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Friday Fictioneers ~~ November 15, 2013

Happy Friday everyone! Hope your week went well. Now the weekend is coming up so go and enjoy it.

It’s Friday Fictioneer time again. I love Fridays. Anyway, by now you all know the drill. There is a picture below that I attempt to write a 100 word story about. Then I tell you about Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who is our tour guide for this thing. She is off partying with other Fictioneers at this time and I hope they have lots of fun! Anyway, click on Rochelle’s name and that will take you to her blog where the rules for this weekly fling is posted and where you can also scroll down and click on the cute Lil’ blue guy and he will take you to the page where you can read lots of other stories from great writers based from the same picture. So go and enjoy yourself! And tell them Jackie sent ya!


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and an end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)


Make every word count.

copyright – Kent Bonham
copyright – Kent Bonham



The alley was eerily quiet. Sara checked her cell once more. Yes, this was the place.  Why was it so quiet when the streets on each side were seas of humanity?

Breathing deeply, Sara took the first step inside the alley. Then another, as she listened for voices. There! She heard it! The voice of her son, “Mama!”

She dropped the package in the dark corner as instructed, walked a few more paces and trembled.

From a shadow stepped a man with her son. It was worth any amount to have her son back from the father who stole him.


28 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ~~ November 15, 2013

  1. The picture does speak of clandestine rendezvous, and you took the setting and used it well, darling.


  2. I would have kept the money. No I wouldn’t! I’d have paid up for my CAT to be returned. You’ve used the atmosphere suggested by the photo rather well. I hope that RAT meets a big CAT! Good luck with Nanowrimo. Ann


  3. Great story. You can get a lot of mileage out of that one. I was noticing the road looked like one that was for old fashioned cars with narrow tires that had to drive up just the right spots like ramps. Very interesting photo.


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