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NaPoWriMo Poem Day 26 ~~~ Sam

(c) JLPhillips 2013,
(c) JLPhillips 2013,


Eight pounds of funny character
Sam is a force to be accounted for
Black and white bundle of love
He fits in my life just like a glove
Toys he has, but doesn’t like to share
The cats look at that like a dare

They steal his food and his play things
Until he gets mad and then what a fling!
Sam chases them off, till the next time
He waits patiently, while they plot their crime

Get along, please?

I followed (or tried to) the prompt for today at the NaPoWriMo’s website:

Today’s prompt is the curtal sonnet, a  fourteen line sonnet. It has a first stanza of six lines, followed by a second stanza of four, and then closes with a half-line. The form was invented in the 1800s by Gerard Manley Hopkins, who used it in his famous poem “Pied Beauty”. So for today, I challenge you to give the curtal sonnet a whirl. It doesn’t need to rhyme — though it can if you like — and feel free to branch out beyond iambic pentameter. Happy writing!