Blog challenge · Blogging · Daily Prompt · Mi Vida Loca · nonfiction · postaday · writing

Daily Prompt: Singin’ in the Rain

Safe inside, toasty warm, while water pitter-patters on the roof… describe your perfect, rainy afternoon

This is the daily prompt for today. I love rain. Rain showers, thunderstorms, gentle rain, the kind of rain that sounds like a waterfall is flowing over your house. I just love rain.

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Via Tumblr

I remember when I was young and the warm summer rains. The kids in the neighborhood would come out and play and dance in the rain. I would go off by myself and lift my face and arms to the rain and laugh with joy.  The perfect rainy day in my youth.

Then there were the rainy days as I grew older. My days were chaotic and full of darkness and pain.  On rainy days I would sit and watch the drops through my window. Those rainy days gave me peace and a feeling of being cleansed of the pain in my soul. I never saw them as dark or dreary. They were full of life and the pureness of a new beginning. They were healing rains.

Copywrite Randy Olson
Copyright Randy Olson

Then there is my favorite kind of rains. The thunderstorms. Wild, exciting, heart pumping storms. These make me feel energized, full of power and promise. The more wild the storm the more assured and positive I become. I love them! These storms I watched from inside my home with eyes wide open in excitement, breath held in awe of the beauty. These days are perfect days for me.

Of course I can’t forget the nourishing gentle rain. The kind that lasts all day but is always gentle and soft. I love to walk in this rain down country pathways. Slowly getting soaked from its caressing drops. I smile even as the rain drops mix with my tears. These rains softly rinse my heart and soul from all my worries and stress. I walk out of these rains with a renewed sense of myself. A feeling of ‘everything will be all right’ sets in my heart and I smile after the tears.

After the rains come the rainbow. A joy to behold. It shows me that the rain is full of color and hope. I say farewell to the rains at this time, till we meet again and I can dance, sing, walk, cry and smile with your drops on my skin. That is a perfect ending to any rainy day.

nonfiction · Uncategorized · writing

Sounds That Move Me

The weekly Daily Press challenge is to write about sounds. What sounds are your favorite.       What sounds  stir you. What memories do these sounds conjure up. I had  to really sit and think about this. Sounds are usually taken for granted. Sounds of the city, the country, the weather. There are all sorts of sounds coming from every direction.



Sometimes I have to concentrate to listen to my favorite sounds. Like the birds outside chirping and singing. Those are one of my favorite sounds. To me it’s very relaxing. Or it can be very lively and uplifting. I remember when I was living in Texas, every morning I had a male mockingbird sit right outside my bedroom window. He would go through his whole repertoire of songs for  me each morning. I just loved it.




Then there is the Thunderstorm! Ah, it has got to be one of my top 2 sounds. I love a good thunderstorm. From the beginning rumbles from far away. The rain gently beating a tattoo on the roof. The wind whipping the rain against the windows. And the smell, it was like my little piece  of the world was washed clean. The smell of wet earth, wet wood, of fresh green grass. A few bright flashes of lightning. Then the sharp clap of thunder right over the house! The feeling of excitement as it rumbled on for what seemed like forever. Then the silence as it ended, deep and dark.



My most favorite sound has got to be when I walk through the forest. The breeze playing through the leaves in the trees, as they talk to each other gently. The sound of crickets and grasshoppers as their back legs rub out a tune. The birds chirping and singing a song of beauty and peace. The bees buzzing as they fly past me heading to some unknown flower.


The leaves underfoot rustling with a dusty sound as my feet shuffle down a barely seen path.  The air fresh and new. The smell of grass and sunshine  floating gently, surrounding me  in a fragrance that call their own. With a hawk’s cry overhead, piercing in its intensity. Letting all who hear it know that it’s on the hunt for  some small furry creature. The loud “CAW, CAW, CAW!” of a crow or black bird as it sits in a nearby tree watching my every step.

As I walk I hear the stream, water rushing over gleaming wet rocks. The sound of small waves hitting the shoreline. Rushing in and out. I can almost hear the coldness of the water as it splashes down its watery way. It greets me like a long lost friend, gurgling it’s hello! This to me is peace,  love and  the hope that my world will be all right. For me, these sounds are home, security and where I will always want to be.


Bird - Blue Jay
Bird – Blue Jay (Photo credit: blmiers2)