poetry · postaday · Wednesday Whatever! · writing

Wednesday Whatever!

For today, I thought I would write a poem. I haven’t done that in a while. Here is my little ditty. Hope you enjoy.







Blowing in the Wind

My thoughts are scattered

like the leaves

blowing in the wind

My mind can’t catch hold

of the words skittering

through my imagination

Why can’t they hold still

so I can grab hold

and put them in order

they need to be told

The sentences only make sense

if they follow a pattern

not a bunch of nonsense

The wind, the wind, the wind

it never ceases

Quit blowing my words

hither and yon

How can I write

what I want to say

When all the wind wants to do

is play




**I’m not a poet by any means but I try**



13 thoughts on “Wednesday Whatever!

  1. Lovely! I love your Wednesday Whatever posts, there’s always something fun and different to read πŸ™‚


  2. I like this a lot! And I can relate. Sometimes it is just impossible to find the words, they are scattered everywhere. But you found great words for this poem πŸ™‚


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