Blog challenge · Daily Post Writing Challenge · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano

Around the World in Pies

The Daily Post Writing challenge this week is about pies. Now, I don’t eat pies, not the sweet kind anyway, not because I don’t like them. I don’t eat them because I’m a diabetic and pies made without real sugar just isn’t the same to me. Ah, but savory pies. Now that’s a pie I can sink my teeth into.

I thought, since I’m not much of a baker, I’d talk about the different pies of the world. Don’t you ever wonder how a pie came to be? I mean, who would have thought to make a pie out of nuts off a tree? See what I mean? Or who first thought to make a pie with lemons? Or limes? Or with meat and vegetables?

So lets take a quick trip around the world in pies.

So lets start with the humble but glorious Apple pie. Apple pies have shown up throughout history in many forms since the Middle Ages. The first apple pies were not made with sugar as only the very rich at that time could afford sugar. Also, from what I found, pies were not made with a crust, what held the pie was called a ‘coffin’ and used only as a container.

There is also a town in New Mexico that named themselves after pies. It’s called Pie Town, New Mexico.

Then we have one of my favorites, Lemon Meringue pie. It’s said that the modern lemon meringue pie was first made by Alexander Frehse, a Swiss baker from Romandie (Switzerland). I learn something new every day.

Now we go to the Pecan Pie, some people love it, some don’t. It’s pretty sweet the ones I’ve tasted. It is believed this nutty dessert was invented by French settlers shortly after they arrived in New Orleans and were introduced to the nut by Native Americans. Yeah ancestors! Attempts to trace the dish’s origin have not found any recipes dated earlier than 1886, so who really knows? Some say it’s a variant of the Chess pies which are very similar.

Pecan Pie. Photo by @joefoodie
Pecan Pie. Photo by @joefoodie


How about some savory pies? Like the meat pies of Australia and New Zealand? According to Wikipedia: An Australian or New Zealand meat pie is a hand-sized meat pie containing largely diced or minced meat and gravy, sometimes with onion, mushrooms, or cheese and often consumed as a takeaway food snack. The pie itself is similar to the United Kingdom’s steak pie. Sounds good to me!

Via Wikepedia
Via Wikepedia

Or Natchitoches Meat Pie. Again via Wikipedia;

The Natchitoches meat pie is a regional dish from northern Louisiana, United States. It is one of the official state foods of Louisiana.

Ingredients include ground beef, ground pork, onions, peppers, garlic, oil, and a pie shell. Natchitoches meat pies are often fried in peanut oil because of that oil’s high smoking temperature. A number of restaurants in the historic district in Natchitoches serve meat pies, and frozen pies are available from grocers in northern Louisiana. Restaurants in the historic district in Natchitoches serve the pies and you’ll also find them at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.

An annual Meat Pie Festival is held in September and includes pie making demonstrations, a meat pie cook-off and live music.

Via Kimberly Vardeman
Via Kimberly Vardeman


How about Spanakopita? What’s that you ask? Spanakopita is a Greek savory pie made with  a filling of chopped spinach, feta cheese, onions or scallions, egg, and seasoning. The filling is wrapped or layered in phyllo (filo) pastry with butter and/or olive oil, either in a large pan from which individual servings are cut, or rolled into individual triangular servings.

While the filo-dough recipe is most common, many recipes from the Greek islands call for a crust made of flour and water to form a crunchier, calzone-like exterior in place of the flaky filo dough. The pastry is golden in color when baked, the color often enhanced by butter and egg yolk. Other white, fresh, preferably salted cheeses may also be mixed with, or substituted for, the feta cheese.

I think it looks pretty tasty.

Tanya Bakogiannis
Tanya Bakogiannis
Blog challenge · Blogging · Daily Post Writing Challenge · nonfiction · poetry · postaday · writing

Things That I Appreciate Now That I’m Old(er)

The other day I had visitors. A couple and their 3-year-old daughter Jazzy (Jasmine). She’s into asking “what’s that?”, about everything! As younger children are she’s very curious and full of energy. My dog Sam loves her as she is always eating something and is more than willing to share! LOL

But after they left, I sat and thought about her innocence and her curiosity. I thought how I envied her those things and wish sometimes I was that innocent for just a little while. Then I thought about getting older and what I appreciate about that process. The things I’ve learned, seen, felt, done.

It made me feel better actually. I’m aging and that’s ok. I’m probably older than most of my readers think I am. That too is ok. I’ve done a lot in my life. I’ve HAD a life. (Not that I‘m done with living yet! Far from it.) Now it’s Jazzy’s turn and I wish her a life full of adventure, love and learning.

Today’s Daily Post weekly writing challenge is called ‘List Lesson’This week, girl in the hat writer Anna Fonté challenges you to write a list that transcends its orderly or numbered format.

So my ‘list’ is going to be all the things I appreciate now that I am old(er).




Things That I Appreciate Now That I’m Old(er)

The beauty of nature in all its forms
The fluffy white clouds in azure blue skies
Gentle rain on the roof, or thunderstorms
Flowers swaying in a breeze, diamonds in the snow

Quiet times, lazy days, a book in my hands
Music to set my foot tapping, daydreaming
Messages from friends, far away or near
Slowing down enough to appreciate just being

That first cup of coffee, a cold drink of water
A long hot shower, no place to hurry to
Memories of childhood, letting go of anger
Wisdom well-earned, not having to eat peas

Silver in my hair, yes, I even appreciate that
Learning to say no, being out of debt
My father’s wisdom bless his soul, saying thank you
Having time to write or to watch a sunset

Accepting myself as I am, it’s ok to be me
Knowing my mistakes past is just that, in the past
Not caring if my house is a bit dusty
Making decisions on my own

Living this long, there were days when I didn’t think I would
Love, companionship, trust, kisses, holding hands
Poems well written, stories well told
People I’ve come to know in other lands

I appreciate being old(er), when you are young you take
living till you are old for granted, when you reach this age
you no longer take it for granted, you just appreciate having
another day, week, month, year to keep getting older yet.