Mi Vida Loca · Monday Meeting · nonfiction · postaday · Stories of my life

Monday Meeting ~~ October 19, 2015

Hello, people! Let’s get this meeting started.

Monday Meeting


Welcome to my Monday Meeting! Please, grab your favorite beverage and sit a spell. I have lots to tell you. Well, maybe not lots, but some. Ok, a few things. šŸ˜‰

First, I have been super busy with editing my book A Case of Deceit, as I’m sure most are aware of. Good news. I’m done with editing and formatting and have the final edition uploaded to Amazon and soon it will also be ready for paperbackĀ release. Exciting times for this woman! It’s been a lot of hard work, lots of frustrating times and a few panic emails to a good friend. But I think I’ve done it! Don’t let anyone ever tell you producing a book is easy. Because it’s not. The writing of the book was the easy part as far as I’m concerned. It’s all the stuff behind the scenes that drove me crazy(ier)! The Amazon edition will be released on October 30th. The paperback whenever I can get it done, which I hope is this week. I’ll let you know, of course.

Now, on to the not so good news. A lot of you follow what has been going on with the husband. Thank you for your concern. We have further news on him.

On October 8th he went for his first ever colonoscopy. We managed to both live through it. The procedure itself is nothing. I’ve been through it myself once. It’s the day before that is crappy. Ha! Pun intended. Poor man. Anyway, the colonoscopy itself went well as the husband doesn’t remember anything. It’s the afterwards that didn’t go so well. They found two polyps and a tumor. Not the best of news. His doctor wanted the procedure done as the husband keeps losing weight. He is way underweight right now. Which I knew. We will know the results of the biopsies done on the polyps and tumor this Thursday the 22nd. We are hoping for the best and trying to prepare for the worst. Cancer is not a word anyone wants to hear. But, we will deal with it…whatever it is when it happens. It’s all we can do. Keep him in your thoughts this week.

Next up is a bit of a bizarre story. Wednesday morning, very early in the morning, like five am early…there was a pounding on our front door. Now this time of year, five am is still very dark out. I didn’t hear the pounding on the door, but the husband did,Ā and of course, opened it. He’s a very trusting kind of man, almost too trusting. I woke up as Sam started to bark his ‘there is company!!’ bark. I got up, confused and tired and went into the living room. In the dark, all I could see is the husband standing over what looked to be a pile of blankets or clothes on the kitchen floor. I ask him what’s wrong, thinking he might have fallen or something. He shuffles over to me and tells me quietly that everything is ok and to just go back to bed. In the meantime, I see the pile of blankets move. What the hell??

I ask again, what is going on? The husband says, “he was cold and a little wet and seems to be beaten up so I got him some blankets. He had a fight with his mother’s boyfriend.” Now, at five am this does not even make sense! So I move further into the room and wonder why the husband has all the lights off, as he usually has at least the light over the stove on. Sam in the meantime is warily eyeing the lump of blankets. Finally, from inside the lump pops out a male head. A young man about 20 – 21 looks out and squints like what little light does shine is hurting his eyes. He’s pale and shivering (it was -1c/34F) outside that morning.

I finally get a disjointed tale from Justin (that’s what he says his name is). He tells me that he lives in a trailer further down from us with his mother and his mother’s boyfriend. He said that the boyfriend had been drinking and his mother and boyfriend had been fighting. He tells me that the boyfriend started hitting his mother, so he got in between them and told the boyfriend they should go for a ride to calm down. They went for a ride in the boyfriend’s truck and went several miles when they got into a fight and the boyfriend hit the kid and threw him out of the truck and took off.

He says he walked many miles in only his underwear and t-shirt and fell down a ravine. He was freezing and started pounding on doors and of course, the husband let him in. AllllĀ righty then.

Now me. I’m not a trusting person. I’m the complete opposite of the husband. I listened to this disjointed story with doubt. Lots and lots of doubt. My instincts were telling me the boy was lying. Will I ever know the truth? Probably not, but I still think the kid was lying. You’ll see why…….

After telling me this story and moaning a bit, he asked if he could lay down on our couch and try to warm up. I tell him sure. In the meantime I look for any kind of weapon in case I have to use it. Like I said, not a trusting person. He lays down on the couch and I notice he does only have on a pair of sleeping shorts and a light t-shirt. I look at his feet in what light we have, they are clean with not a scratch on them. Nor his legs.

After this Sam needed to go outside, so I start to take him. The kid tells me, “please don’t go outside.” I open the door and tell him the dog Ā has to go out and it’s something that I’m going to do. He shut up. I get a better look at the kid when I come back as he’s talking to the husband. He’s got short black hair and blue eyes. He is also strongly built. He could hurt us easily if he wanted to. So I’m cautious. He was a bit pale and his eyes were……well, they had that look that people get when they are drunk or on drugs. I figure drugs. Oh goody. He wasn’t slurring his words, but what he was saying wasn’t making much sense.

First he says he wants to borrow the phone and call his grandma. Ok, he calls and hangs up. Says grandma will be here in about an hour and a half as she lives in another town. Fine. He lays back down on the couch, covers his body, including his head with the blankets and goes to sleep. Passes out? I don’t know. He’s out of it. So I get dressed. The husband and I sit for almost three hours until the kid decided to wake up. By now it’s 8 am. Now I’m pretty convinced he lied.

He calls a friend. Never mentions grandma again. Says the friend will pick him up after he takes his sister to school. Uh huh. Doesn’t sound like his friend is too concerned. Like he’s done this before? I dunno. He goes to the bathroom. I look him over. No scratches or even dirt on his feet or legs. His arms have a few scratches on them, so does his head. I notice his hands are scraped up. Not like he fell down though. Like he grabbed something and it was tore out of his hands. Something is not adding up. A lot of somethings were not adding up.

He looks at me and asks me if I drive. I ask why? He says, could I drive him to the apartments about 2 miles from here. His friends live there. He never mentions about going back to his mom’s. Never even mentions his mom again. No mom, no grandma, no boyfriend of his mom. Weird. My gut says do NOT take him by yourself. So I tell him the husband and I both will go and I will drive him to his friends. He agrees. What else is he going to do? I just want him gone.

He wraps himself up in our blanket and says he will come back and return the blanket. I tell him just keep it. It’s an old blanket. He says ok. I do NOT want him back. So we take him to the apartments and say good-by and we get back home. I tell the husband …… Don’t EVER let someone in at 5am. Call the police, they will straighten it out.

It was a weird thing. It really was. I am convinced he lied. I don’t think his mom was beaten up, I think maybe he got in a fight with mom himself, maybe because he was using drugs. She kicked him out. He passed out outside….she wouldn’t let him back in…..he came knocking on our door because no one else would answer theirĀ door. He did let slip that he tried other places.

None of it made any sense. Once he slept things off, I think he forgot what he told us. I just hope I don’t ever see him again.

So how are things with you guys?



Blogging · Guest posts · nonfiction · postaday · writing

Guest Post by Author Holly Kerr ~~ Invaded by the Kids

Hello, People!

Today I have another guest post. This one is by author and blogger Holly Kerr. Holly writes contemporary womenā€™s fiction/chick-lit/romance.

Holly is also the mother of three kids. So I asked her to write about how she manages to find the time to write. With three kids I know she has to be one busy woman. I find it hard to find time to write and I don’t have any kids.

So please let’s give a big hello to Holly.



Invaded by the Kids

I can see the end of the pier and then suddenly Benjy is driving right over it, and then weā€™re flying through the air ā€“ (excerpt from The Secret Life of Charlotte Dodd, by Holly Kerr, to be published fall 2015)


ā€œWhat are we doing today?ā€

ā€œCan I have a snack?ā€

My hand reaches out tentatively. His jacket is open and I smooth his tie flat over his firm torso, stepping even closer as I touch the knot against his throatā€¦

ā€œShe wonā€™t let me watch my show!ā€

ā€œItā€™s my turn on the computer!ā€

ā€œItā€™s too hot to go to the park!ā€

All writers understand the frustration of being yanked away from a moment where everything is working in your book; characters are amazing you with their dialogue, action is gripping, love scenes are intenseā€¦

The timer for the dryer goes off. The doorbell rings. Your email pops up (is it your agent/editor?)

The kids need your attention.

These can be wonderful ways to procrastinate or they can be constant annoyances, depending on how your writing is going at that particular time. For me, my reaction also depends on what Iā€™m writing. If itā€™s an action scene, or dialogue that I need to get on paper, distractions can be tough. And donā€™t get me started when Iā€™m writing a love scene! As well as writing womenā€™s fiction/chick-lit under my own name, I also write erotic romance under the pen name Anna Ellis.

Any idea how scary it is trying to write a sex scene while looking over your shoulder to make sure your kids donā€™t pop up behind you unawares?

Iā€™m a writer who has the good fortune to work full-time doing something I love. I also have three wonderful kids who are home for the summer holidays with me. At times, I donā€™t think that the two things are mutually compatible.

Just so you donā€™t think Iā€™m a totally neglectful mother, my children are 13,12 and 9. They are perfectly capable of feeding (for the most part) and amusing themselves and each other. They have friends nearby to play with and lots of activities in the house during the time when Iā€™m working. And itā€™s not all day; I know thereā€™s no chance of an eight-hour workday, or even a three hour one while theyā€™re home.

Most people would be cheering about that ā€“ the summer off to spend with your kids. And I enjoy it as well but Iā€™m a writer. And only writers will understand ā€“ I need to write. There are characters developing in my head as we speak; scenes unfolding, ideas, inspirationsā€¦they donā€™t stop.

ā€œWhatā€™s wrong, Mommy? Youā€™re quiet.ā€

ā€œMy head is in my book, sweetie. I need to figure out how to end this chapter.ā€

So what do I do? The two loves of my life (actually 4 loves, since I have 3 kids; 5 if you factor in my hubby) seem to be at war with each other, both demanding equal time and energy. My creativity level is on over-drive; doing my best to get a good chunk of my book finished by the end of the summer and find new and exciting ways to entertain the troops. I know it will be an amazing summer, but Iā€™m tired already from thinking about it.

My plan to maximize my writing time while my kids are home this summer:

  1. Wake up early. This isnā€™t difficult because Iā€™m an early bird, and usually at my most creative in the morning.
  2. Teach my kids about grammar and sentence structure by asking them to edit pages of my work-in- progress.
  3. Setting office hours for myself and teach the kids to respect when Iā€™m working.
  4. Share creative time with everyone. When Iā€™m writing, so are they, or drawing, colouring, etc
  5. Distribute the household chores, ask for help to lessen the time wasted on silly things like vacuuming and laundry

Thatā€™s what I have so far. I know this wonā€™t be easy; yesterday I already had a tug of war between finishing the last-minutes edit on my new book and getting dinner started, but thatā€™s a common occurrence.

What about you? What are you main distractions? Any suggestions that I can use?


AbsintheFinal2 (1)


Holly Kerr has managed to write three books when her kids were in school, Unexpecting, Coming Home and Absinthe Doesnā€™t Make the Heart Grow Fonder. Her fourth novel, chick-lit/spy thriller The Secret Life of Charlotte Dodd will be out this year. Her latest book writing as Anna Ellis is available July 31.

Visit her at hollykerr.ca or annaellisauthor.wordpress.com

www.facebook.com/HollyKerrAuthor, www.facebook.com/AnnaEllisauthor



Thank you, Holly, for guest posting. I really appreciate it. šŸ™‚