had on my list to prove to myself I could do anything any one else could do. Well, the day arrived and I drove to the airport. I got out of the car, looked around and wondered what I was thinking. The lake wasn’t far from the air port so landing in water when not a strong swimmer was a concern. The airport was surrounded by busy streets and that scared me. Those things led me to wonder how badly I could break my body if I landed improperly and well…. I got back in my car and never considered jumping from a plane again. That’s one thing I don’t care if I have on my list of things I’ve done in this lifetime.


  5. That is a great list Jackie. I agree with most of them, maybe with the exception of cussing as that just isn’t in me. Love seeing number 5. When do you need a new cover for your next novel? See, someone is waiting for work 😉 and slowly coming back to life.


    1. I wanted to email you but decided against it as I know you needed time. I have some ideas for the new book I’m working on. I will email you tomorrow with my ideas if you are ready. Big hugs my friend.

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