Blogging · Fiction · postaday · stories · writing

Sunday Snippets Critique Blog Hop ~ March 17

sunday_snippets2 (1)In this hop, participants post 250 words of their work in progress to be critiqued.  Then everyone hops around to critique others.  Don’t have a post of your own?  We’d love a critique anyway!

Want to join up?  Click here for the rules, and leave a comment to have your name added to the list.  The more the merrier!

My week’s Sunday Snippet is from a short story I had started a while ago. I’m thinking of expanding it. Hope you enjoy it.



They were married eight months after that first magical meeting. Karen’s lawyers tried to convince her to have Greg sign a  pre-nup. She refused to even consider it. Karen was in love! She had Greg’s name added to everything she owned. The bank accounts, house deeds, boat deeds. Even her father’s business. Greg took it all over with a big smile and light kiss on the cheek. The only thing Greg couldn’t touch was her trust fund for it had been set up by her father when she first went to college. No one could touch it but she and her father’s trusted friend and lawyer Mr. James.

Mr. James, or Jamey as Karen always called him, took an instant dislike to Greg. He knew what Greg was, but saw how happy Karen appeared, so kept his opinions to himself. Greg fooled most people. Everyone he met thought he was a devoted husband. A man who would do anything for his wife. They never saw the Greg that showed up about three months after the wedding. That was the real Greg. The bully, the wife beater, the liar and the man who loved to terrorize his wife. Just for the fun of it.

Karen took  three years of abuse. Three years of beatings. Then she couldn’t take anymore. She had thought of suicide briefly. But deep down she didn’t want to die. She was a survivor. So she started to plan.



Click on over to these great writers to check out and critique what they’ve posted!

Blogging · Fiction · writing

Sunday Snippets Critique Blog Hop ~ March 3

Sunday Snippets Critique Blog Hop

sunday_snippets2 (1)In this hop, participants post 250 words of their work in progress to be critiqued.  Then everyone hops around to critique others.  Don’t have a post of your own?  We’d love a critique anyway!

Want to join up?  Click here for the rules, and leave a comment to have your name added to the list.  The more the merrier!

This week I thought I would show a different work in progress then I have lately. It started out as a short story and just grew from there.

The story is called “Alei”. She is a trained assassin from another world. It’s set in the far future. It’s when she finishes her training and is about to be sent on her first mission.



Alei could not quite believe she had made it this far. She stood alone, facing the dais and the only person who could grant her the one thing that made all her hard work worth it. She heard the faint rustle of the crowd behind her. Her  fellow classmates in the  only school of its type. A place where its secrets out numbered its residents. Where to survive you had to be smarter, quicker and deadlier then all the others. And she was. She had proved that.  It was a school that was well-known for producing the best assassins in all the universes.

She stood still, with only her eyes following the man above her. Her inky black hair spiky on  top of her head. Her eyes, the eyes of her people. Deep purple with a black outer rim, slightly slanted. Her skin tan with the black tattoo’s that showed others she was of the tribe  Aleiata of the planet Tambos. A once proud and majestic people, her tribe had been slaughtered by an army run by the very man who was standing on the dais in front of her. She was the only survivor, a baby back then, only five years old.

The man, a powerful assassin, named Drimel thought it would be amusing to take her and school her into what he was. He named her Alei after her people and thrust her in this school to be shaped and molded into what she was today. Twenty years later, she stood silent, nothing moving but her purple eyes. Waiting to be told she was a full-fledged killer. Waiting to told what her first assignment was. Waiting to kill.



Click on over to these great writers to check out and critique what they’ve posted!