Humor · nonfiction · Wednesday Whatever! · writing

Wednesday Whatever!

Have you ever gone through your search stats? I’m sure a lot of you have. That’s the stats that show you the searches people have made that landed them on a post of yours.

Just for the heck of it today I thought I would take a peek and see how people ended up on my blog. Some of it is interesting….some bizarre. Some I sit and wonder just like Sweden did with Trump…..”What were they smokin’?”

Here are just some of what I found ~~~


Now the most searches I found had to do with an open letter I wrote to my sister. Seems a lot of people are trying to reconcile with their sisters. That is either very sadΒ or very hopeful. If you have a sister, give her a call, write a letter, or give her a hug if you can. Wait! Do that after you read my post. ha!

Ok, here are some others I found…..

fucking brath….nine people did this search and reached my blog. WTH?? What does that even mean? Am I missing something? I don’t ever recall writing something with that in it. If anyone knows what this means let me know will ya?

rain…..Hm, I did once write a poem about rain. But, 52 people reached my blog doing this simple search. I don’t know whether to be proud or worried.


http://www.write a letter to your sister .com……Close but no cigar. My blog is registered under, I did write a couple of open letters to my sister but come on….I’m not an authority on it.

good day unicorn humor….I suppose anytime you see or hear a unicorn it would be a good day. Or a bad drug day…….but some used this search term to come visit me. I have no idea why.

two cup coffee.….First of all, good grammar would dictate that it should be “two cups of coffee”, but eh, I’m easy and I do love my coffee.


an open letter to my brother to respect all the girls.….Now, this is a search I can get behind! Good for the people who are telling their brother to respect all the girls! Way to go!

silly groundhog….Yes, groundhogs can be silly but I don’t understand why you would come to my blog looking for them.

mandarin language…..It’s my understanding the Mandarin language is one, if not the hardest language to learn. Especially if you come to my blog looking for it!

how to write about a Halloween party…..I did happen to write about a Halloween party but I’m no expert at it. My advice……just sit down and write about the Halloween party that you’d love to go to. You can do it!


how to write a memo for his making sister.….Well, first I don’t think YOU can make a sister, your parents have to do that. Second, I think your parents don’t need a memo for this….but one can’t be so sure I suppose.

my mom name is……Um, I don’t know. Don’t you know your mom’s name? Hint….it isn’t mom.

how the write 17 of april 2016 in words.…..I have to admit, this one made me laugh. Ok, let’s see if I can explain this one…..You almost have it all written. You just need to make 17 = seventeenth and 2016 into either two thousand and sixteen or twenty sixteen. See how easy that was? Now all together…..Seventeenth of April, two thousand and sixteen. Easy peasy. Hope this helps. (make sure April is capitalized)


Hope you have found these as amusing as I have. See you later!



19 thoughts on “Wednesday Whatever!

  1. These are great Jackie – you just have to wonder what the hell people are thinking! My best two lately are “sex position wall lizard” and “a blesser man sugar daddy he change into kind of snake and eating the lady south africa” WTF? Haaaaa

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL Yes, there are lots of nuts and bolts around and they don’t know how to spell. πŸ˜‰ It’s easy to find the searches, just go to ‘My Sites’ then you’ll see over to the right ‘search’ just click on that and you can bring up searches for the day, week, month or year. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You have some really fun/funny search terms. Other than PIG PORN, mine are pretty tame – cartoon eyes, men and bacon, horse crapping. πŸ™‚ But I felt terrible when I saw a recent search: “when will maddie cochere release a new book?” Yikes! I need to light a fire under my niece for the cover and get this book out!


    1. Maddie!!! You actually had a search like that? When you would release a new book? Wow, I’m actually impressed lady. That means you have a good fan base! I don’t….sigh…..I should really light a fire under my butt to get writing. I have a couple of fans…..they are good people. πŸ™‚


  3. Wow interesting. It is amazing what people search. I tend to search weird things sometimes. When I get back to regular blogging I’ll have to check out what draws people to my bl9g.


  4. This was a fun post, Jackie!! Many amusing searches landed people on your blog. Some have an explanation, some not 😁. I haven’t checked my search stats for a long time, but now you got me curious 😳 XX OO


      1. I just looked at mine and didn’t get any chuckles πŸ™ƒ most very lame or plain…bird names and city names I’ve written about. Have a nice evening πŸ’•


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