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Monday Meeting ~~ Sept 7, 2015

Good day people! Those of you who are celebrating Labor Day, have a great one. Hope you enjoy your day off if you have the day off. Canada also celebrates Labor Day.

Let’s get this meeting started.

Monday Meeting


I don’t know about the rest of you, but, September has not started out well. Weather wise. It’s cold! For the last three days, I’ve had my furnace on. We’ve had temps in the low 40’s (between 5-8C) during the day and close to freezing at night. Cold rain and wind does not make tomatoes ripen, let me tell you. Right now the sun is fighting the clouds and it’s a balmy 12C (54F). It’s too early for weather this cool.

So as I sip my hot coffee I let my dissatisfaction with the weather slip away. Ah, coffee makes most things tolerable.

I have some news on the husband front. Tomorrow we have a meeting set up with someone who is (supposedly) going to help us file paperwork with the government to get him some more help, financially and medically. The great thing is this person is coming to the house! They called last week and set up an appointment. As he explained it to us on the phone, the mental health clinic that the husband talked to last month got in touch with this guy from the government. They told him the husband needs to apply to some programs to receive help as his depression is caused partly because we need the help! Well, duh, I could have told them that if they asked.

The nice thing is the husband doesn’t have to take a painful car ride somewhere. He can stay in the comfort of the house and have someone come to him. Should be interesting. Guess that means I should tidy up some, eh? Of course I could tell the guy I’ve decorated early for Halloween. 😉 Cobwebs and all! Ha!

Have I mentioned the allergies? No? Well, my allergies have been going crazy lately! Watering eyes, sniffles, sneezing, hoarseness, itchy ears. My goodness, it’s been bad this time of the year. But, I soldier on….feeling sorry for me yet? Hey, I’m trying! Don’t worry, it’ll pass. So I’ll stop whining about it. For now.

On the book front, I want to thank everyone who has purchased The Canine Caper, you guys are the best! I do hope you enjoyed it. I’m diligently working on the next to final edits for A Case of Deceit. I’m happy to say I’m on target with those. I also got the proof of the paperback version of the cover last week. It looks amazing! Thank you again Tiny for all your hard work.

Something funny happened when the proof came in the mail. The husband watched me open it and then grabbed hold of the book almost before I could get a good look at it. I told him it was just a proof so I could see how the cover looks. The story inside would not be right as I had yet to do the edits. He said he didn’t care, he was going to read it. I almost fell out of my chair! He has NEVER read anything I have written. NEVER! But, he was determined he was going to read this unedited book.

I was so nervous. First, he rarely reads books. He’s more of a newspaper, TV sort of man. He went to reading and barely set the book down all day until he was finished! He shuffled into my office where I was working on the computer, handed me the book and said, “I’m proud of you. It was a great story. It had me interested from the beginning, where I wanted to know what was going to happen next. Your story had me turning the pages until the end.”

I don’t think I have ever felt more proud of myself than when I heard him say that. Now he is an honest man. Believe me he wouldn’t say it if he didn’t mean it. He never hesitates to tell me if I’ve done something wrong. He is also not a book reader by nature. So for him to read it in one day was an accomplishment! He liked it…he really liked it! haha!

Next I have to pass the Mom test, as she has informed me she wants a copy of the book when it’s out. Uh oh….

On a more cheerful note…Saturday is my birthday (the 12th) and don’t forget about my weekend birthday party! I’m not sure what exactly I’ll have going on but I do know I’ll hopefully have The Canine Caper on sale for the weekend. So stop on by sometime during the weekend and get a copy of The Canine Caper if you haven’t already done so!

I have finally put up some buttons on my sidebar with pictures of the books where all you have to do is click on them and they will take you to Amazon where you can order them. I’m slow, but I get there eventually.

That’s about it for this Monday Meeting. Hope to see you this weekend! Until then, have a great day!