Fiction · Flash Fiction · postaday · Wednesday Whatever! · Word Fun · writing

Wednesday Whatever!

Today is going to be more word fun. I love words, letters, paragraphs, stories. There are so many people out there with so much talent for writing good stories. Sometimes though I like to read short stories or flash fiction. I love to write them too.

I think the shortest stories I’ve written were the six-word stories that you see sometimes as challenges. Now that truly is a challenge! It’s not so easy. I suppose the most famous six-word story is the one by Hemingway. I’m sure you are familiar with this one…. “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

In fact, I just did a six-word challenge not too long ago over on J.A. Allens blog. She has a challenge going every week over at her blog, why not check it out?

I went on the search for some six-word stories. Here’s some of what I found. I hope you enjoy them!




I’ll start out with my own six-word story that I did for J.A. Allens challenge.

Stormy night. Checked in Hotel California.

Now some of what I found.



download (1)














Can you write your own six-word story? Please do in the comment section, I would love to read them! 





25 thoughts on “Wednesday Whatever!

    1. Maddie!!! I read your email and will be emailing you back shortly! 🙂 And yes, truth is a weird one. Yours is pretty darn good, girl.


    1. Good thing paint can wasn’t purple or something. 🙂 It was hot here, now it’s cool and rainy. We are getting last months weather. We need the rain so I’m not complaining. Take it easy, Marlene. Things will get done or not, no sense killing yourself trying to do it all.

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  1. These are cool! I like yours and the last one best. Hemingway’s is of course priceless, a tragic story in six words.


  2. Just opened eyes – no coffee yet. I’m too tired to think of one, Jackie. Hang on – I think I might have nailed it in the first sentence! 😀


  3. My oh my ‘brought roses home, keys didn’t fit’ is SO sad and is in some ways my story. I think it would be a good exercise to condense one’s story down to six words. I tend to be far too verbose when I write.
    Great post!


    1. In some ways that’s my story too. Know it as well as you do. Sigh. But it’s in the past now and that’s where it should stay. Hope you are well.

      Liked by 1 person

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