Blog challenge · Fiction · Flash Fiction · writing

A Challenge Accepted!

Two posts in one day for me! Wow, I must be in the zone. LOL

Frank over at A Frank Angle has issued a challenge to write a flash fiction piece on the picture below. It has to be 150 words or less. It’s been a while since I did a challenge like this, so I’m kind of rusty. Hope you all enjoy it and zip on over to Franks to read all the other great writings, including Franks!


Footprints in the Sand


He was told that he would be alone at this outpost. Then why is he seeing footprints that aren’t his?

Looking around he didn’t see anything for miles. Just sand. Lots of sand.

He radioed back to headquarters about the footprints and waited. No one did anything on their own. If it wasn’t an approved activity dire consequences would occur. He knew that. He’s seen it in action. He didn’t want to be the next person it happened to.

So, he waited.

When he didn’t hear back from headquarters the next morning he did his usual walk around the area. It was protocol. You didn’t go against protocol.

He saw new footprints. With strange holes next to them. Whoever it was, it was barefoot and fairly small. He couldn’t figure out the holes. A stick? Where would they get a stick in this godforsaken wasteland?

Hearing a sound behind him he spun around and gasped. A small woman holding an antique firearm was standing there. She was pointing it at his chest.




That’s where my imagination took me. Hope you enjoyed it and will go visit Franks blog to read more. 




Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · questions and answers · writing

Questions and Answers

Hello, people! I do hope your weekend went well. On Mondays, I usually do Cee’s Share Your World post but unfortunately, Cee has been ill the last few days and will not be posting her famous Monday questions for us to answer.

So, I have decided to post some of my own questions with of course my answers to them. If anyone would like to answer the questions please feel free to do so!

Here we go……..

Have you ever played a practical joke on anyone?

No, not that I recall. If I have it wasn’t on purpose. I’m terrible at practical jokes or joke telling.

What is your most essential appliance?

I was going to say my refrigerator but then I thought, well I have gone without one for a while, it can be done.

For this house right now I would have to say the microwave. I use that thing every single day, several times a day. The husband uses it more than me. Or my coffee maker, although again I have made coffee on the stove before and can if I have to. It doesn’t make the best coffee, though.

Have you ever been in a newspaper? 

No. Probably the only time I will ever be in a newspaper is the obit section.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Free. No, really. I wanted to be free. I’m still not sure I made it. If you mean career wise, well, like most kids I had phases. I wanted to be in the Navy for the longest time but I couldn’t pass the physical (bad hearing). I also wanted at one time to be a vet but was afraid that all those hurting and abused animals would just tear me up too much.

Then I decided I wanted to be a secretary (that’s what we call administrative assistants back then. I’m not sure what they call them now.)

Was that for a few years, hated it…plus I refused to make coffee for the boss. He didn’t appreciate it.

I always wanted to be a writer but I knew even back then one very rarely makes enough money doing that but it didn’t stop me from dreaming.

Have you ever had a secret admirer?

Wouldn’t be much of a secret if I knew, now would it? I have no idea but I very much doubt it. I’m not the kind of woman who men (or women for that matter) fall for and are afraid to step forward and say so.

What’s the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?

I have had lots of unusual conversations. I seem to draw that out in people. I’m open to discuss pretty much anything, unusual or not.

My most unusual? Hm, I think I would have to say the most unusual was when I was much younger and my best friend and roommate was in her mental breakdown and we discussed her hallucinations. We discussed what she saw and what they were saying to her. This was all while she was in the middle of her breakdown and I was trying my best to calm her down so she wouldn’t kill me.

Looking back I would have to say, yeah, that was the most unusual. It saved my life, though, I firmly believe that.

Are you a bad loser?

I don’t like to lose. Who does? I don’t think I’m a bad loser. I mean I don’t throw cards in card games or swear (much) or pout. I’m used to losing. Terrible thing to say, eh?

Do you have any superstitions?

I would love to say….no. But, if I’m being completely honest I am somewhat. I do believe that if you think negative thoughts it will come back on you. That might be karma.

I’m not superstitious about black cats or walking under ladders or any of that kind of stuff. I’m superstitious about universal things, like karma.

I don’t throw salt over my shoulder (my ex MIL used to do that). Or my grandmother always said not to put a hat on a bed as it would bring bad luck. I don’t own any hats so I don’t think I have to worry.

I do kind of believe in special numbers and what they mean. I don’t know if that qualifies as superstitious. Probably does.

Are you good at keeping secrets?

Yes, I am. Very good. Some I’ve been carrying around for too many years to count. Others are more new.

So, if you have a secret you are dying to tell someone, I’m your gal!

Have you ever used the yellow pages?

I’m old. Used to be the only way to find a business’s phone number. Now I just Google stuff.

So the answer would be ….yes, of course I have. Sometimes I still do.




Blog challenge · Daily Prompt · His Days (about the husband) · Humor · Mi Vida Loca

The Nightlife is Not the Life for Me

If you think this post is going to be about the nightlife where I party…well you will be disappointed.

It’s about sleep or the lack of in my case. Let me set the scene for you.

The husband and I are at the age where we like our sleep at night. Because of his severe back problems we set up his bed in the living room. Yes, not the prettiest living room decor but it is what it has to be.

He loves his TV. He watches it all the time. For him, it has to be on twenty-four hours a day. Even when he sleeps.

Now me, I must have a quiet semi-dark room to sleep. I have never been able to sleep with a TV or radio on. As I grow older it gets worse. I hate noise at night except the white noise of my fan. This is the only way I can sleep.

My bedroom is right off the living room. I keep my door closed and he turns down his TV to the lowest he can have it and still hear it. Now, have I told you he is also going deaf? Yes, unfortunately, he is. He wears two hearing aids which help a lot.

Now, for the most part, the TV is not the problem.  I’ve kind of gotten used to it. Although I must admit, the odd times the power goes off and the TV is quiet, I rejoice inside. Don’t tell the husband.

Ok, back to my story. The husband is on super strong pain medication and he takes sleeping pills at night. Two of them. Most times he sleeps for about an hour or two then he is up and down all night. And here lies my problem.

As he is awake off and on all night he snacks later at night. I don’t mind that, as he needs to gain weight and if he wants to eat at 1 am, who am I to tell him no? The only rule we have is no using the stove. (he sometimes forgets to turn it off. Danger!) So he raids the refrigerator and eats like a teenager. In fact, he lives sort of like a teenager. He sleeps most of the day and eats in the middle of the night, and waits for me to clean up after him.

So, what am I complaining about then, you ask? This was last night….

I’m all comfy in my bed with Sam (my dog) at my side and just drifting off to sleep when…

*crinkle, crinkle, CRINKLE!*

My eyes pop open as I wonder what the hell that noise is. I hear it again…


After hearing it again I finally figure out it is the husband eating potato chips in bed and it’s the noise of the bag.

I shake my head and close my eyes and just start to go into a sweet slumber when I hear…..

 *bang! rrrrrrrrrrrrr, ding, ding, ding!*

The husband running the microwave for his snacks. No problem, I hear it most nights so I close my eyes again.

*clink, clink, clink* 

*crinkle, crinkle*

*clink, clink, CLINK!*

Eyes popping open, again.

*clink, CLINK, clink*

I finally figure out it’s the husband eating and is the sound of his fork hitting the plate, plus the potato chip bag. Rather damn loud too. Sighhhhh.

I swear under my breath and look at the clock, 2 am. I was asleep for all of half an hour. I’m tired so I close my eyes and snuggle down into my pillows.

Sleep, sweet sleep. Finally. My eyes pop open and I sit up in bed in a flash as I hear someone shouting…….


I almost leaped out of my skin. It was so loud it sounded right next to me. It wasn’t. It was the TV. The husband fell asleep and turned over on the TV remote and turned it up very high. He turned it down before I went into the living room like a raging harpy and threw the remote and the TV out the door. Lucky him.

My heart slowed down and I looked at the clock and frowned, 2:34 am. I was so tired!

I get up to go to the bathroom as my bladder has decided since I was awake now anyway, why not empty it. I grumble as I do my bladder’s bidding and think if I am woken up one more time, the husband won’t need sleeping pills as I will put him to sleep myself. The hard way.

I crawl back into bed and close my eyes once more. A deep sigh escapes as I drift off into dreamland. Finally. Hopefully.

As I write this, the husband is sound asleep and I think it’s time to do some vacuuming.




(This post was done for WordPress’s Daily Prompt Later and yes, it’s all true.)




Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction

Tag…I’m It! (Blogger Q & A Tag Game)

I’ve been tagged by Mandy Eve-Barnett to play this blogger Q and A game. Thanks, Mandy!

The rules are pretty simple…… Thank the blogger who nominated you. (Which I did in the first paragraph.) 
Answer the questions you were given by that blogger.
Nominate 10 bloggers, give them 10 new questions and let them know they’ve been tagged.

I’m afraid I’m a bit of a rule breaker. So I won’t be nominating ten other bloggers. I will state that if any of my readers want to play along they are more than welcome to! Just copy the questions or ask me to ask you ten different questions (which I will totally do!) and do your own post. Always happy to see my friends join in.

Now, on to my questions from Mandy.


Which do you prefer – tea or coffee or something else?  Anyone that knows me at all knows I prefer coffee. I love the stuff. Especially from Tim Hortons. (anyone going there soon??)

Vacation destination – beach, city, cruise or adventure? I’m retired, so no more vacations for me. Anyway, I never took that many because I usually worked for myself. BUT….If I could afford to take one I would love to go rent a cabin in the woods by a nice peaceful lake and just renew myself. I love trees and forests and wildlife.

As a writer do you plot your novels step by step or free flow allowing the idea freedom? Oh, I’m definitely on the free-flowing list. I do sort of plot my books in my head and then just go from there. I do have a notebook on hand that I take…well….notes about the book so I don’t get crucial details wrong as I write. I mean you don’t want your main character to start with brown hair and then end up with red. Otherwise, I’m a complete pantser.

Given the choice would you either write your memoir OR the autobiography of someone else? Well, both. I’m greedy. I have written my memoirs already. I mean, they are in very rough draft right now but I have written them down. I did it for NaNo a couple of years ago. I also would love to write my mother’s autobiography one day. I know quite a bit about her life and it’s really interesting. I’m afraid mom died in May this year so I can’t ask her questions so I might have to write it as part fiction with the main details being true.

What inspires you to write? I thought this would be an easy question to answer but once I thought about it, it isn’t. I could say what inspires me to write is the love of the written word. Or the love of books. Or the love of reading. Or something else. It really just boils down to… Life inspires me to write. Life and imagination and the ‘what if’s’ that go through my mind all the time. That and I always wanted to know if I had it in me. If I had it in me to be a writer good enough that people liked what I wrote and wanted more.

Do you prefer one genre or many to read? If one genre – why that one? I’ll read anything worth reading and some that wasn’t. Right now I’m deeply into mysteries and suspense books. I’ve read romances and science fiction and history and…and….and….Well, you get the drift. I’ve read every genre of book out there at one time or another. Curiosity you know is a great teacher.

Which TV show from your childhood was your favorite? I was never much into TV, even when a kid. But, saying that, I would have to admit my favorite show was Dark Shadows. (Not the movie or the later show, the original in the late 60’s) I LOVED that show. Still do. At the time it was scary and dark and romantic all rolled into one. It had mystery and something more. I never missed an episode.

What is your preference for a pet? Dog or cat or some other animal? My favorite pet I have to admit is a dog. But, I love all animals and right now have 2 large cats and a dog for pets. I’ve even had chameleons as pets.

List two items you would rescue in the case of a house fire. That’s easy. My pets and my purse. Everything else is replaceable. I know since I’ve lost everything in a fire once. Wasn’t pleasant but no one was hurt and that’s what matters most.

What skill do you wish you had? To talk in other languages. I love other languages and tried learning French and Spanish in school. I wasn’t very good at them. I’ve always been envious of others that could speak and read more than one language.



That’s it people! Like I said, if you would like to play, please do so! Just let me know and I’ll come visit and read. 








Blog challenge · Humor · nonfiction · Photo Challenges · postaday

The Mannequin Challenge ~~ My Way

I’m sure by now most of you have heard about the “Mannequin Challenge”. That’s where a bunch of people get together and create a scene to be filmed where they stand still like mannequins.

Well, I decided to have a bit of fun and show you pictures of my interpretation of this challenge. Just for fun. Unfortunately, it won’t be in video form but you’ll get the drift. I think we could all use a bit of fun lately, don’t you?

Here we go!


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How about doing your own Mannequin challenge?




Blog challenge · Fiction · Flash Fiction · postaday · stories · writing

Tuesday’s Challenge

Today’s challenge is going to be a little bit different. I’m going to give a line of dialog and then you can add to it. I think short and sweet should do. Use the line of dialog somewhere in your writings. Let’s keep it at 200 words or less. Have fun!

The line of dialog to use is: “I’m too old to start again.”



“Come on, Ruthie, it’ll be fun.”

“I don’t know Bertha, it might be too soon.”

“Now you know it’s been five long years since Albert’s death. You need to be livin’ a life again!”

“I’m too old to start again.”

“Nonsense! You’re only sixty-four years old, still a young woman.”

“Now who’s speakin’ nonsense, Bertha? Young woman! Don’t be tryin’ to talk me into something I’ll probably be sorry for later.”

“It’s only a dinner date. It’s not like you’re gonna marry the man.”

“Easy for you to say, you’ve still got your man. It’s not so easy to start over. I never did like datin’.”

“Don’t look at it as a ‘date’, look at it as a free dinner and one you don’t have to cook.”

Ruthie closed her eyes, leaned back into her chair and sighed. Bertha had been trying to get her to go out and have some fun for ages now. She was getting tired of fighting her best friend of forty years. Maybe she was right. It had been five years since Alfred passed from a sudden heart attack. She just felt that she was betraying Alfred’s memory going out with another man. Not that anything would come of it. She was ok with being a widow.

“Ok, Bertha, I’ll do it.” Ruthie just hoped it wasn’t a mistake.







Blog challenge · Fiction · poetry · postaday · writing

It’s Tuesday, Another Challenge Day!

Hello, People. Hope your week is going well.

Today I thought I would give you a picture prompt. If you want to join me in this challenge you can take the picture and attach a story, poem, or whatever to it. Go crazy! Have fun! There is no word limit so go short or long.

I decided to write a poem. Well, what I consider a poem. Or something close to it. ha! Hope you enjoy.





Paper bird in a cage dreaming to become real

To fly and soar and be free

To escape this cage of steel

Dreams are swirling like mist over a lake

Waiting to crystallize, to become wings

Feathered and light

Beautiful to behold

Up high it flies, no longer paper

No longer earth-bound

Dreams become reality, even for a paper bird in a steel cage

Instead of folded paper wings, feathers of magical dreams





It’s not much but it’s mine. Let me know if you join along! 





Blog challenge · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · Word Fun

Let’s Have Some Word Fun!

Hello, People!

I missed Wednesday Whatever! yesterday. I don’t know how I managed that. I wanted to do something for that but I guess I’ll wait until next Wednesday. So for today I thought we would have a little word fun. I love playing with words.

Remember when you were a kid and would do those tongue twisters? Well, I do. I thought we might have a little tongue-twisting fun today. Hope you enjoy them. Try them out!





Tongue Twisters




Betty Botter’s Better Batter


Betty Botter had some butter,
“But,” she said, “this butter’s bitter.
If I bake this bitter butter,
It would make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter,
That would make my batter better.”
So she bought a bit of butter –
Better than her bitter butter –
And she baked it in her batter;
And the batter was not bitter.
So ’twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter.





A Two Toed Tree Toad


A tree toad loved a she-toad
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree toad,
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win
The three-toed she toad’s heart,
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain;
He couldn’t please her whim.
From her tree toad bower,
With her three-toed power,
The she-toad vetoed him. 






See’s Saw and Soar’s Seesaw


Mr. See owned a saw.
And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.
Now, See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw
Before Soar saw See,
Which made Soar sore.
Had Soar seen See’s saw
Before See sawed Soar’s seesaw,
See’s saw would not have sawed
Soar’s seesaw.
So See’s saw sawed Soar’s seesaw.
But it was sad to see Soar so sore
just because See’s saw sawed
Soar’s seesaw. 









How did you like them? Do you remember any? Let me know!



Blog challenge · Fiction · Flash Fiction · postaday · writing

Another Tuesday, Another Challenge

Today is another writing challenge for me and for whoever wants to participate. I still haven’t decided what to call these challenges. So every week it’ll probably be called something different. haha! If you have any ideas on what to call them, please leave a comment with it. I’m open to ideas.

Today’s challenge:…….I went to the Random Story Title generator and just clicked it and thought….whatever comes up I’ll (and you also if you want!) write a flash fiction piece from that title. Luckily, the generator came up with a fun title. Let’s see what I can do with it. In five hundred words or less.




The Haunted Attic


It was three o’clock in the morning and I should have been in bed asleep. Instead, here I was with a small flashlight and a thudding heart trying to climb the attic stairs so they wouldn’t creak and wake my foster family. This was my fifth foster family in less than six months. The system labeled me as a ‘difficult’ case. Hey, just because those other foster parents were lame wasn’t my fault. They always take the adult’s word over mine, so I finally stopped trying to state my case.

This couple I landed with a couple of weeks ago seem ok. I mean, unlike the other ones, they didn’t beat me or make fun of me. They were actually kind of nice. The woman, Julie, was funny most times. The man, James, was more reserved but never raised his voice and always spoke to me like I had brains. Which I do. Have brains. I just didn’t show them much at the Home for Abandoned Children, having brains meant someone older would try to beat the crap outta you.

The last foster parents acted like I was their personal servant or something. Always ordering me around and if I didn’t do want they wanted fast enough I’d get a slap or a kick. So I got even one day and put a dead fish in their bedroom. Hid it good too. Man, that smelled after a day or two. They called the Home and off I went again. It was worth the beating I took. That dead fish smell is gonna last a long time.

I finally reached the attic door. I turned the knob and was rewarded with a small click as the door opened a crack. For the last couple of weeks, I’d been hearing soft footsteps every night above my head. The attic was above my bedroom. I asked Julie about it one morning and she just laughed and said that the house was old and I was probably hearing the creaks and groans of an old house. Then she gave me a few cookies and told me to do my homework. She didn’t make fun of me. So I let it go.

Until now. I was laying in bed and those footsteps overhead woke me up. I know they are footsteps! So, I’m here checking it out.

I ease the door open and was glad that the door didn’t squeak. I shine the flashlight around and don’t see anything much. A lot of dust, a few cobwebs and stacked up boxes. Then I spotted something in the dust on the floor. Footsteps! I knew it! So, I slowly opened the door wider and slipped inside the attic and closed the door behind me. I saw a light switch next to me on the wall and flipped the overhead light on.

Footsteps were clearly visible in the dust of the attic floor. I followed them. They stopped at a small door behind some boxes. Taking a deep breath and with my hand shaking, I slowly opened that door and stepped through. Wow! Smiling I thought to myself, I’m going to behave so I can stay in this foster home. It has the coolest attic ever!





My short story went slightly over 500 words. Give it a whirl! Tag me if you do and let me know. Thanks for reading!




Blog challenge · Fiction · Flash Fiction · postaday · writing

One Hundred Word Stories

Hello, people!

Today I thought I would start a new kind of series here on my blog. Not sure what the name will be. Maybe you can help me with that. On Tuesdays, I thought of writing 100-word stories.

I used to do something similar a few years ago where I’d write a hundred word stories from a picture prompt. It’s not as easy as it sounds. I thought, why limit myself to just picture prompts? Why not go for word prompts or subject prompts? Or as I did last week and took a random first line and added to it.

I had forgotten how much fun those flash fiction stories were to write. It also helps hone my writing skills. So I would say it’s a win-win situation. Of course, any of you are welcome to write along with me. If not write, then read and give feedback. It all helps.

Today I’m going to write about a random subject. There are all sorts of word/sentence/etc generators out there. It’s fun and educational! Let’s get started……..

The random subject the generator came up with is: Write about someone who irritates you.




*The Loudmouth (99 words)


Everyone in the bar heard him. Drunk as usual.

“My siblings have no respect! I’m the oldest, they should listen to me!”

A few customers moved down the bar, hoping he’d get the hint and shut up. They’d all heard it before, many times the last few weeks.

“My parents loved me more than those morons. They did!” He argued with imaginary foes. “They left everything to me. Those idiots will find out soon enough.”


“Mr. Stevens, your parents will is quite clear…your siblings get the majority of your parent’s estate. They left you ten dollars.” The lawyer stated.





*(Yes, this is based on someone I know)






Do you have any ideas what to call my new blog series of flash fiction? I’m open to ideas. Thanks!








Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · Monday Meeting · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday

Monday Meeting ~~ November 30, 2015

Hello, People!

Well, I really did mess up my 30 days of posting this weekend. I mean it was messed up before, but since I didn’t post at all this weekend that pretty much blew it out of the water. Ah well, hopefully, next year there isn’t so much going on. I could do with some boring stuff for a while.

Monday Meeting


Sit a spell, grab a beverage and I’ll get this meeting going.

On the husband front. He came home from the hospital this morning. He wanted to come home Friday, but they wouldn’t let him out as he was still passing a lot of blood. That seemed to clear up over the weekend, thank goodness. So right now he’s in his own bed, surrounded by his cats and sleeping. Nice to have him home again.

I think he was on the edge of running off last night. He was tired of hospital life and wanted to come home. I was glad he got the doctors approval, otherwise, I think he would have made an escape. 😉

He has a follow-up doctor appointment in a couple of weeks. Now that he’s home, he’ll heal that much faster.

As for me, I took yesterday completely off. Didn’t leave the house, didn’t do anything but try to relax. I was so tired and wore out that I just couldn’t get motivated to do anything. I needed a day off. So I took it. I just lazed around and relaxed. Goodness, I haven’t done that in ages. Felt good.

Now it’s back to the grindstone. I need to get writing again. I miss it. I need to start my next book in the DeeDee Watson, PI series. It’s been brewing in my head for a long time now. Time to get it out.

I also want to write some short stories and more flash fiction on my blog. So, we shall see where that goes.

That’s about it. Short and sweet. I didn’t want to keep you long. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that their Friday afterward wasn’t too crazy. Wouldn’t catch me shopping on that day! I have always stayed home where it was safe. Not always sane, but safe. ha!

Have a great week!



What do YOU do to relax?