His Days (about the husband) · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction

Why I’ve Been So Quiet Lately


Hello People. Hope your end of the week is a good one.

Why I’ve been so quiet on here lately is not good. I wish it was good news but it’s not. The husband had a stroke. Yeah, it’s been the shits. He hadn’t been feeling well since Thanksgiving (Canada’s Thanksgiving). For a few days, he was confused and disoriented. I should have taken him to the doctor then but he refused to go.

Sunday night I couldn’t rouse him from his sleep. He had been asleep all day. Not even getting up to go to the bathroom. Anyone who is in their mid-sixties knows this is not natural. We got to go pee often. One of those age things.

Anyway, he hadn’t even moved positions and I was getting concerned so I tried to wake him up…..and couldn’t. He was breathing but he wasn’t waking up entirely. I managed to get him to open his eyes a bit but he couldn’t talk when he tried to. That’s when I knew I needed to call an ambulance.

He did manage to wake up enough to realize the EMS guys were there but he wasn’t able to speak very well. So off they went and I followed a few minutes after. I was with him in the ER from about 8-8:30 pm Sunday night until they told me to go home and rest about 4 am Monday morning. He was pretty much out of it when I left. He couldn’t talk and his right arm wouldn’t move, plus, his right hand was swollen about twice its size.

I went home but I didn’t sleep. How could I? I rested as much as I could and was back to the hospital Monday morning.

I didn’t know any more than I did early that morning until I could talk to the doctor. I finally was able to after a couple of hours of watching him drift in and out of a restless sleep. They had done a CT scan of his head and lungs as he was having some difficulty breathing. They also did a whole bunch of blood work the night before.

The first day…..this is what they knew for sure……he had a bad lung infection and his kidneys weren’t working as they should. They weren’t confirming yet that he had a stroke but in my heart, I knew he did. He was put on two antibiotics and a saline drip as he was also highly dehydrated.

He was able to talk a bit better but his speech was very slow and a bit garbled. He couldn’t use his right arm or hand. The doctor said they could tell from the CT scan that he had a couple of prior strokes in the past but they couldn’t tell if he had one now. There was a couple of different tests they wanted to do. Let me tell you I was scared for him. He was in pretty bad shape.

To make a really long story short. They are now saying he DID have a stroke along with his lung infection. They were worried about his kidneys and liver as neither one was working as it should. The right hand being swollen they couldn’t really explain.

When I left him yesterday his speech was back to normal. His right hand was no longer swollen and he had mobility in his right arm. They still had him on antibiotics. Also, now his blood pressure is high and they were giving him shots to bring it down. This is a man whose blood pressure was always on the low side. Not good.

And he’s not eating. He hasn’t had anything to eat since Saturday. He took one bite of his cheese sandwich yesterday at lunch and that was it. I couldn’t get him to eat anything else. Of course, we all know what hospital food is like. His was even worse. He had a bowl of soup. It was supposed to be soup. I think. Everything he eats or drinks has to be thickened up because of his lungs. If it’s not thick it will go INTO his lungs instead of his stomach. Not good. But, omg, that was some nasty so-called food.

I felt so sorry for him.

He wants to come home. They have no date as to when he will be released. I won’t see him until tomorrow morning as I am exhausted and I have so much to catch up on here at home. He understands. I’ll take him his clothes then. I’m hoping I will know more then also. We shall see.

Anyways, that’s been my life lately. If you have any extra good thoughts to send the husbands way, please do. We will both appreciate it.

Now I am off to do laundry and dishes. Sighhhh



Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · Monday Meeting · NaBloPoMo · Nano Poblano · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Monday Meeting ~ November 23, 2015

Well, look at this! I’m actually having a Monday Meeting on a Monday. Hope you can join me.


Monday Meeting


Hello and thank you for reading. I have a few things to catch you up on today. So, let’s start shall we.

First on the husband front. His colon surgery is tomorrow morning at 9 am. He has to be at the hospital at 6:30 am for check in and pre-op. So, if you don’t see a post from me tomorrow that will be the reason why. Of course, if I was smart I would schedule a post to happen tomorrow, but not sure I’m that smart or ambitious. Ha! I might do a quick post just to let you guys know how he is doing.

He’ll be in the hospital for about 3 to 7 days, depending on how he does. He’s just glad to finally get it over with. Also, during his other pre-op tests last week they found he had some major blockage in his carotid artery on the right side of his neck. Plaque buildup they told us, which could lead to a stroke. Sigh. At least they found it BEFORE he has a stroke. They told us that they will be extra vigilant during the operation and that he can have it dealt with afterward. Meaning, he will be on cholesterol pills and they might have to operate on his artery to clear the blockage. We will face this further bad news later on. Let’s deal with the cancer first.

Poor man, he will be paranoid about tests if this keeps up. I told him, at least they are finding these things out before anything major happens, so it’s a good thing. Please keep him in your thoughts people. All the positive energy helps. Thank you.

A tiny bit of good news. I’ve lost some weight! Yay me. With all the worry, stress, and running around the hospital I’ve managed to lose a few pounds. Now I just need to keep going. Without the worry and stress, though. So I’m not the one having the stroke. My blood pressure is still high and that has me worried too, which doesn’t help. Always something around here with us old folk.




On the book front. I am being super optimistic about the success of the husbands operation and beating cancer that I have scheduled a sale on BOTH my books this week to celebrate. The first book, The Canine Caper will be for FREE on November 25 – 26th! The second book, A Case of Deceit will also be on sale starting November 24th until the 27th. For the first 18 hrs the book will be for 99 cents, then every 18 hrs the price will go up until it hits the regular price. So grab it early for the best price!

Either book (or better yet, both books together) would make a great Christmas gift for any reader in your family! The second book, A Case of Deceit is also available in paperback from CreateSpace, which you can click on through Amazon.

I do hope everyone has an amazing week. See you next time!