Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · poetry · Stories of my life

In Memory of Mom

As many of you know, my mom passed away last Wednesday. Later today is her funeral. There will be a viewing from 4 -7 pm in Wabeno, Wisconsin with a service afterward. After that, she will be cremated and her ashes scattered close to where my dad’s ashes were scattered years before.

I won’t be there in physical form, as I live in Canada now, but I most certainly will be there in spirit. I’m sure, if she can, mom knows my heart is with her. I’m also sure her services will be lovely.

Since I can’t be there to pay my respects, I thought I would dedicate this post to her. It’s not really a poem, more like free-falling thoughts.

This one’s for you, Mom. I love and miss you.






I won’t pretend that you were an angel

Now that you’re gone

You would have hated that description

I won’t pretend that you were perfect,

As we both knew you weren’t

You were happy just being you in all your


You had a fast temper and your brown eyes would snap

with fire as you told whoever displeased you to…

knock it off!”

You could hold a grudge better than anyone I ever knew

You didn’t give an inch, as I know all too well


If you thought someone had done you wrong

there was no forgiving

You could be stubborn to a fault

But I had to admire your convictions

that utter belief in one’s self

You and I had a tumultuous relationship

all of my life

Yet I never stopped respecting you

and wanting your approval

Never thought of not loving you

As my mom

You were the strongest woman I know

You taught me to be strong

I’m grateful for that

I just wish you could have taught me

how to deal with the pain of losing you

You lived a long life of eighty-six years

I know not all of those years were good

You had to go through some tough times

Some painful experiences

In the end, though there were lots of good years

good memories, great loves

In the last few years

I believe we came to a silent agreement

to love and respect each other

despite our differences

Maybe I’m more like you than I realized

I do hope so

Wherever you are

I know you are with Dad again

and that makes the parting

a little easier to handle

Take his hand, Mom, as you did in life

and be content with the life you left behind

You will always be loved








34 thoughts on “In Memory of Mom

  1. What a beautiful tribute Jackie, brings me to tears as I too know the pain of losing a mother. Its going to be a tough day for you but I know you are a strong woman and you hold those lasting memories close to you today. My thoughts are with you at this time….((HUGS))


      1. Its normal to grieve and to let the tears flow…..I know grief is a real roller coaster of a ride….somehow we get through it, we find ways in which we cope and deal with it, like in my case writing about it…..take care of you..


        1. That’s one of the problems. I haven’t cried….not really. My eyes fill up and then I fight them back. I’m afraid if I start crying I won’t stop. Not healthy I know and as my health tells me, yet here I am. Grieving without the outlet of tears. Afraid of breaking down and not being able to get back up.


  2. This is a wonderful tribute to your Mom, Jackie! I am so happy that you found each other again in her later years. My thoughts are with you and I am sending you comfort and love ❤


  3. I started to read this on my laptop this morning but a friend was coming by with her little one. So my kid ran the vacuum until it died. So when my friend canceled, I tried to read it again. Then my laptop died. Toast! So here I am finally and you could have written this about my mom. They must have been twins. I know mine has been gone since 2001 and I miss that ornery stinker every day . They lead giant hole you don’t know what to do with . Mine only made it almost 75 years but so happy we were friends at the end . Tears will come later , when you least expect them . That was a beautiful poem and wish I could have written something so beautiful for my cantankerous mom. You did good . Giant squishy hugs.


    1. Thank you, Marlene. Sorry about your laptop. They don’t seem to last very long. My mom was….cantankerous is a good word. She could also be funny as hell, wise, opinionated and kind and generous. And yes, she left a giant hole I don’t know what to do with. You said it very well, my friend. Giant squishy hugs back. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jackie, you made me cry, what a lovely tribute to your mother. Honest yet sweet I hope writing this helped you with your loss.


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