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Truth or Fiction

Hello readers and friends. Last weeks story seems to have been a success in a way. Everyone EXCEPT Bill got it right this time. The story is TRUE. Yup, really did happen to me. It never made me afraid to get into the water again, just made me hate someone all the more. I won’t go into details here, too depressing.

Let’s just move on to this weeks story. Is it Truth or Fiction?





The house wasn’t the same to her anymore. It didn’t hold that fear or hopelessness to her as it once did. She wasn’t sure why she was here. Sitting in her car parked in front of the house. She felt drawn to come. The house was empty, a for sale sign in the yard. She wished only happiness to those that bought it next. The house needed some happy memories made in it. Maybe in some way, those happy memories would wipe clean the many unhappy ones that filled it while she and her ex-husband lived there.

She was free of the man, just as the house was free of him. With his loud voice and his fists through the walls next to her head. The house had been damaged as much as she had. They both had to replace the bad with the good.

They both had scars on the inside that would stay with them. Never forgotten but maybe….just maybe healed enough to not be so noticeable anymore.

She smiled sadly and brushed the tears from her face. Silly woman. Crying for a house. Thinking that pile of bricks, wood and paint could feel as she did. She started her car and glanced once more toward the house. The sun glinted off the windows and to her it was like it was smiling at her, giving her a wink of encouragement.

With that, her spirits lightened and she gave a small wave to the house as she drove away, whispering, “May we both be filled with happy memories from now on.”







So was this fiction or truth? Let me know what you think! Do you believe that buildings can hold memories? Do you think there are some people who can ‘pick-up’ on those memories? 






11 thoughts on “Truth or Fiction

  1. I would absolutely believe you could feel that way about a house. I’ve been back to see a couple of the last places I’ve lived. I’ve smudged homes when I moved in and out to give them a fresh start. It’s hard to let go of hard memories but sending good thoughts to a house and new family. I’m making plans to do that with mine this summer.


    1. You plan on smudging your home this summer? Or sending good thoughts to a house and new family? You aren’t moving are you? Or planning on leaving us? No, no no! You can’t. I’ve never smudged a house, I probably should have. ❤

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      1. I smudge my house every time my son and his ex leave here. I smudged it when I moved in and whenever someone brings in negativity. I am planning on selling this summer. I will smudge again this summer. Things are changing in the park with new owners so it’s time to simplify and come up with a different plan. My daughter is here to help me get it done. Once my house is sold, we may travel a bit and see how long I last. I’m in year 5 of 2-5 so I’m not making long range plans. Most everything in here will be sold. Books, fabric and creative projects will be thinned out but take priority in staying for awhile longer. I have sent good thoughts to a couple of the last houses I’ve lived in. Wonder if there will be a number 36?


        1. I will have to try smudging. I’ve thought about it. I understand about not making long range plans, my friend. I am hoping for a number 36 in your future. With much love to you. ❤

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