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Another Day to Celebrate! ~~ Dec 15

Hello people! Well I didn’t get blown away by the winds yesterday, but I bet there are a lot of peoples roofs without some shingles. The wind went on until late last night, today is not quite so bad and we are well above freezing. I get so thankful for the little things in the winter.

Today is another day to celebrate. Only 10 more days till Christmas too! I got my very first Christmas card yesterday with a handmade ornament inside. It’s special for a couple of reasons. One, it was made by a two-year old girl and it’s my first new ornament in our new home. Well, it’s our first ornament period as we lost all our Christmas stuff when we moved and I had nothing. Now I have something. Feels good. Thank you Jazzy!

Now on with todays reasons for celebration!


Bill of Rights Day ~~  On March 4, 1789, the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified by the (former)13 colonies, and went into effect. States and individuals were concerned that the Constitution did not properly cover and protect a number of rights of individuals. The Constitution was signed by the original 13 states with the requirement, or understanding, that a Bill of Rights would be created, amending the new U.S. Constitution. On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States proposed to the state legislatures 12 amendments to the Constitution. 10 of these amendments were added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. So be thankful and celebrate the wisdom of people way back when  and spend a few minutes reflecting upon the freedoms that you enjoy. These freedoms do not exist in many countries of the world. Celebrate!

National Lemon Cupcake Day ~~ A day set aside for eating and presenting lemon cupcakes to each other. Now I love anything made with lemons and this would be especially tasty I’m thinking. And while they may not be standard Christmas fare, lemon cupcakes will be a hit item at your annual gathering. While I wasn’t able to find the origin of this holiday I thought it was a fun one. After all the holiday sugary treats, maybe a little sour on your taste buds wouldn’t hurt. Cleanse the palate so to speak. So go ahead and bake up a bunch of lemon cupcakes and share! Celebrate!

Cat Herders Day ~~ Yes, you read it right. Now me, I’m not sure I’d want to try to herd a bunch of cats. I have two and there is no way I’m going to herd those two much less any more. Cats have minds of their own and they might decide to stampede! Ha-ha! According to the originators of this particular holiday (  If you can say that your job, or even your life, is like trying to herd cats, then this day is for you, with our sympathy. And have you seen the Superbowl Cat herding commercial? Try this link, it’s cute! So if you’re having a bad day, or a bad week, this one is for you! Celebrate!

cat herding



Todays list is short but has a bit of everything, serious, silly, and yummy. If you could have a holiday what would you call it? And when would it be?

Until tomorrow then, have a wonderful day and celebrate!




11 thoughts on “Another Day to Celebrate! ~~ Dec 15

  1. Great post. First of all, I am delighted by National Lemon Cupcake Day, although I’m not sure I will be able to celebrate it appropriately since (1) it’s very icy outside and (2) if I did manage to get to a place that sells cupcakes, I would probably go for a chocolate one, since I really don’t see any point in eating a dessert that doesn’t include chocolate. Also, I am going to tell many people about Cat Herders Day because that is too good to not share (plus I love cats).

    If I had a holiday, what would I call it? National Celebrate Chocolate And/Or Cats Day” (to give people a choice) and it would happen at least once a week.

    Again, thanks for the post.


  2. Hilarious , cat herding day. I have now heard it all. We are for sure blessed to be free… I can’t imagine living in China or North Korea for example. We take too much for granted and its blessings like freedom that are more important than all the riches of the world.


  3. I missed cat herder’s day! I’ve never seen that commercial before. Pretty funny. 🙂

    It’s still cold here. In the 20’s for a high today. My feet are like ice! I’m dreading leaving the house on Wednesday to go to my mother’s. Brrrrrr!!

    Glad you didn’t have any damage from the wind!


    1. It’s always cold here. Ok, I might be stating that a bit too much, it’s cold here from about Oct – April. hahaha. Sometimes longer. I don’t think I have any damage from the wind, except maybe my nerves. Eh, glad we got a new roof on when we did. 🙂


  4. I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Herding cats is such a hilarious concept. I loved the dog eating the cookies too. As for the Bill of Rights, well, most of the government pretend that it no longer exists. I love lemon but in a meringue pie. I’m going to miss these when they stop.


    1. Aww thanks. But you have till the end of the month to enjoy. 🙂 Cat herding is not really recommened though. You could get hurt! but I love the commercial. I love anything lemon!


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