Blog challenge · Fiction · Flash Fiction · postaday · writing

One Hundred Word Stories

Hello, people!

Today I thought I would start a new kind of series here on my blog. Not sure what the name will be. Maybe you can help me with that. On Tuesdays, I thought of writing 100-word stories.

I used to do something similar a few years ago where I’d write a hundred word stories from a picture prompt. It’s not as easy as it sounds. I thought, why limit myself to just picture prompts? Why not go for word prompts or subject prompts? Or as I did last week and took a random first line and added to it.

I had forgotten how much fun those flash fiction stories were to write. It also helps hone my writing skills. So I would say it’s a win-win situation. Of course, any of you are welcome to write along with me. If not write, then read and give feedback. It all helps.

Today I’m going to write about a random subject. There are all sorts of word/sentence/etc generators out there. It’s fun and educational! Let’s get started……..

The random subject the generator came up with is: Write about someone who irritates you.




*The Loudmouth (99 words)


Everyone in the bar heard him. Drunk as usual.

“My siblings have no respect! I’m the oldest, they should listen to me!”

A few customers moved down the bar, hoping he’d get the hint and shut up. They’d all heard it before, many times the last few weeks.

“My parents loved me more than those morons. They did!” He argued with imaginary foes. “They left everything to me. Those idiots will find out soon enough.”


“Mr. Stevens, your parents will is quite clear…your siblings get the majority of your parent’s estate. They left you ten dollars.” The lawyer stated.





*(Yes, this is based on someone I know)






Do you have any ideas what to call my new blog series of flash fiction? I’m open to ideas. Thanks!