Blogging · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction

63 Things I’ve Learned in 63 Years

Hello everyone! Yes, I know it’s been a very long time since I posted anything. Since early March, actually. Why? Because life sometimes has a way of making me so tired. Things have straightened out a bit since then. I’m at a new ‘normal’ around here.

Quick catch up, then I’ll get to this new post. Most of you will remember the health problems of the husband in the past few years. First colon cancer, got that beat as he is now officially three years cancer free! Then he had a stroke in late October of last year. He’s still getting over that one. There have been a few stays in the hospital for pneumonia here and there but he seems to be stable now. Thank goodness. Time to breath!

Life can be hard but I keep plodding along. As for me, I’ve had a terrible bout of insomnia since May. So yeah, I get kind of tired.

I’m back now. I do hope to stick around too. I don’t know how often I will post, I’m going to try for once a week and go from there. As to what I will post? Who the hell knows. We’ll see what happens.

Now, the reason for this post. Today is my birthday! Yeah, ok, keep the cheering down. I’m sixty-three today. Shit, that seems like such a big number! I hope to see sixty-four. My body feels like it’s ninety-three while my mind feels twenty-three yet. I’m young at heart people with an old woman’s outlook. Ha!

Anyway, my friend Mer had her 44th birthday last month and she came up with a post with 44 things she learned in her 44 years. So, thanks Mer, I’m stealing your idea!

Let’s get this party started!

63 Things I’ve Learned in 63 Years

  1. No matter how broke you are….treat yourself sometimes
  2. Age is a state of mind, not a number
  3. A pet can save your sanity
  4. Never just settle for a life partner, you won’t be happy and neither will they
  5. Accept yourself….no other opinion means more
  6. Drink lots of water
  7. Life is going to throw you some curve balls….Learn to go with it, it all works out in the end
  8. Getting hurt is part of life
  9. Don’t trust someone your dog doesn’t like!
  10. Life is damn short—-Live it!
  11. Don’t hold grudges
  12. If you have a life partner always have some of your own money tucked away, have your own bank account
  13. If there is something you’ve always wanted to do….Do it! (Unless it hurts you or someone else)
  14. Don’t be afraid to have your own ideas or beliefs, you don’t need to be the same as everyone else
  15. Don’t be afraid of growing older, some of it sucks but some of its great.
  16. It’s necessary for your wellbeing to say NO sometimes
  17. Trust your gut instinct
  18. Don’t do something or be someone to just please the family. They don’t live your life. You do!
  19. If someone lies to you…..they will keep lying to you
  20. Don’t be peer pressured or family pressured into having kids. If you don’t want them, don’t have them. The world will do just fine.
  21. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Same goes for a spouse abuser. They won’t change no matter how much you think they will.
  22. Act silly sometimes
  23. You can’t herd cats very well
  24. Always carry extra undies in your purse when traveling. (sorry guys, don’t know what you would do) That way when your luggage is lost you have clean undies for the next day. No one wants to put on the same undies two days in a row.
  25. Also, when traveling keep extra cash on your person.
  26. If you’re on a diet, don’t burn vanilla scented candles
  27. Coffee is the worlds apology for making you get out of bed
  28. Whoever decided grocery shopping online and delivery service was a good thing should be given an award! I love it!
  29. Music really does soothe the soul
  30. Be impulsive sometimes, it can lead to wonderful things
  31. Tell the people who you love that you do love them. It might be the last chance you get
  32. You don’t need a lot of friends
  33. What friends you do have, let them know you appreciate them
  34. Always use a grammar and spell check when writing…..saves some embarrassment
  35. Read different things, even if you don’t think you will like the genre, sometimes you will be pleasantly surprised
  36. Keep a positive attitude, it will bring about positive things in your life
  37. You don’t need to be religious to be a good person
  38. Swearing is not unladylike
  39. Sometimes have a resting bitch face saves you from having to actually BE a bitch
  40. There is nothing wrong with eating your favorite comfort food sometimes
  41. I love my attitude
  42. No matter how much advice you can give a person, they will only take what they think they need and not what they actually need
  43. People usually don’t want that advice anyway, they just want to vent
  44. I’ve learned that being unhappy with my life at times was my own fault and only I could change it
  45. I’m fascinated by dragonflies
  46. I still believe in that Christmas magic can happen
  47. I have a young child’s awe of Mother Nature
  48. I’ve learned that being the ‘quiet one’ is not a personality flaw
  49. I’ve come to accept that I will never be thin and that’s ok with me
  50. I know now that my happiness lies in me, not someone or something else
  51. Making a list this long is damn hard!
  52. I love challenging my mind. I think that’s what keeps me young
  53. I prefer silence over noise or talking
  54. You can learn a lot about someone just by observing them
  55. I don’t forgive easily
  56. I never forget either
  57. People are generally nice given a chance
  58. There are always exceptions to the rule
  59. I still prefer animals over people
  60. Trying to win approval from my mother was a lifelong difficulty and never truly achieved
  61. I’m hard to love but worth the effort
  62. If you were looking for deep, inspirational things from me you probably didn’t get it ….hahahaha
  63. Maybe next year I will be wiser….I’ll be older, so there is that small chance


Don’t count on it!





19 thoughts on “63 Things I’ve Learned in 63 Years

  1. Well that’s a great list but I’ll warn you that when you are 64, the list will only become longer and you may not be any wiser but hopefully just as childlike so still capable of laughing at the weirdness of life….


  2. Happy Birthday, Jackie. Make sure you treat yourself today!!! (I couldn’t resist with that at the top of the list.)

    Love the list – and cheers to Christmas magic. Thanks for the update with what you’ve been going through. Cheers to staying positive – and you must be one strong person!


  3. That was an astounding list and I know how hard they are. Tried and didn’t succeed. A couple made me laugh out loud, especially #27. 12 and 21 are great ! I agree with all of these. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and so many many more. You’ve got this handled. Trials are a necessary part of life and growth. I can barely manage every couple of weeks but I don’t write wonderful stories like you do. I’m just going to write mine. You inspire me. Keep it up, Kid. πŸ™‚ Happy Birthday.


  4. Happy Birthday sweet Jackie. Wow, you did great on that list. I would not attempt to start on a list at my age…I would probably repeat myself and not even realize it. lol Hoping all the years ahead brings you much happiness and love. Hugs


  5. So cool that you were inspired by my birthday post! I love what that happens.
    Happy birthday again Jackie…some excellent wisdom!! πŸ™‚ ❀


  6. This is such a spirited list of what you’ve learnt over the years, Jackie. So agree with the first one that we have to treat ourselves sometimes no matter how down we are…treating ourselves often makes us feel better for a moment, and we can all do with a bit of positivity. Your attitude is your attitude, and you say it so well. Be who you are and make no excuses about it. Wishing you a lovely year ahead, and hope you get over your insomnia πŸ™‚


  7. Happy belated birthday, Jackie ❀ Sorry I have been MIA too, particularly now in September. I have been thinking of you often and 'felt' you had a birthday this month, but bummer I never paused and checked. I so agree that age is just a number, mine changed today but I intend to forget that too πŸ™‚ Much love and many hugs from Dylan and me.


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