Cee's Share Your World · Mi Vida Loca

Share Your World ~~~ March 27, 2017

Hello, People! Hope your weekend went well and are ready to kick some butt this week!

Thanks again to Cee at Cee’s Photography for giving us some questions to answer this week.


Does your first or middle name have any significance (or were you named after another family member)?

I wasn’t named after anyone. My middle name is Lynn….so Jackie Lynn, it’s a broken up version of Jacqueline, which my mother wanted to call me at first. She broke it up into two names because she thought it would be easier for a kid to write and remember. She also was into French sounding names for a while.

Music or silence while working?

Depends on what kind of work I’m doing. When I’m writing, it has to be silence or I end up listening to the music more than writing. If I’m doing housework I like to crank up my music, seems to help with the mundaneness of housework. If I paint, I also like to crank it up. Anything else, silence, please.

If you had a special place for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronics, people or animals), what would they be?

My three most special possessions would have to be….excluding my computer, my dog Sam and my books…..

I have a large envelope in my file cabinet that has all my important papers in. They are me. My birth certificate, my passport, and other papers saying who I am.

Another item would have to be…my car. I need my transportation and my independence. Or would that be considered electronic? I also wish I had a garage to put it in.

Then the last item would have to be…my notebooks and pens with all my story ideas and writings in, which have a shelf above my desk. I would hate to lose all those handwritten notes.

The Never List: What are the things you know you never will do?

Well, it seems the first is like most others….bungee jumping. Then there is…..

Run with the bulls….as I’m not into running anyway but add bulls to the mix? Uh….no.

Eat liver…..um, just no. I can’t even cook the stuff much less eat it and now that I’m a so-called adult….I don’t havta.

Fly a plane…..I always wanted to take lessons but never could afford them. Now…..eh.

Own a horse….it’s been a dream of mine since I was a kid. I don’t see it happening.

I’m sure there are lots of other things I would never do but that’s all I can come up with right now.


What would your answers be? Let me know! 






8 thoughts on “Share Your World ~~~ March 27, 2017

  1. I didn’t put bungee jumping on my list, but I’d never do it. Seems like everyone elsedoint this challenge had the good sense to list it. Somehow I feel like I’ve missed an opportunity to categorically tell the world no way to bungee jumping. Regrets, I’ve had a few…


  2. No run with the bulls? 😱 Me neither! But I’d love to cook some liver dishes if hubby would eat them, but he’s like you. Funny that you also had a dream to fly planes, I did too! Maybe we’ll go and take lessons together when we hit 70!


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