Blog challenge · Fiction · poetry · postaday · writing

It’s Tuesday, Another Challenge Day!

Hello, People. Hope your week is going well.

Today I thought I would give you a picture prompt. If you want to join me in this challenge you can take the picture and attach a story, poem, or whatever to it. Go crazy! Have fun! There is no word limit so go short or long.

I decided to write a poem. Well, what I consider a poem. Or something close to it. ha! Hope you enjoy.





Paper bird in a cage dreaming to become real

To fly and soar and be free

To escape this cage of steel

Dreams are swirling like mist over a lake

Waiting to crystallize, to become wings

Feathered and light

Beautiful to behold

Up high it flies, no longer paper

No longer earth-bound

Dreams become reality, even for a paper bird in a steel cage

Instead of folded paper wings, feathers of magical dreams





It’s not much but it’s mine. Let me know if you join along! 





Blog challenge · Fiction · Flash Fiction · postaday · writing

Another Tuesday, Another Challenge

Today is another writing challenge for me and for whoever wants to participate. I still haven’t decided what to call these challenges. So every week it’ll probably be called something different. haha! If you have any ideas on what to call them, please leave a comment with it. I’m open to ideas.

Today’s challenge:…….I went to the Random Story Title generator and just clicked it and thought….whatever comes up I’ll (and you also if you want!) write a flash fiction piece from that title. Luckily, the generator came up with a fun title. Let’s see what I can do with it. In five hundred words or less.




The Haunted Attic


It was three o’clock in the morning and I should have been in bed asleep. Instead, here I was with a small flashlight and a thudding heart trying to climb the attic stairs so they wouldn’t creak and wake my foster family. This was my fifth foster family in less than six months. The system labeled me as a ‘difficult’ case. Hey, just because those other foster parents were lame wasn’t my fault. They always take the adult’s word over mine, so I finally stopped trying to state my case.

This couple I landed with a couple of weeks ago seem ok. I mean, unlike the other ones, they didn’t beat me or make fun of me. They were actually kind of nice. The woman, Julie, was funny most times. The man, James, was more reserved but never raised his voice and always spoke to me like I had brains. Which I do. Have brains. I just didn’t show them much at the Home for Abandoned Children, having brains meant someone older would try to beat the crap outta you.

The last foster parents acted like I was their personal servant or something. Always ordering me around and if I didn’t do want they wanted fast enough I’d get a slap or a kick. So I got even one day and put a dead fish in their bedroom. Hid it good too. Man, that smelled after a day or two. They called the Home and off I went again. It was worth the beating I took. That dead fish smell is gonna last a long time.

I finally reached the attic door. I turned the knob and was rewarded with a small click as the door opened a crack. For the last couple of weeks, I’d been hearing soft footsteps every night above my head. The attic was above my bedroom. I asked Julie about it one morning and she just laughed and said that the house was old and I was probably hearing the creaks and groans of an old house. Then she gave me a few cookies and told me to do my homework. She didn’t make fun of me. So I let it go.

Until now. I was laying in bed and those footsteps overhead woke me up. I know they are footsteps! So, I’m here checking it out.

I ease the door open and was glad that the door didn’t squeak. I shine the flashlight around and don’t see anything much. A lot of dust, a few cobwebs and stacked up boxes. Then I spotted something in the dust on the floor. Footsteps! I knew it! So, I slowly opened the door wider and slipped inside the attic and closed the door behind me. I saw a light switch next to me on the wall and flipped the overhead light on.

Footsteps were clearly visible in the dust of the attic floor. I followed them. They stopped at a small door behind some boxes. Taking a deep breath and with my hand shaking, I slowly opened that door and stepped through. Wow! Smiling I thought to myself, I’m going to behave so I can stay in this foster home. It has the coolest attic ever!





My short story went slightly over 500 words. Give it a whirl! Tag me if you do and let me know. Thanks for reading!




Blog challenge · Mi Vida Loca · NaPoWriMo · nonfiction · poetry · writing

Solitude ~~ Two Challenges in One!

Hello people! Hope your day is going well and look! It’s almost the weekend all ready! Where has the time gone?

I am on day 3 of my NaPoWriMo, so another poem is done. I am also writing this one for the Introverts Blog Quietly challenge over at Chris’s blog 61 Musings. Do go over there and see what all we introverts are up to, quietly.




In Solitude

Quietly I sit, alone and content

A faraway look in my eyes is not loneliness

It is me looking inward

In Solitude

This is how I find my balance, my inner Zen

I recharge my soul, my mind rests

My heart beats slow

In Solitude

Some may find me quiet and subdued

Even stand-offish as I have been accused

For me, it’s just a time to reflect

In Solitude

Others don’t understand the need

For quiet  time alone to soak in

The peace I gain from this time

In Solitude

I make life’s decisions and hear heart’s desires

When the quiet subdues the clamor

Of outside noises and distractions

In Solitude

So when you see me sitting all alone and quiet

And notice a stillness within me

I am not lonely or sad, just content

In Solitude

Blog challenge · Blogging · Cee's Challenges · nonfiction · postaday · writing

Share Your World – 2014 Week 8

Cee’s Photography blog has a weekly thing going. She gives you 4 random questions to answer on your blog. Her questions are always fun. This week’s questions are below with my answers. Come play along if you wish!

Just click on Cee’s name above and see what it’s all about!


Would you rather be given $10,000 for your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers?

Now $10,000 would be great to have. I could find a use for it for sure. But, to have $100,000 to give away? That would be fun! I know of a couple of people who could sure use some help right now. If I had to give away to absolute strangers, I could do that too. Go to homeless shelters and find a woman with young kids, or a young family that needs some help. Find them a nice place to live, maybe give them enough groceries to last a while. Help them get nice clothes to go for job interviews. Pay for babysitting so the parents can go out and look for work. Help them get their dignity and pride back.  There are so many needy families out there to help. I would also give some to my no kill animal shelter, so they wouldn’t have to worry about food, vet care or other things, while they find homes for all the animals. Hmm, I’m thinking I would need a bit more than $100,000 to do what I want to do. But it’s a start!

When you’re 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

What will matter most? Seeing I reach 91! Ha-ha! Seriously, I have no idea, when I get there I will let you know. I think my first thought would be, I hope I’m not in a home somewhere. Or if I am it’s a good one. I hope that my mind is still clear. I’m not real worried about that one, as many of my family have lived well into their 90’s with their minds intact. My mother is 84 and sharp as a tack. Not much you get over mom. My health will probably matter most.

Candy factories of the entire world have become one and will now be making only one kind of candy. Which kind, if you were calling the shots?

I am a diabetic. And do you know sugarless candy usually sucks and not in a good way?? Not to mention if eaten too much, you will live in the bathroom for the next 24 – 48 hours?? Truth! I tried some  candy that was sugar-free when I first became diabetic. Not my greatest idea. I mean, really, who can eat just one piece of candy? They tasted great! So I was working away and eating a piece here and there thinking nothing of it. A couple of hours later, my hell began. It’s the best tasting colon cleansing stuff out  there! Enough said about that! So now, for the most part I stay away from candy. If I do need a piece because the cravings are too bad I have a regular piece and call it good. My favorites? Peanut M & M’s.

So, you’re on your way out and it’s raining. Do you know where your umbrella is or do you frantically search for it all over your apartment/house?

I own an umbrella??  If I do, it’s news to me. Ok, I admit, I don’t own an umbrella. Sometimes I wish I did and every time I have to take Sam out in the rain, I tell myself to get one. Sam won’t go out to potty in the rain unless I go out with him. Yeah, he figures if he has to get wet, so do I.  I do have a fenced yard. But he refuses to go out the door when it’s raining. Unless I go to. So I do. Because it’s better than the alternative. Not that Sam potties in the house, he doesn’t. He has a bladder of steel. I just hate to see the little guy in misery because it’s been raining all day. And what’s a little rain water? When it’s warm, it’s even fun. Brings the kid out in me.

So what would your answers be?