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If We Were Having Coffee

If We Were Having Coffee

If we were having coffee, I would invite you in for your favorite beverage, be it coffee, tea, coke, water, etc. We would sit down at the kitchen table and have a nice visit.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I may be getting new neighbors soon, as the one place next to us is up for sale and the place across from us is being cleaned up and fixed up. I don’t know if it will be for sale or not as the place has been empty for the nearly two years I’ve been living here. From what I understand the old man who lived there had died in there and his only child was in jail for ‘white collar crime’.

The last few weekends someone has been there fixing the place up and today there is a U-haul there being filled with the stuff that was inside. Sam and I were just ‘observing’ these things when I took him out to do his business. We aren’t the nosey type, really. 😉

If we were having coffee, I would mention Spring has come, although today it doesn’t seem like it, as it’s pretty cool out. Officially though, Spring is here. Even the birds know it as they are busy building nests and the trees are budding out. Despite us having a bit of a snow storm earlier this week where it dumped about 8 inches (20cm) on us. It’s all gone now thank goodness.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how excited I am about the A to Z Challenge reveal tomorrow. It will be great to see everyone’s reveal posts and what they are doing for the challenge. I will be having a post of my own tomorrow, so please watch for that as I’m doing the challenge this year too.

If we were having coffee, I would confide that I am determined to have something published this year. I will probably go the self-publish route, but I’m not ruling out sending out something to agents or/and publishers. I am done with procrastinating out of fear. I am going to do it! I have a best friend who has confidence in me and she is pushing me to do this (in a nice way, of course). I’m not getting any younger, so now is the time to just shove my fears aside and get it done. Wish me luck!

If we were having coffee, I would want to know what is going on with your life. What exciting things do you have planned or hope to accomplish this year? I would refill my coffee mug and whatever you are drinking and I’d listen to you tell me all about things. That is what a good hostess and friend does.

So until next time, have a wonderful week and don’t be a stranger!


The #WeekendCoffeeShare is the brainchild of Part Time Monster. Please go visit and click on the linky to see other posts being done with beverages. Thanks!