Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · Wednesday Whatever!

Wednesday Whatever!

Hello, People!




Ah, it’s good to be back! It seems I took an unplanned mini-vacation from blogging. It’s been a couple of weeks since my last post. Seems a lot longer. Now I’m back in the saddle again. Did you miss me? No? Ah well, I missed you!

The reason for the time away from blogging was nothing serious. I was just super busy and a bit lazy. Seemed like the husband and I had something to do almost every day. The days we didn’t have appointments I spent doing nothing. Well, that’s not entirely true either. I read books, I cleaned house and I watched endless videos on YouTube. Yeah, being super lazy. No writing, not being creative, no brain cells spent.

The husband is done with chemo treatments. He is doing better. He had another colonoscopy Friday to make sure no more tumors have grown and to check on his colon operation. The only problem the doctor found was where they had patched his colon together after removing the tumor. They had to dilate that area as it had collapsed. Otherwise, he was healthy. Yay! It’s been a long year of operations and chemo treatments for him.

A person doesn’t realize how much pressure they are under until some of it is gone. I was so tired lately. Now, I’m doing better and ready to blog again. Maybe even work on my books! Look out world here I come…..again.

Some of my online friends were worried about me and I thank them for that. You know who you are. You guys are the best. You emailed me and asked how I was doing. That helps more than you know.

Last year was a pretty rough year. Between the husband’s cancer and chemo treatments to my mother dying. Yeah, rough. It’s getting better now. Good things are happening with more good things on the horizon. I just needed to catch my breath for a bit.

I will try my best to get back into my blogging schedule. Hope to see you around!







17 thoughts on “Wednesday Whatever!

  1. Being lazy is good for the soul sometimes. 🙂
    (Been working on my part of our new project. Almost done.)


  2. I hate to say it Jackie, but I think it’s in the stars. I know of 4 of us Virgo’s who were doing the same thing. Taking down time of different lengths. I think last year ran us all through a wringer and left us like limp dishrags trying to get our starch back. I swear it’s been mostly Virgo’s that it happened to. So enjoy a much needed rest. Your body wants it and it will help. Now I’ll take a little walk and then a little nap. 🙂 Glad all is well.


  3. I’m not really here, but yes, it’s been a tough year for sure. Hang in there, love ya ((invisible hugs))


  4. I’m glad to hear your absence was just a much needed rest for you. You sure needed it. I’m also happy to hear this year is getting better for you especially with the good news from hubby’s doctor. What a relief that must have been.


    1. Thanks Lois. I knew the husband was ok, he needed the reasurrance. Which he got. I kept telling him the cancer was gone. I am always the believer in positive thinking. 🙂


  5. I didn’t miss you, but it was only because I was w/o internet connection for almost two weeks 🙂 I know (remember) how tired one gets after a long stretch of trials is over. Both body and soul want to ‘just be’ and not be bothered with anything much for a while. You will get your energy back soon, I’m sure, and be writing again! Much love and hugs ❤


    1. Tiny!! You didn’t miss me. sniff sniff….wahhh. hahahaha! Are you back home yet? No? Yes? I have missed you lady! I will have to email you this weekend. Love and hugs! ❤

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