Cee's Share Your World · Mi Vida Loca · questions and answers

Share Your World ~~~ July 24, 2017

Hello, People! Or at least the five people who usually read my posts now. You few are very loyal and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Time for Cee’s Share Your World for this week.


List some of your favorites types of teas.

I like most teas, except ones with mint in them. I drink a lot of green tea, sometimes flavored with ginger and honey. Very good for the old tummy. When I lived in Texas I became a fan of iced tea or sweet tea as they call it down south. I haven’t had any in many years. If I can’t have coffee, I’ll take tea.

If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be?

That’s about how I’ve been feeling lately.

What are a couple of things could people do for you on a really bad day that would really help you?

If I’m having a really bad day, the best thing is to just leave me alone. Really. If you give me a hug I would start crying. If you gave me advice I probably wouldn’t take it. Now, if someone were to offer to help me clean house or do the dishes or clean the bathrooms or just to help out around here, that would be great. Don’t see that ever happening.

Regardless of your physical fitness, coordination or agility: If you could be an athlete what would you do?   Remember this is SYW, dreaming is always allowed.

It will have to be dreaming at this point in my life! Or at any point! Haha! I was never very sporty.

Let’s see……I think it would be something like tennis. Or barrel racing! Yeah, now that would be fun. I pick barrel racing!




See you next time!






12 thoughts on “Share Your World ~~~ July 24, 2017

  1. Computer broke today so comments may be iffy. Tea for me always has to be sweet . Midwest does it that way too. That’s where I first had it. What does it cost to get house cleaning done in your neck of the woods . Thinking about going into business here.😉 Barrel racing? Really? 😅Giant hugs. Hope it’s not a bad day.


    1. I have no idea what house cleaning goes for around here. I often threaten the husband that I’m going to hire a maid for a day just to catch up! LOL Going into the house cleaning biz?? haha! You go girl! It’s not a bad day, just a bit hot is all. Big hugs!

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