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Merry, Happy, Oh Hell, Have a Great Festivus Day!

Hello there people! Merry Eve before Christmas Eve.

I received my second new tree decoration today in the mail! My blogging friend Marlene over at insearchofitall sent me a Christmas card with a beautiful white lace ornament! Thank you so much Marlene, now maybe next year I’ll have a tree to put it on. I also received cards from my great friends Maddie and tiny! Thank you all ladies you made my Christmas so much brighter.

Here we are just going to have a fairly quiet Christmas. Christmas eve, we have no plans. I’ll be here on the internet, in-between making Ambrosia salad and prepping the huge chicken for Christmas dinner on Christmas day.

No turkey for us, but we got this big ole chicken from a farm outside of the city. It’s fat and I just know it’s going to taste great. I’ll stuff it and have all the sides with it too. We have a good friend coming over with his little family. So Christmas day spent with a two-year old who likes to steal. Ah the joys of Christmas. hahaha! I will have to write about my little kleptomaniac friend someday.

Until then on with the celebrations!



Festivus ~~ (Via Wikipedia)  A well-celebrated parody, has become a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 which serves as an alternative to participating in the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas holiday season.  Originally a family tradition of scriptwriter Dan O’Keefe, who worked on the American sitcom Seinfeld, the holiday entered popular culture after it was made the focus of a 1997 episode of the program.  The holiday celebration, as it was shown on Seinfeld, includes a Festivus dinner, an unadorned aluminum Festivus pole, practices such as the “Airing of Grievances” and “Feats of Strength,” and the labeling of easily explainable events as “Festivus miracles. The episode refers to it as “a Festivus for the rest of us”, referencing its non-commercial aspect. It has also been described as a “parody holiday festival” and as a form of playful consumer resistance. Some atheists advocate Festivus because of its lack of religious significance, and have joined other celebrants in erecting Festivus poles alongside public displays of the crèche of Christmas and the menorah of Hanukkah.

Why Festivus has become popular, no one really knows. Some suggest because it is a fun celebration, free from the boundaries of religion and commercialization, especially appealing to those of faith groups who do not have a celebration in December. To others, it is just a fun, quirky, nonsensical reason to party with friends and family. In recent years, Festivus has taken on a life of its own. Some families have adopted December 23 as the date for their annual family reunion, when family and friends gather together for a feast and celebration, just for the fun of it.

Roots Day ~~ Celebrate your genealogy, as today is Roots Day.  It’s a great day to celebrate your heritage. Many of us are returning to our roots today, as we head home for Christmas. Returning to our roots is a warm, cozy and comfortable feeling, a sense of belonging to most people. I know there are some that would rather not go home to their roots. For those of you that feel that way I say make your own roots. That way you will be happy with your roots and so will your children. Nothing wrong with that.


Again we have a very short list. So I thought I would leave you with this poem. No I didn’t write it, but I sure wish I did! Enjoy!

Twas The Month After Christmas

Twas the month after Christmas and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.

The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d taste.
All the holiday parties had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).

I’d remember the marvelous meals I’d prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I’d never said, “No thank you, please.”

As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt —

I said to myself, as I only can
“You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!”

So–away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruitcake, every cracker and chip

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won’t have a cookie–not even a lick.
I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore —
But isn’t that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

– Anonymous




Blogging · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · strange holidays · writing

More December Celebration Days ~~ Dec 22

Hello once again people! I couldn’t find much for today. Maybe it’s gearing up for Christmas. After all that’s the BIG day to celebrate this month.

But, I did find a few reasons to celebrate the day.

So, do you open your presents on Christmas Day? Or Christmas Eve? My family always opened them Christmas Eve night, after supper. When we were really small it was Christmas morning after Santa came the night before. My parents would also hang Christmas stockings at the end of our beds, so that’s the first thing we saw when we woke up. Later, as we grew older things changed and we opened our gifts on Christmas eve.

We never got a lot, but we were happy with what we did receive. When I was young, my siblings and I would each get one toy, the rest would be clothes or shoes, or most times it was a new winter coat with mittens. We weren’t rich by any means and so the coats were much appreciated. I think that our toys were much more appreciated because we got so few of them.

Ah, why is it that Christmas time is always a time of reflection? That can be good or bad, depending on your thoughts and memories. Hope they are all good for you!

Now to today’s celebrations!



National Date-Nut Bread Day ~~ Today is the day for Date-Nut Bread.  Enjoy a tasty bread for the holidays. It’s the perfect bread for the season. It contains nuts and sugar, but is not heavy on the sugar. Date nut bread is quite popular. You can make it yourself, or buy some at the bakery. It’s really good toasted with butter, or if you want more of a sweet treat, you can drizzle it with frosting or chocolate and eat it that way. Either way it’s a nice way to celebrate the day!

Don’t be a Scrooge Day ~~ My findings were some celebrated this day on the 21st, and some on the 22. I choose it for today because I didn’t have much for this day! I’m writing this post so I can do that. Ha-ha! Today is the day you put on that smile that you are so famous for and celebrate the season! Here are a few ways that can help in that if you’re feeling it’s a bit much to do.

Relive Childhood traditions,

Remember what the holidays are really about,

Make some new traditions, after all they have to start somewhere, so why not with you!


Since today was a bit lean on celebrations, I thought I would bring you some more unusual facts that are pertinent for the month of December. ~~

The first president to decorate the white house Christmas tree in the United States was Franklin Pierce.

Germany made the first artificial Christmas trees. They were made of goose feathers and dyed green.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” appears on TV more often than any other holiday movie.

Rudolph” was actually created by Montgomery Ward in the late 1930’s for a holiday promotion. The rest is history.

Jingle Bells” was first written for Thanksgiving and then became one of the most popular Christmas songs.

Clearing up a common misconception, in Greek, X means Christ. That is where the word “Xmas” comes from. Not because someone took the “Christ” out of Christmas.

More diamonds are sold around Christmas than any other time of the year.

In Mexico, wearing red underwear on New Year’s Eve is said to bring new love in the upcoming year.


So that does it for today. I’ll be here tomorrow with more celebrations! Until then go and give someone you don’t even know a present, smile at them!






Blogging · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · strange holidays · writing

Bah Humbug! ~~ Today is Humbug Day! ~~ Dec 21

I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date! Yes, I’m a bit late with my post today, but I still made it. So much to do and so little time to do it all in.

I want to take this time to talk about something. Yes, it’s time to put my serious face on. I know for some of you out there the holidays are not a time for cheer. In fact they can be quite lonely. If you read this blog then I want to tell you something. You don’t have to be alone for Christmas. Really. Come online and talk to me. I’ll be around for most of the day Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Last year there was a great blog called C4C (Company for Christmas). It was run by rulesofstupid. C4C is a blog where volunteers sign up to be online at certain times during the holidays to give people who want to talk someone to talk to. I volunteered last year and am doing so again this year. Rara at rarasaur is going to be doing the scheduling this year. Yea rara! Rara and her husband Dave from The Queen Creative are wonderful people and they volunteered last year as well.

So I want you all to know you can either volunteer your time, or if you are alone on the holidays, come on over and hit us up for a chat. Everyone is welcome! No one has to be alone or lonely.

Thanks for reading so far. Now on with today’s celebrations.

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Humbug Day ~~ This time of year can be so stressful, trying to get shopping done, presents wrapped, house decorated and working all at the same time. Yikes! Today is your day to be all humbug. Humbug Day, if you’re so inclined, is a great day to leave the holiday cheer to the others and go into hiding with a Scrooge or Grinch DVD — just don’t watch the ending as it could spoil your mood. The people who created this day ( say that today is the day to get rid of all that pent-up stress and go for some great venting. So go ahead and get it out of your system. You will be better off for it and then you’ll feel much more able to handle the holidays with your usual flair.

National Flashlight Day ~~ As today is the winter solstice, December 21 is the shortest day–and thus the longest night–of the year, so what better day to break out a few flashlights and celebrate?
Use this day to check the status of your flashlights. Replace any broken bulbs or dead batteries. Make sure you have a functioning flashlight in your car in case of emergency. But, after the serious work is finished, have a bit of flashlight fun to celebrate this special holiday!  Have some fun like making hand shadow puppets, or hiding candy in the backyard for a late night scavenger hunt. Or, just stay up late and read a book under the covers.

Look on the Bright Side Day ~~ On the other side of the coin of Humbug Day is this holiday. Time to see your glass as half full instead of half empty. Find the positive in things. Be optimistic and smile! Again because today is the shortest day of the month, I won’t be seeing too many hours of daylight up here in Canada. So why not look at the bright side of things? After today, the days get longer and spring is peeping its head around the corner. Maybe. Yes it is!

National French Fried Shrimp Day ~~ Now this one I can do! Yum, I love shrimp. Whether you’re a beer batter fanatic, panko purist, tempura tester or you just like to roll the shrimp in some flour before you throw them in hot oil, it’s difficult to deny the delicious crunch of fresh fried shrimp. Although it isn’t especially seasonal, fried shrimp is a great treat to serve at your party, or spice up dinner one night. Heres an easy yet very tasty recipe for fried shrimp. Go ahead have some! You know you want to.

National Haiku Poetry Day ~~This holiday always falls on the winter solstice.  I know a lot of you write wonderful Haiku’s. So this day is for you! Or those of us that just like to read them. Break out your talents and start writing those Haiku’s.  Haiku, a form of Japanese poetry that is a non-rhymed verse genre that consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this unique form of poetry. Here’s my contribution!

Sharpen those pen nibs

Write your syllables down, please

Make those words dance free


And with that I will leave you today. Let’s go out and celebrate the day! See you tomorrow.





Blogging · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · strange holidays · writing

Dec 20 ~~ Go Caroling Day!

Hello people! I sincerely hope you are all enjoying this countdown of December holidays as much as I enjoy gathering the information. It has been such fun!

Some of the silly things people celebrate sometimes has me laughing out loud. And that is what I want these posts to be. A fun way to count down the month. We all know about Christmas  and some of the other ones, but why not a whole month of celebrations! So on that let’s get going to todays.



Go Caroling Day ~~Christmas caroling is believed to have originated from the church by St. Francis of Assisi in 1223. Most traditional carols are those based on religion, the songs that feature modern symbols for the holidays like snowmen, and Santa are considered Christmas songs. Caroling is especially popular during the holiday season in the country of Puerto Rico, where bands of carolers, known as “parranderos”, travel from house to house. A more popular activity in decades past, Christmas caroling is a wonderful way to share the spirit of the holiday season. Caroling may require planning, but your efforts will provide joy to the participants and listeners alike. Go caroling to make the holidays extra special.

Mudd Day ~~ Dec 20, 1833. A day to remember Dr. Samuel A. Mudd (born near Bryantown, MD, Dec 20, 1833), sentenced to life imprisonment for giving medical aid to a disguised John Wilkes Booth, fleeing assassin of Abraham Lincoln. Imprisoned four years before being pardoned by President Andrew Johnson. Died on Jan 10, 1883.  Although calling someone “mud” or “a stupid twaddling fellow” was used before Mudd’s grave error in judgment, according to The Phrase Finder, his actions gave the phrase “Your name is mud” a whole new lowly meaning.

Sangria Day ~~ Derived from the Spanish word “sangre”, which means blood, sangria is a delicious chilled beverage containing a variety of ingredients including all sorts of fruit, honey, red or white wine, brandy and/or liqueur. Sangria is a popular drink at bars, pubs, and restaurants in Portugal, Spain, and Mexico, as well as at tapas restaurants in the United States. So why not mix a batch of Sangria tonight (it is Friday after all) and enjoy a nice relaxing night. I’ll even include a recipe I found here, there is actually two recipes, one for a Christmas red and a Christmas white Sangria. Enjoy!

International Human Solidarity Day ~~ (according to the UN website)

  • A day to celebrate our unity in diversity; a day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements; a day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity; a day to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals including poverty eradication; a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.

The UN General Assembly, convinced that the promotion of the culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing is important for combating poverty, proclaimed 20 of December as International Human Solidarity Day.

Now some fun facts about December:

December is the last month in the Gregorian calendar. Its name is based on the Latin term for ten. In the Roman calendar, December was the tenth month until the addition of January and February at the beginning of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere December has the shortest daylight hours and marks the beginning of winter. December provides the longest days in the Southern Hemisphere, as it is the beginning of summer. December is a month home to many religious holidays.

On December 4, 1791, The Observer newspaper (the first Sunday newspaper) was first published in Britain.

On December 20, 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was completed

On December 1, 1953 the first Playboy Magazine was published – Marilyn Monroe was on the cover.

December 28 is considered the most unlucky day of the year. (More about this on the 28th!)

The term Yuletide (’yule monath’) comes from a Norse tradition of cutting and burning a huge tree on December 21st. It was supposed to symbolize the winter solstice, bring good luck and burn throughout the 12 day winter festival, known later as the 12 days of Christmas.

Many people believe wearing new shoes on Christmas day will bring a person bad luck

Join me tomorrow for another edition in our month-long holiday special!







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Friday Fictioneers ~~ Dec 20, 2013

What time is it folks? It’s Friday Fictioneers time! I want to thank Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for doing such a wonderful job overseeing all of us. I also want to wish everyone in Friday Fictioneers a wonderful Merry Christmas! Of course I can’t leave out my faithful readers. I want to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and I hope Santa brings you something extra special this year.

I’ve been in Friday Fictioneers about a year now, maybe a tiny bit longer and I have learned so much from these super fantastic writers. It’s been a great time and I look forward to another year with you all!

Now if anyone wants to join us, please do! Just click on Rochelle’s name up yonder and go visit her blog and see the few rules we usually follow. If you just want some great reading, again click on Rochelle’s name, then scroll down till you meet a little blue critter, click on him and take your pick of wonderful stories to read, all based from the same photo. Have fun either way!


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and an end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)


Make every word count.

Copyright- Jean L. Hays
Copyright- Jean L. Hays

Genre: Literary Fiction (100 words)

Linda looked upon the stained glass dolphin and smiled. Her mind took her back a year ago today.

He was 85, but that didn’t diminish his joy at finally realizing his dream of swimming with the dolphins. He couldn’t do it like he really wanted, just stood in the pool and petted the dolphin. But it was more than enough for him.

Smiling his big dimpled smile he gazed up at his daughter and mouthed, “Thank you!”

Two days later he died. Massive heart attack. He died a happy man. Linda smiled once more as tears flowed, she whispered, “You’re welcome Dad.”

Blogging · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · strange holidays · writing

What Day is It? ~~ National ReGifting Day! ~~ Dec 19

Hello once more people! Getting closer to Christmas! This is the last weekend to spend all your hard-earned money on gifts. Just make sure it’s something they really want or need.

And if you are having any Christmas parties, please be careful out there. But have fun! You don’t need to get drunk or high to have fun people. Believe me. Do NOT drive drunk. Let someone else drive sober or call a cab. That’s my lecture for today.

Personally I never went to ‘office parties’. I only went to one, that was given at my very first job. Oh wow, after that one I never went to another no matter what job I was at. People are mean-spirited sometimes and crazy the other. Or maybe it was the witches I worked with. Anyway, I learned my lesson. Plus I’m not a party person. I hate them and I’ve never liked big gatherings where there was booze present. Reminds me too much of family reunions. Ha-ha!

So just be careful if you party is all I’m saying. Now on with the celebrations!



National ReGifting Day ~~ Every year the Thursday before Christmas is National Re-Gifting Day. There are re-gifting rules also. I think this could be a fun thing. Have a re-gifting party! There is even a website called It seems most office parties are scheduled on the Thursday before Christmas and it is becoming quite the thing to give re-gifts at these parties. It’s the theme! According to their website, “We’d like to suggest that you bring regifting out of the supply closet and turn your gift exchange into a regifting party.  In case you are hesitant to break tradition, you can rest assured that the majority (60%) of people thinks that regifting is becoming more accepted; the top two reasons are to save some green.

  • 25% believe that regifting is becoming more accepted because it is a way to save on holiday expenses.
  • 14% believe that regifting is becoming more accepted because it is a method of recycling.

Also stated in their website are ‘rules’ for regifting. I like this one : Is this going to work?  Successful regifters use common sense.  If you are going to regift, be sure you know who gave you the item, so you don’t return something to the original giver.  Only regift items to people who are not likely to see the original giver.

So if you were feeling guilty about thinking of regifting a present go to their website and enjoy your  recycling efforts!

Look for an Evergreen Day ~~ I couldn’t find who started this holiday. My guess is someone who had a tree lot. If you haven’t bought or put up your Christmas tree yet, today is for you! Go out and get that perfect evergreen tree today. If you all ready have your tree up and decorated you could just sit with a good cup of coffee or tea or drink of your choice and admire your tree. There isn’t much time left to find that perfect tree. You wait much longer and you’ll likely have a Charlie Brown kind of tree.

(Via Wikipedia) The tree was traditionally decorated with edibles such as apples, nuts or other foods. In the 18th century, it began to be illuminated by candles, which with electrification could also be replaced by Christmas lights. Today, there are a wide variety of traditional ornaments, such as garland, tinsel, and candy canes. An angel or star may be placed at the top of the tree to represent the angel Gabriel or the Star of Bethlehem from the Nativity.

The custom of the Christmas tree developed in early modern Germany with predecessors that can be traced to the 16th and possibly the 15th century, in which “devout Christians brought decorated trees into their homes”. Christmas trees are hung in St. George’s Church, Sélestat since 1521.  It acquired popularity beyond Germany during the second half of the 19th century.  The Christmas tree has also been known as the “Yule-tree”, especially in discussions of its folkloristic origins.

Oatmeal Muffin Day ~~ Again I wasn’t able to find the source of this holiday. But it’s no reason not to celebrate it by making or eating an oatmeal muffin. Why not enjoy a muffin that is good for you? It’s a healthy treat that can help lower your cholesterol. Celebrate this food holiday by enjoying a muffin that is delicious but has many health benefits such as helping to control weight, and is full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I love muffins, so maybe  I’ll go find me a muffin recipe and make some.

Oatmeal muffins are made with the primary ingredient of oatmeal.  Additional ingredients can just about anything, however the most common are raisins, nuts, and chocolate chips depending on your preference.  The level of sweetness can also vary greatly. So go ahead and find that old family recipe for oatmeal muffins! Enjoy!

National Hard Candy Day ~~ Now who doesn’t enjoy a piece of hard candy now and then? Well today is the day to pay tribute to Hard Candy! Hard candy is of course available all year, but it’s around Christmas time that it sells the most. I can understand that given how many candy canes and lollipops are sold this time of year.

(Via Wikipedia)  A hard candy, or boiled sweet, is a candy prepared from one or more syrups boiled to a temperature of 160 °C (320 °F). After a syrup boiled to this temperature cools, it is called hard candy, since it becomes stiff and brittle as it approaches room temperature. Hard candy recipes variously call for syrups of sucrose, glucose, or fructose. Once the syrup blend reaches the target temperature, the confectioner removes it from the heat source, and may add citric acid, food dye, and some flavoring, such as a plant extract, essential oil, or flavorant. One might then pour the syrup concoction (which is now very viscous) into a mold or tray to cool. When the syrup is cool enough to handle, one can fold, roll, and mold it into the shapes desired. Hard candies and throat lozenges prepared without sugar employ isomalt as a sugar substitute, and are sweetened further by the addition of an artificial sweetener, such as aspartame, or a sugar alcohol, such as Xylitol. Among the many hard candy varieties are stick candy (such as the candy cane), the lollipop, the aniseed twist, and the bêtises de Cambrai.

So go ahead and enjoy a piece of your favorite hard candy to celebrate!


That’s it for today, but I’ll be back tomorrow with more! Enjoy your day!





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Bake Cookies Day! ~~ Dec 18

Hey people! Once more I’m coming to you from frosty, snowy Canada to bring you another day of celebrations!

Yes, I’m having snow again. At least it’s not so bone chilling cold, so I’m grateful for that. Now if we could get rid of the wind for a while, I’d be happy, happy, happy.

Only a week left before the big day! Is everyone ready? No? That’s ok, you still have this weekend to finish that shopping. Um, guys, yeah you men, I’m talking to you! hahaha! Oh oh, sorry guys, that would be me too almost every year. Sorry! This year is different though, my husband and I have agreed not to give gifts this year. We be poor folks! Well, that and we get enough during the year, so we thought we would put that money we would normally spend on each other in the house. So we bought a door to put in between the mud room and the kitchen/living room. Makes a big difference in how warm the main house stays!

So let’s get to the celebrations!



Bake Cookies Day ~~ (for my British friends, biscuits are cookies) Now what better time to bake those Christmas cookies than today? A week before Christmas and maybe you might have some left for the big day. So go whip up some cookies (my favorite is Snickerdoodles, hint hint). Make the whole house smell good and treat yourself and your family. Not a baker? No problem! They have all sorts of pre-made dough in the grocery stores. Easy, peasy! Get the kids to help decorate them, make it a fun family affair!

(Via Wikipedia) Cookies appear to have their origins in 7th century AD Persia, shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors. With global travel becoming widespread at that time, cookies made a natural travel companion, a modernized equivalent of the travel cakes used throughout history. One of the most popular early cookies, which traveled especially well and became known on every continent by similar names, was the jumble, a relatively hard cookie made largely from nuts, sweetener, and water. Cookies came to America in the early English settlement (the 17th century), although the name “koekje” arrived with the Dutch. This became Anglicized to “cookie” or cooky. Among the popular early American cookies were the macaroon, gingerbread cookies, and of course jumbles of various types. The most common modern cookie, given its style by the creaming of butter and sugar, was not common until the 18th century.

International Migrants Day ~~ (from the UN website) On 4 December 2000, the UN General Assembly, taking into account the large and increasing number of migrants in the world, proclaimed 18 December as International Migrants Day. On 18 December 1990, the General Assembly had adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

Many organizations and communities celebrate the day through various activities to alert the general public on the facts about migrants, problems with human trafficking, the lives of migrant workers’ children, the plight of refugees and ways in combating racism. Websites, such as, give people the opportunity to have a virtual experience of what it is like to come from a migrant background. Lobby groups may also use this day as an opportunity to pressure local public officials to look at issues concerning legalization, immigrant enforcement and migrants’ human rights. Special films and documentaries about migrants are also screened or broadcast on this day.

National Roast Suckling Pig Day ~~ Thought to be a delicacy, roast suckling pig dates back to ancient Rome and China.  Young pig meat is said to be extremely tender and sweet compared to older pigs. It’s typically roasted, whole, with the head on.  It is difficult to imagine that anyone would actually have the time to roast a pig. It typically takes two days to fully prepare the pig and then roast it. Nevertheless, roast suckling pigs are an iconic holiday dish, often depicted as the centerpiece of a massive feast. Personally I have never had suckling pig. Suckling pigs are young piglets that are not weaned from their mother yet.   Today, pig roasts are a popular tradition in cultures all around the world.

Have you ever had roast suckling pig? Ever made it? Let me know!

International Answer the Phone like Buddy the Elf Day ~~ Now you know I have to add the odd ones in too. So here it is! Who is Buddy the Elf? Buddy is an over-zealous character played by Will Ferrell in the 2003 Christmas comedy film called Elf; Buddy is a human raised by Santa’s elves. The movie takes a humorous journey with Buddy on his quest to find his birth father. Hm, I have to admit I have never seen the movie. If you have then you know how Buddy the Elf would answer the phone. For those of us who don’t know I guess we need to rent the movie, huh? I did however find a few quotes that might help you answer your phone like Buddy.

Buddy the Elf! What’s your favorite color?

The best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear… it’s just like talking, except longer and louder, and you move your voice up and down.

Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day ~~ Yeah, right. Okay, I wasn’t able to find the source of this um, holiday. Maybe it was started by a bunch of partying plumbers? I have no idea! Just remember, if you plan on playing along, use a new plunger and not that one out of your bathroom. Yikes!

Flake Appreciation Day ~~ No I don’t mean that flaky person in your office. Ha-ha! I’m talking about the white stuff. No! Not dandruff either, geesh. Snow, people! Snow flakes! Today is the day we are supposed to appreciate those beautiful and all different snow flakes. The kind that is falling outside my window right now. Big, fluffy stuff. They are actually quite amazing. If you live somewhere like I do with lots of snow, try catching the flakes on your tongue, have a snowball fight, build a snowman or snow fort. If you live somewhere without snow make paper snowflakes, or go to this website I found and make virtual cut out snowflakes. Go here and have fun!







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Let’s Fly! ~ Wright Brothers Day ~~ Dec 17

Good day people! Hope this day finds you full of love and light.

I also realize the holidays can be a trigger for depression. It used to be for me also, for many years. If anyone out there needs a safe place to talk or just to vent, email me, I’m always available. (jlroeder at mail dot com). I’ve been there so I do understand. I’m a good reader/listener.

Also, I will be online on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day, so if you get lonely or sad or just want someone to talk to, get hold of me, I’ll be around. No reason for anyone to feel left out, if I can help I will.

Now let’s get going on those celebrations for today.



Wright Brothers Day ~~ Wright Brothers Day commemorates the date (in 1903) that the Wright Brothers first successful flight occurred near Kitty Hawk, NC. Orville and Wilbur Wright were self-taught and self-financed. True American entrepreneurs. North Carolina license plates say “First in Flight” to commemorate their accomplishment. I love to fly in planes, so thank you Wright brothers!

National Maple Syrup Day ~~ The national maple syrup day gives us an opportunity to enjoy this delicious American/Canadian treat throughout the day. Do you know maple syrup is only made in North America? True it seems. And did you know Native Americans were the first ones to make maple syrup? True again!  It is actually not easy to make. The timing is everything as the sap only “runs” for a 2 to 3 week period and once the maple tree buds the sap isn’t good anymore. It also takes a lot of sap to make maple syrup so enjoy every sweet sticky bite.

My grandfather used to make his own maple syrup. He lived in upper Wisconsin and had his own maple trees. I remember me and my siblings helping him ‘tap’ the trees. I also remember he used the old metal sap buckets to catch the sap. Then he would heat the sap and add sugar and make the syrup. There is nothing like ‘real’ maple syrup on a stack of homemade pancakes.

So go ahead and incorporate some real maple syrup into one of your meals today! Then invite me over. ahaha!

Underdog Day ~~ Today is the day to cheer for the underdog! An underdog is a person or group who is expected to lose. However, sometimes they pull off the unexpected.

The original meaning of the word “underdog” originated from sawsmen who built ships. Planks of wood called “dogs” were placed over the top of a pit, and two men would have to supervise the placing of these planks. One man would stand on top of the planks, and one man would stand underneath the planks in the dark pit, where he would be covered in sawdust. This poor man was known as the underdog.

So today lets salute all of the underdogs and unsung heroes—the Number Two people who contribute so much to the Number One people we read about. (Sherlock Holmes’s Dr. Watson and Robinson Crusoe’s Friday are examples.) This holiday was founded in 1976 by the late Peter Moeller, THE Chief Underdog.

Now how about something a little different. Some facts about December itself:

December 17th was known for centuries, as the beginning of the Roman/Pagan Saturnalia Festival, held in honor of the God of Agriculture.

The Mason-Dixon Line was established in December of 1782.

The Charles Dickens classic story ‘A Christmas Carol’ was 1st published in December 6, 1843.

Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday, and the tradition began in 1836.

Electric Christmas lights were first used in 1854.

The first department store to feature a visit with Santa was the J. W. Parkinson’s store in Philadelphia in 1841.

The most popular Christmas song of all time is Bing Crosby’s version of “White Christmas.” And “Silent Night”-arguably the most recognizable Christmas hymn-was written in 1818, by an Austrian pastor, Joseph Mohr. As Christmas Eve came, that year, the organ in his church was broken, so together with his friend, Franz Gruber, he wrote this new tune for the service that night, and played it on his guitar for his congregation.

There is an ancient legend that all animals of the forest can speak in human language on Christmas Eve.

According to an almanac prediction snow on Christmas means Easter will be warm and green.

The term Yuletide comes from a Norse tradition of cutting and burning a huge tree on December 21st.

People always mistake Santa’s reindeer ‘Donder’ and call him ‘Donner’.  Editor Edmund Clarence Stedman reprinted Moore’s version of the poem, and included the German spelling of Donder and Blitzen rather than the Dutch version of Dunder and Blixem. Both translate into English as Thunder and Lightning. The German word for thunder is Donner.  Technically, they’re both correct, although Dunder is evidently the true original spelling.








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A Chocolate Holiday ~~ Dec 16

Hello once again people! I bet you all are thinking, Wow, Jackie has posted every day so far this month!  I know, I know! Wonders never cease.

I’m enjoying finding all these reasons to celebrate this month. I love research so it’s no hardship for me. I do hope you are enjoying yourselves also.

Today for some reason I’m starting to get the Christmas spirit. I have no idea why as nothing has changed. I haven’t even watched any Christmas specials. No Christmas music, nothing. But the sun is shining bright and it makes me feel good and cheerful. I’m going to just enjoy the feeling while it lasts and spread some joy.

So let’s go and celebrate!



Chocolate Covered Anything Day ~~ Wow, my kind of day. If I could eat chocolate that is. Being a diabetic at this time of the year sucks big time. I will have to admit I do cheat a bit, but I make sure my blood sugars stay down in other ways. I mean, how can I not cheat just a bit with all these goodies floating around?? Ack, enough about me. Today is the day for us all to eat us some chocolatey goodness. Any way you can!

Barney and Barbie Backlash Day ~~ Now even I found this to be a bit much. But I’m adding it because, well in a way it’s funny. According to the creators of this ‘holiday’ ( This is the day you (if you’re a parent of little ones) as a parent are supposed to tell your kids that Barney and Barbie are not real. Do you need a special day to do this?? Just wondering. I mean let them be kids as long as possible is my thinking. Yeah, I think Barney is a big purple annoying blob, but I don’t have kids. And yes, Barbie is a not something a little girl should aspire to. But kids will eventually outgrow them and really how relevent is Barney nowadays?

Boston Tea Party ~~ This isn’t really a holiday, but I was running short and thought, what the hell, I’ll add it. Hey, I’m writing this post, I can do that. haha! (Via Wikipedia) The Boston Tea Party (initially referred to by John Adams as “the Destruction of the Tea in Boston”) was a nonviolent political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, on December 16, 1773. Disguised as American Indians, the demonstrators destroyed the entire supply of tea sent by the East India Company in defiance of the American boycott of tea carrying a tax the Americans had not authorized. They boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into Boston Harbor, ruining the tea. The British government responded harshly and the episode escalated into the American Revolution. The Tea Party became an iconic event of American history, and other political protests often refer to it.

Los Posadas ~~ This is a wonderful Mexican celebration that starts today. las posadas literally translates in English as “the inns” or “the lodgings” and symbolizes the Biblical journey of Mary and Joseph as they searched for shelter in Bethlehem before the birth of Jesus.  (Via Wikipedia) The procedure has been a tradition in Mexico for 400 years.

The head of the procession will have a candle inside a paper lampshade. At each house, the resident responds by singing a song and Mary and Joseph are finally recognized and allowed to enter. Once the “innkeepers” let them in, the group of guests come into the home and kneel around the Nativity scene to pray (typically, the Rosary). Latin American countries have continued to celebrate this holiday to this day, with very few changes to the tradition. In some places, the final location may be a church instead of a home.

Individuals may actually play the various parts of Mary (María) and Joseph with the expectant mother riding a real donkey (burro), with attendants such as angels and shepherds acquired along the way, or the pilgrims may carry images of the holy personages instead. Children may carry poinsettias. The procession will be followed by musicians, with the entire procession singing posadas such as pedir posada.  At the end of each night’s journey, there will be Christmas carols (villancicos), children will break open star-shaped piñatas to obtain candy and fruit hidden inside, and there will be a feast.  Piñatas are traditionally made out of clay. It is expected to meet all the invitees in a previous procession.

Doesn’t that sound like a fun thing to do and watch?

That’s about all I could find for today people. See you tomorrow! Celebrate!

Yeah! What he said!
Yeah! What he said!





Blogging · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · strange holidays · writing

Another Day to Celebrate! ~~ Dec 15

Hello people! Well I didn’t get blown away by the winds yesterday, but I bet there are a lot of peoples roofs without some shingles. The wind went on until late last night, today is not quite so bad and we are well above freezing. I get so thankful for the little things in the winter.

Today is another day to celebrate. Only 10 more days till Christmas too! I got my very first Christmas card yesterday with a handmade ornament inside. It’s special for a couple of reasons. One, it was made by a two-year old girl and it’s my first new ornament in our new home. Well, it’s our first ornament period as we lost all our Christmas stuff when we moved and I had nothing. Now I have something. Feels good. Thank you Jazzy!

Now on with todays reasons for celebration!


Bill of Rights Day ~~  On March 4, 1789, the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified by the (former)13 colonies, and went into effect. States and individuals were concerned that the Constitution did not properly cover and protect a number of rights of individuals. The Constitution was signed by the original 13 states with the requirement, or understanding, that a Bill of Rights would be created, amending the new U.S. Constitution. On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States proposed to the state legislatures 12 amendments to the Constitution. 10 of these amendments were added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791. So be thankful and celebrate the wisdom of people way back when  and spend a few minutes reflecting upon the freedoms that you enjoy. These freedoms do not exist in many countries of the world. Celebrate!

National Lemon Cupcake Day ~~ A day set aside for eating and presenting lemon cupcakes to each other. Now I love anything made with lemons and this would be especially tasty I’m thinking. And while they may not be standard Christmas fare, lemon cupcakes will be a hit item at your annual gathering. While I wasn’t able to find the origin of this holiday I thought it was a fun one. After all the holiday sugary treats, maybe a little sour on your taste buds wouldn’t hurt. Cleanse the palate so to speak. So go ahead and bake up a bunch of lemon cupcakes and share! Celebrate!

Cat Herders Day ~~ Yes, you read it right. Now me, I’m not sure I’d want to try to herd a bunch of cats. I have two and there is no way I’m going to herd those two much less any more. Cats have minds of their own and they might decide to stampede! Ha-ha! According to the originators of this particular holiday (  If you can say that your job, or even your life, is like trying to herd cats, then this day is for you, with our sympathy. And have you seen the Superbowl Cat herding commercial? Try this link, it’s cute! So if you’re having a bad day, or a bad week, this one is for you! Celebrate!

cat herding



Todays list is short but has a bit of everything, serious, silly, and yummy. If you could have a holiday what would you call it? And when would it be?

Until tomorrow then, have a wonderful day and celebrate!




Blogging · Humor · nonfiction · postaday · strange holidays · writing

The Day of the Horse ~~ Celebrate! ~~ Dec 14

Happy weekend people! How is your weekend been so far?

Mine started out crappy. Can I hear an ‘awwww’? No really it started out strange. I was woken up this morning to what sounded like a train whistle in my bedroom. It was barely light out for crying out loud!

Every time I would start to nod off again the train whistle sound did it again. It was loud! So I finally thought I might as well get up and see what the hell it was. Found out quick enough when I went to let Sam out to do his morning business. I had a hard time opening the front storm door!

The wind was so fierce and in just the right direction that it pushed against the door. And that whistling sound? Well it was the wind whipping between mine and the neighbor’s place! I kid you not! It acted like a damn wind tunnel. It was bizarre and kind of cool at the same time. And standing in the doorway, wow, was that loud! The wind had to have been at least 70 – 80 mph gusts through the yard. It was wicked! By the time I thought about the possibility of capturing the sound with my camera the wind died just enough that it didn’t make that sound anymore. Course it was a few hours after I got up. I’m kind of slow. But I swear if or when it happens again I’m recording it!

Now let’s get going on those celebrations for today!



The Day of the Horse ~~The horse is a living link to the heritage and history of our nation and represents a common bond among all peoples who led the way in building our country. Today, the horse industry contributes more than $112 billion annually to the American economy. Therefore, the US Senate (in 2004)  has declared the second Saturday of December to be the Day of the Horse in honor of these magnificent creatures. I’ve always loved horses and vowed to one day own one of my own. Unfortunately I never could afford one, but I still love them. Celebrate by donating to a wild horse charity, visit a horse show, or just admire them. Celebrate!

International Shareware Day ~~ This day is celebrated every second Saturday in December. A day to take time to reward the efforts of thousands of computer programmers who trust that if we try their programs and like them, we will pay for them. Unfortunately, very few payments are received, thus stifling the programmers’ efforts. This observance is meant to prompt each of us to inventory our PCs and Macs, see if we are using any shareware and then take the time in the holiday spirit to write payment checks to the authors. Hopefully this will keep the shareware coming. Celebrate!

Monkey Day ~~ Yes today is the day we celebrate the monkey. (Via Wikipedia) The holiday was started in 2000 when artist Casey Sorrow, then an art student at Michigan State University, jokingly scribbled Monkey Day on a friend’s calendar, and then first celebrated the holiday with other MSU art students.  It gained notoriety when Sorrow and fellow MSU art student Eric Millikin began including Monkey Day in their artwork and Fetus-X comic strips, and began promoting it online along with other artists.  Since then, Monkey Day has been celebrated internationally, across countries like the U.S., Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Monkey Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated internationally on December 14. While the holiday is mainly about the monkeys, it also celebrates other non-human primates such as apes, tarsiers, and lemurs. Sorrow also maintains a comprehensive “Monkeys in the News” blog with stories on topics like monkey attacks, monkey smuggling, and monkey science.  Every Monkey Day, Sorrow’s “Monkeys in the News” blog counts down the previous year’s “top 10 Monkey and Primate News highlights”.

Go visit a zoo and say hi to the Monkeys! Celebrate!

National Bouillabaisse Day ~~ Today celebrates this Mediterranean dish which is a kind of seafood stew/soup. It originated in Marseilles, France the French and Mediterranean people have been eating it since 600 B.C. The fishermen would make it when they pulled into port. Ideally it should be made with a few different kinds of white fillets like cod, flounder, sea bass or snapper and includes various herbs and vegetables like garlic, fennel, saffron, bay leaf, orange peel, leeks, onions, potatoes, or celery. Since this holiday falls in the middle of December it’s a perfect time to warm your body inside and out with a bowl of Bouillabaisse. To celebrate today, try your hand at making your own bouillabaisse stew for your family to enjoy! Celebrate!

That’s all for today folks. I’ll be back tomorrow with more! Celebrate!

